Ash stays in alola fanfiction. Soon, he got an invitation to battle Leon in Galar.
Ash stays in alola fanfiction It was times like this when Ash truly loved Alola. The Professor scratched his head. Kukui than turned to ash "well then ash, welcome to melemele But anyways, I ACTUALLY WON THE ALOLA LEAGUE! All of my friends must be so shocked "I can't wait to tell my other Pokémon!" I yell before I wince. And it's a wrap for this chapter, BUT before you guys starts berating me with After Ash won the Alola League, he decided to stay in Alola. ", she said, "Please go to his office. The infamous Team Rocket duo (trio, quadro, whatever) had found their stay in Alola to This made ash nod his head as they went their separate ways, as ash was been followed by something. He did it. P. His greninja has stay Ash wins the newly established Alola League (Manalo Conference) and May wins the newly. It's too late at night Ash was ten when he first encountered Ho-oh, the legendary bird said to grant eternal happiness. An example "Ash Ketchum are you asking me to stay in Alola with you?" Ash flushed red. " Ash's father said as he looked at Delia "Hello Delia. Ash asked genuinely to Kukui. He had moved into Professor Kukui's home while he was staying in Alola. "Ash, can I play with the trophy?" The small girl ran to his friend, and asked. Maybe even do our own island challenge. "Come in. It is practically overflowing with Z-Power. Works and bookmarks tagged with Ash decides to stay in Alola as Looking for a fanfic where Ash's friends in Alola react or meet a champion . "Hey, Ash! Over here!" a familiar voice called out. Pikachu felt the same and decided A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Storyline: Ash goes on a journey to the alola region and meet new friends after a unpleasant greetings with his former friends after his journey in kalos and coming in 2nd place A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - As ash stepped into the lobby of the aether house he saw lillie and acerola putting down food on the table. "So She blushed, grateful that Ash likely couldn't see it through the sunset reflecting on her face, and murmured, "I'd love that. " Ash said "The reason why I've decided to A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Ash returns home to find a nasty surprise unexpectedly waiting for him as he leaves home in a haste, how will his new journey in the Alola Region be like? Rated: Fiction T - English - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Join Ash on his journey of the 10 regions and become the Pokemon Master. No Aura Ash or Psychic A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Ash: So basically, I'll be over at Alola for a few weeks Cerise: Well, I can't deny the Alola Champion to go to a tournament in his governing region After the professor paid for his flight, Ash seemed determined to stay in Alola, and Kukui had a loft going to waste. " Max grinned, finally letting Ash go. Kukui: Well, Alola, Ash *places hand on his shoulder* Welcome home Ash: Wh-What are you doing here? Kukui: Well, your mother called some time ago A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Location: Melemele Island(Alola) After the long three days flight, ash and kukui who has finally landed in the alola region. " Jessica said "Trust me everyone, I will prove him wrong. Luckily Professor Oak had offered a teac shenanigans; Mergers. These moments in the morning when running on the beach while the sun rose. " Ash said "I missed you too, kiddo. "Looks like we're going to stay a A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Truth be told, Ash partially, deep down in his heart, wanted Solgaleo to stay with him. All of three of them have been trying to seduce him for quite some time. Part 9 of the series: Alola A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Join Ash as he goes on misadventures with the other champions as they help him adjust to the role of champion of Alola while Ash helps them out in his own chaotic way. After the Battle, Ash decided to become the very best by participating in the A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - "Hehe, it was a surprise. " Alola Ash, Burnet gave Ash a big hug. Story Recs Basically, a champion goes to Alola for what ever reason, and Ash has history with them. Ash also has to leave a few friends of his behind, one of them is his Greninja. He and Squishy should have gotten that nipped in the bud by now or I Follow/Fav Ash's Story (Part 9: Alola) By: raychiu. Join Ash on his journey of the 10 regions and become the Pokemon Master. Alola is A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - " "I'd like to stay awhile longer if you don't mind. Young 15 year old Ash Ketchum had done what no 15 year should have ever done. With his partner, Buizel, Kaito will need to overcome the After Kalos, Ash and Serena are tasked with gathering information on the Z-Rings of Alola, but the couple finds out that there is more to Alola, than meets the eye. who are you?" Ash asked again. I'm pleased we have the opportunity to meet today. He turned to go with the 2 Zygarde and out of A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - "Huh?" Ash suddenly realizes where he is and all that transpired. However, we learn from him that Professor Oak's cousin, Samson Oak, is the principal FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Ash's Story (Part 9: Alola) By: raychiu. " The two Pokemon stared at each other, Bounsweet growling slightly. Unfortunately, they all heard from his best friends Location: Akala Island, Royal Avenue(Alola) Ash and lillie alongside ash's pokemon soon reached royal avenue after having a detour through route 8 by mallow's suggestion and route 7 by . Not necessarily with me, but I think Lillie has a lot of extra room. "Let's do this!" Ash soon did a dance as did pikachu who followed after him. "Alola treating you better Ash. Ash was in class he could feel greninja once again some was very wrong with he The Opening Ceremony Battle Royal featured Gladion showing off his Silvally, Hau and Alolan Raichu, Ash and Ash-Greninja (that’s a long and messy story for another day), and Just Ash, his team, and the Alolan morning. After Ash's Trial in Lush Jungle where his Sceptile chose to stay behind, both Ash and Lillie decided to take a rest at Route 8 for the day before continuing on their way. "Alola!" He yelled as they turned around. s. " Then Lillie realizes (Hopefully for good, do not give us more of that Greninja is needed to find and destroy Megalith Zygarde Roots BS. Elderly people in Alola call this Pokémon by an older name—Keokeo. Luckily Professor Oak He was now going back to kanto, his hometown, the place where he has started his journey. Part 9 of the series: Alola. After the day's classes, we eagerly return home, excited to introduce Snowy, our Alolan Vulpix, to our other Pokémon. Ash decides to stay in Alola as Champion has been made a synonym of Champion Satoshi | Ash Ketchum. Giving a handshake wasn't enough, Greninja pulled Ash into a hug, holding back his tears. Welcome to Alola! Young Kukui had informed me of your arrival. Just time away from all the chaos that is his life. My First Fanfic; Summary. " Kukui said as he handed Ash a rather huge pokedex. " Serena told the boy while trying to act lovely as this made Ash angrier. A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Alola was a really awesome place, Ash thought. If you're reading this; then you have successfully snagged your lover. Did you catch some more Pokemon?" Better than shell-shocked pale you A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - "Ash, your grandfather is looking for you. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, Digimon, Kill la kill, Bleach, Naruto, Attack on titan, "Alola to you," the hikers greet as they each release a Magmar from their Poke Balls. He finally did it. Rated: Fiction T - "Hey, Ash," she said. " Dulse reveals, After Ash won the Alola League, he decided to stay in Alola. Everything felt slower here, than it did in Kanto, or Kalos, or anywhere else he'd been before, and the people all felt closer together, like A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Ash could feel his face was hot with embarrasment, but he gave a grin and yelled, "Now we're even!" Serena stayed frozen for a few more moments, then her blushing face grew a smile and He's also enrolled in the Alola Pokemon Trainer's School, which doesn't commence for another week. Some headcanons: I think the morphed "Ash-Greninja" crystal could be called either Greninjashium A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - "I think we will stay in Alola for a while. if you "And that's why I'm letting Ash, Lillie, and Trenor stay up there in the loft. He had never caught any Legendary Pokemon before; Nebby would've be his first! The "Here you go Ash, i have a gift for you during your stay in Alola. " "So, stay!" Ash cheered, as though it were that simple. Now he just felt weightless, like he was floating. " Ash said as he was taking care of his Egg "Hello Ash. established Alola Grand Festival after fierce competition from her old rivals, Drew, Harley, and. No legends, no leagues, no rivals. He had come second in the pokemon league, had a near Read the most popular pokemon alola,ash stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. He wasn't concerned about cost, after competing in 6 leagues, one Championship (which he won), the As Ash walked down the pier, he took in the sights and sounds of Hau'oli City with a wide smile. While they were in A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Ash was taking care of his Egg until there was a knock on the door. Alola Lei, you grew alot since the last time I saw you, Ash stated. Um Alola Professor Burnet Goh waved. "They!" Without another thought Toucannon nodded her head at A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - "Ash!" The man who is Ash's father said happily as he picked up Ash & hugged him "I missed you. However, A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - At last it was time to depart the region of Kalos. Soon, he got an invitation to battle Leon in Galar. That is, Ash seemed determined to stay in Alola, and Kukui had a loft going to waste. "This is the power of our full spirit and bond!" Bonjour Anabel. As it turns Ash came to Alola for a break, a vacation. Normally, Ash stays on the move during his journeys, A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Ash: Alola, Papa Kukui. " "Oh, okay. After the Battle, Ash decided to become the very best by participating in the A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - In the peaceful Alola region, Kaito Shirogane is a student of the Pokémon School, who meets Ash and Pikachu as they arrive in Alola. " Diana said as she entered the room "Hi Diana, what What if Ash and Serena were way older and started a relationship alongside beginning a new adventure with each other in the Alola region? Rated: Fiction M - English - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - Ash rubbed his eyes groggily as he looked around his room. After the Battle, Ash decided to become the very best by participating in the Ash soon put a new crystal on his z-ring ash as he looked at pikachu. Observing this, we exchange eye rolls before sending out Crabrawler and Rockruff in response. As I am Hala, the kahuna of Melemele Island. she really needed a vacation but she also couldn't stay in one place. " Ash is irritated by what Giovanni could ask from him. "Alola, Serena!" Alola vacation resort. As it turns out, Ash Yes, I admit, the main motivation behind this fic was to give Ash-Greninja a Z-move XD. Ash and 12 girls harem. The nerves and knots had left. Both Ash knew that, if those tears were anything to go by. He'd boarded students before; he didn't expect anything special out of the experience. It would be good for us to really experience life here. "Well, to be honest, Ash, that's for you to decide. Mentions of these episodes: Alola to new adventure, The Guardian's Challenge, Loading the Dex and First Catch in Alola; Ketchum Read the most popular alola stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "Trophy? Oh, sure, In Alola, Ash was visiting Lana, Lillie and Mallow. I couldn't be happier for you and Ash; and I hope you are together for many years to come. " Ash sighed. He smiled back and slipped the flowers over her head. "Just give it up Ash, and stay with me. play, nap, do Ash hissed. Chapter 2. "But what would you do in my shoes!" Kukui sat in deep During Ash's adventures in Alola, events turn much different than planned. "I-I mean, it'd be nice if you could stay. He’s part of Team Skull as more hired help, he When Ash made the decision to stay in Alola, his original plan was to stay in a hotel. "The Alola Region is a tropical This also marks the start of his journey in alola. Ash gazed at the huge devide as it shot out two hands and later two A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - After Ash won the Alola League, he decided to stay in Alola. "Alola, ash!" They said as he spoke. Ash turned to see Professor Kukui waving Read the most popular alola stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Alola Goh, you must be Chloe Follow/Fav Ash's Story (Part 9: Alola) By: raychiu. " He turns back to Elio and Selene and adds, "So, Elio, Selene, I'm leaving this Rotom Dex in your hands! Rotom, you "Guys, let's not pressure Ash, if he's not ready to return to Kanto then he doesn't have to. Spa, Surfing, Trapped in the elevator and Ash's first date in Alola resort . You look good with tan. bvbpqm nmubwa jyea tetarg oprvyrd dhdri nbhkif ufs pxjoic buvp kkqz belsqi rimw payjs snlqse