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Bdo hystria ap one of the changes they made, was that a mob is only affected by type instead of node, as some mobs had multiple nodes depending on your location. You can use any 3 Deboreka Accessories for the set bonus (eg. 2 & 3 Adventure Journal Guide: ht Bert is located inside the Hystria Ruins (underground). optimal ap and dp that you need to make sure you are good This BDO AP Brackets Guide takes a look at the bonus AP buffs obtained for different levels of AP. twitch. its reflected in there. Add together your AP + Extra AP Against Monsters In addition, you want to aim for around 850 or higher accuracy, so you can use JIN Magic Crystal – Viper x1 or Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x1 to help you reach this instead of the Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x1 we list in the “Core” build . Sorc is very good too, but mystic is probably a bit better now. Bandits will put a bounty out for and raise alert levels against adventurers defeating monsters. And I didn't say "insane advantage over kutum", but "insane bracket bonuses", which is ~20 ap every 4 sheet ap. Haven't tested high Eva or dp on her yet but I think ap is more fun anyway Edit: pesky autocorrect! I need to understand how to understand what is my true total AP. You can recover the durability by recharging the Lantern through the “Dehkia’s Lantern Charging” UI by going to the ESC Menu > Adventure > I mentioned whole 261-273 radius, not just 261 ap. optimal ap and dp that you need to make sure you are good No class can do hystria or aakman effectively with low AP. com/1581764039797c11e2a07655d655e455. Check item prices & stock. Discover the required and hardcap/softcap AP for each grindspot and boost your 2. Lets use a table to sort Grinding Spots by Traits, Level, AP, DP, Silver per hour, Skill, and Explore optimal AP for grinding in Black Desert Online with our detailed table on monster zone AP caps. Not really a debate to be had there my guy. Sulfur is okay too, but you get 3 kinds of "junk" trash and that makes it a bit of a pain After just focus all on ap. However, certain parts are still available in Hystria, and Mystic for hystria. I saw comments within BDO where people dislike Woosa saying she is sluggish/slow. - How to obtain: Exchange Golden Seals in Manage Currency. Will be grinding various mid to endgame spots for myself to answer the questio Location 3: 235+ AP, 301+ DP Hystria Remains. musa). guardian, sage), but other classes may be more suitable for low end grind spots due to factors like lack of sustained healing and/or damage (e. It is also recommended to have at least 920 Accuracy. Alchemy; Cooking; Boss Timer; World Map; Skill calculator v. lowest ive ever done was 209 kutum and i pulled 3k trash with it but that was pretty much just for science to see if it could be done. It’s a highly sought after combo by many players Yeah there's just a lot of baggage with Centaurs. gyazo. BDO Nexus / Guardian 235 AP in Aakman/Hystria; 16. Added in Patch. The gear disparity is insane. the ap i actually started doing aakman on was 228 tet kutum Imo you’ll make way more profit at Aakman, pump ur AP up to 255 and try out Hystria comparing the gains. If you wanna farm debo, they did improve drop rate in oluns and ash and crypt. Login. Total Silver Earned Btw Hystria and aakman get an update on thrash which will make you earn like 1bil/h in Hystria. So it applies to all types of Mobs as well as Just type "bdo ranger hystria" into your YouTube search bar. It used to be the top grinding spot in the game where you can get a ton of great drops. AP and DP bonuses have been part of Character AP Caps. Hystria is a good area to grind if you’re looking for anything in the middle of the pack. Its more about pulls then ap, as ap only servs you if ur pull is good, having a bad pull but high ap leaves alot of time where you are Dehkia’s Lantern can be used in a select number of high AP monster zones. I never want to see a centaur again. Pearl Items. No annoying CC, surprisingly chill even when I barely meet the reqs unlike Fogans from my experience, small rotation with lots of tightly packed mobs, consistent $$$, and not only is it close to a town, it's close to my "hometown", Heidel. BDO TW announcement about pearl items/crons changes. I have a crap ton of hours in Hystria and have optimized alot of my grind. Need around softcap AP to consider it. For now i need the ap but thank you for the tip it saves me some time and money Reply reply More replies. optimal ap and dp that you need to make sure you are good enough to control the mobs spawn time for 2 room is 261 ap kutum with 315dp (16% dr bracket). The durability can be recovered using an item called ‘Dehkia’s Light’ which recovers 1 durability when it is consumed. Watch a video to learn the Explore optimal AP for grinding in Black Desert Online with our detailed table on monster zone AP caps. Locked post. 2020 Guardian 235 AP in Aakman/Hystria BDO Best Grinding Spots For Money, SP and EXP 2022. Don’t worry too much about your DP, 307 is fine for both if you time the i-frames Hystria Ruins Entrance Questline. Currently I have 246 AP and in my screen it is showing 246 (+40 Bonus AP) aakman/hystria, manshaums, mirumok and gyfin. Hystria has good agris efficiency, good silver, drops A LOT of summon scrolls and compass piece Magnus is an amazing piece of QoL and the literal free boss armor is an incredible reward for a game like BDO. kr/FEK8xTwitch https://www. They just asded it so you feel less bad to have nothing while farming treasures items it is mainly for compass and map. pngTwitch: Filter by AP, DP, silver earnings, specific items, combat EXP, or skill EXP to optimize your leveling and loot experience. Full PVE build inc gr I have 17 more ap than you and you clear faster. *Correction: 17400x15000 is 261m not 270 (thought it's 15. average trash can get 23 k or more trash loot w/ yellow loot Equipping 3 Deboreka Accessories also gives you a 3-set bonus of “All AP +12”. com/ba6704d4a279ffa14630b2e8a5da7a38. 2; Database. com/@wakayashidehtt **INFO**Loot values of 8 hours: 3667-3792The pulls are looking pretty shitty, but with this kind of pulling i do way more trash per h. Deathblow Artifact Combination is considered best in slot for PVE because of its high Monster AP and Crit Rate. Probably musa for aakman with higher AP. 01. Find a portal that appears and disappears in the desert to enter Hystria Ruins and find Bert. Question I am looking for knowledge about gathering profit, how mucch mastery do i need so it is worth to gather rather than grind hystria, thank you :) Guru gatherers of BDO, how long did you play daily to get there and with what buffs? comments. 885 - 1000 I can grind Hystria on Arisha make 400-600M an hour pretty regularly. If you are not 290+ you stand zero chance against someone 298+. Very good silver spot with agris, highly recommend anyone to try. O’dyllita: Thornwood Forest → 310 AP / 400 DP; Tunkuta Turos: 2P → 310 AP / 400 DP; Olun’s Valley: 3P → 310 AP / 400 DP; Kamasylvia/Calpheon: Ash Forest → 310 AP / 400 DP; Cyclops Land (Longleaf Tree Centry Post) → 310 AP / 400 DP Agris was used. All possible locations are available here: Ancient Teleporter. 187 attempts in 4 years, farewell bdo Practically speaking, with Kutum, you should have 300+ DP anyway with a standard softcap armor build. 4k trash and 269/266 kutum rangers make 3. So it applies to all types of Mobs as well as Tavu, the storage keeper in Sand Grain Bazaar Storage, said the desert&#39;s breath is a quicksand that leads to a secret place filled with ancient artifacts. The circled "Kalqueesh" and "Cuck" are usually both one rotation, known as "Kalqueesh" or "Black Shard". [Dehkia] Hystria Ruins 0 hrs. Yellow scroll wasn't used. g. Elten piece doesn't exist, don't do river rotatio Map: https://i. If you want to go full The AP scaling completely destroyed the balance on these AP brackets which are one of the most important brackets in the BDO. ※ The time you talk to the NPC to finish the 2. But yeaj for earrings you are kinda fucked if you wanna solo. Depending on your class you may find this grind spot easier or harder. It was once the best grinding location in the game, with a ton of excellent drops. moli_hua # TW. - Usage: Heat with Ancient Magic Crystal - Hystria to obtain a Black Magic Crystal - Hystria. It is important to Remember that Moster AP/ Damage against Monsters Applies to all Non-Player Creatures in this game. Fact is that trees is ridiculously easier to access, find a group, grind, and be efficient at than hystria at 240 ap. Yeah works for 90% but there are some people that are just too fast for the normal main rota with their ~280 kutum AP. AP Cap for Gear: There is also a AP Cap 277/361k Orc's Camp. Posted July 19, 2020 March 31, 2022 alext96. Keep in mind very little of the player base is 270AP let alone 290. Imperial Delivery. 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; 06-02-2025; 23-01-2025; 16-01-2025; 09 Just trying to unlock these last couple of nodes. tv/heyeminMore info in my discord: https://discord. I believe you will need the help Ello check out my steam at https://www. AP: BDO Dehkia Hystria Spot Guide | Tipps & Tricks | Loot Report Tracker - WakayashiSocials:https://www. 261+ with nouver is best, but 240+ with Kutum is fine. biggest plot-twist in the bdo world Exterminate Hystria Ancient Weapons and report to Atui Balacs. [BDO]Succession Nova - Dehkia Hystria (314 AP, 21k Trash) Succ or Suck? Part 1. Items. 8k without scroll And witch is one of the worst hystria grinders. I love bdo. That 500m total m From the perspective of an adventurer with top-level equipment, there is a burden of reduced growth for the time being when entering Aakman Temple and Hystria Ruins for treasure items. The softcap and presoftcap AP brackets are the most important ones, they require much more grind per 1 point of AP since the only way you could climb your AP at this point is by buying or enchanting accessories which are Introduction Lafi Bedmountain’s Upgraded Compass is a very rare treasure to collect. Hystria is absolutely your best bet, unless you really want the Archaeologist's Map. And you will see that 272 nouver rangers pull 2. com/playlist?list=PLBkIzOwO4iRzQ6itmUsv-_jEIiU_d9hUwHerald's Journal Vol. However, nowadays, this is no longer that such great of On one my earlier visits to hystria, I went testing out AP. #Archer #BDO #HystriaAP 257 kutum Archer trash 3000+/hourused item loot scrollYoutube http://bitly. DP Brackets are like AP Brackets, but give Damage Reduction bonuses instead. Through merely switch some gear, the game gave me a Tungrad drop. Some characters can farm aakman easily with that amount of AP (e. How amazing! Do you want to see who can find it first? I heard that Hystria Ruins and Aakman Templa are only accessible through some ancient ruins passage somewhere in the desert. Is Hystria Ruins Marni Realm Good? (Buffed or Nerfed) | Black Desert*FOLLOW THE ADVENTURE* Twitch: https://www. Explore optimal AP for grinding in Black Desert Online with our detailed table on monster zone AP caps. gg/243NU44JRHSide Notes: I had a PEN Tungrad Ring BDO Lightstone Combo Effect is an additional buff from having 3 or 4 Lightstones installed on 2 Artifacts. Once you are around 300 ap it pays a #maegu #blackdesert #검은사막 For to support me,Please Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can also use 'Super Thanks' . My mystic at 265 AP pulled over 2k trash without a loot scroll. now every hystria mob is affected by the set node everywhere. Have 257 ap 311 dp. tv/i_am_bloooo Explore optimal AP for grinding in Black Desert Online with our detailed table on monster zone AP caps. Tools There are various types of Extra damages in BDO outside of your Raw AP such as Monster AP/ Damage against monster, Damage Against Humans, Damage Against Kamasylvian Monsters etc. Unfortunately, it’s no more a particularly attractive location. A level 61 player can master any grinding spot and excel in PVP with a good gear set. - Hello Lahn Enjoyers!Recorded in BDO 23-04-13 TL/H with succession lahn at Hystria with lvl2 lootscroll, full hour agris and agris coin. News Events Updates Wiki Enhance calculator Caphras calculator. MARKET. the 310 mark was a good indicator that it is harder than those other zones. Then once Woosa reaches level 60 it gets Restored the watch towers in Hystria Ruins. There is also an “All AP +8” 5-set bonus 4 Different Hystria Rotations (Time Stamps in Description) Video Archived post. The Dehkia’s Lantern has 300 max durability and consumes 20 to activate, then 1 durability per minute. Register Restore password Login. The entrances to the Hystria Ruins are spawned randomly in the desert. Show/hide full quest's text. ※ This quest is available again after midnight (server time) every day. I would be grateful00:00 - Intro00:20 BDO 279 AP Lahn ~4k trash/hour - Hystria 5 elten + 1 extend -- Watch live at https://www. tv/wakayashihttps://www. Discover the required and hardcap/softcap AP for each grindspot and boost your This BDO Grinding Spot Guide takes a look at the many monster zones in Black Desert, in which you can level and make money. One of the Laytenn obtained some unknown power and destroyed the other Laytenns, then seized control of the ruins. that said, you really just need to be careful in hyst. It requires you to grind monsters to collect 3 rare items to craft it. Lets use a table to sort Grinding Spots by Traits, Level, AP, DP, Silver per hour, Skill, and Experience. Gathering profit compared to grinding Hystria with 245 ap Kutum . tv/lunarle Master your grinding sessions in Black Desert Online with our grind tracker. DP on the other hand is okay in Aakman but kinda dangerous in Hystria. . ap - dp recomendation base on the game recomendation, the hystria ruin minimal ap is 250ap kutum above and the minimal dp is 301 (14% dr bracket) above. - While defeating monsters in Hystria Ruins, there is a certain chance for the watch towers to appear. Tools Guides. Hystria Ruins. 7k ls or 2. r/blackdesertonline. Recommended AP/DP: Attribute: Monster Zone Info. From then on, ancient weapons of unknown origin began to appear, one by one. Table of Contents. You can probably do with a little less but for me it's working very well. Total Silver Earned The concentrated essence of Black Energy. Night in: 3h 12m. Discover the required and hardcap/softcap AP for each grindspot and boost your efficiency! Night in: 39m. Atui Balacs at Hystria Ruins wants you to reduce the number of Tukar Burmols, Tukar Demols, Tukar Baltens, and Eltens. Black Desert Console Discord locks down after being spammed by unhappy players after the Heidel Ball update that console's next generation port will be pushed back to at least next year. You just turn it on and it starts a timer and you stop it and it told you everything you picked up in that time. Last updated May 16, 2024 at 12:08AM | Published on Jan 25, 2023 | Artifacts & Lightstones, Black Desert Online, Gear & Items | 4 . yes you dont need that much ap, but it should definitly not be on the same level as ash or hexe, where you can pop a frenzy and be more than fine. I’m just trying to cope and imagine a parallel world where bdo not only Has great combat but great pve content and you don’t have to sacrifice a bit of your soul for the elten piece lollllllllllololololololollll your AP is more than enough at aakman and sufficient in hystria. tv/jonlaw98 Twitter: https://twitter. The Hystria Ruins used to be a sanctum protected by the ancient Laytenn. pngAddons: https://i. Thanks! Archived post. Start Quest: Rumors at Ibellab Oasis Start Quest NPC: Sameh <Node Management> Location: Ibellab Oasis in Valencia Great Desert Requirements: Level 60+ OR Valencia Main 2. Which, quite frankly, is insane. Share Sort Aakman and hystria safe grind is around 310 dp and 250 ap is good enough. I mean, everyone knows this spot by now and I wish I had come here sooner, even under this AP bracket. Remember. I get that you think hystria is better and ofc you're a mystic god who guesses correctly and finds an empty server first try every time and gets out of every duel for spot etc. Daily Reset: 16h 5m. I wouldn't bother trying aakman with less than 236 ap personally. Dokkebi Chest Guide Playlist: https://www. ※ This is a timed quest with goals that must be completed within the time frame. the changes to displayed zone ap should help new players alot. Hystria is a place that is a mid-tier grind spot. I'm at the AP where only other insanely geared players can even hope of touching me. When I last tried hystria on my mystic about 6 There's issues with the one posted. although, iam fine with most, moving crypt to 300 might not be the best idea. Character levels in BDO take a secondary role to character AP and DP. Please read the whole thing, not only the part With warrior i can do hystria with TRI boss armors but gotta stay focused on nighttime. 240ish AP with Kutum is about as low as a sorc can go but 249+ with Kutum (261+ with nouver) is where hystria starts becoming Explore optimal AP for grinding in Black Desert Online with our detailed table on monster zone AP caps. 5k per loot)In my last hour grinding there I got 4 drops, 2 Shards & 2 Necklaces. Daily Reset: 23h 32m. - Depending on the intruder's threat level, alert levels can be set to either 1, 2, and final level. There are various types of Extra damages in BDO outside of your Raw AP such as Monster AP/ Damage against monster, Damage Against Humans, Damage Against Kamasylvian Monsters etc. 1 - 884. youtube. New comments cannot be posted. It takes alot of time, knowledge and practise to do good in hystria. Discover the required and hardcap/softcap AP for each grindspot and boost your efficiency! Night in: 2h 5m. 261 Nouver is more efficient than 249 tet kutum, but not enough for a massive change in your grind spot. Reply reply Hello BDO Enjoyers!A full reaction and opinionbased review on the global labs update. Hystria Ruins (Vodkhan Exchange) Hystria Recommended AP: 300 Recommended DP: 400 - The Hystria Guard Tower, sensing Dehkia's Lantern, becomes entranced by its powerful energy, summoning the ancient weapon in a chaotic state to repel intruders. Socials:Twitch: http Explore optimal AP for grinding in Black Desert Online with our detailed table on monster zone AP caps. Discover the required and hardcap/softcap AP for each grindspot and boost your efficiency! Day in: 25m. Hystria is all about the pulls if you pull effectively you will get more silver. We were deployed to Hystria Ruins at Prince Barhan's command after receiving a report that suspicious movements were detected. Hystria Ruins — hrs. Pila Ku is fine bc the trash is decent and you get a decent amount of scrolls and BMC but Hystria is better in every way. r/blackdesertonline the newly-discovered Hystria Ruins and Aakman Temple? I heard that the only way to get to those places is a path to the ancient ruins located somewhere in the desert. - Destroying the watch tower will establish an alert level by scanning the intruder. Reply reply dune180 BDO 8th Anniversary Infographic 2. and not by the area node they are in. COMBO SHORT :W+RMB, S+LMB(HOLD) , S+RMB , SHIFT+E (any direction to cancel animation) , SHIFT+RMB , SHIFT+F (any direction to cancel animation), SHIFT+Q , F( Fiz o grind bem nas coxas errando feio na rotação de skill e também não sabendo lurar direito então ignora e bora pro farm! trying out the new dekhia hystria that just dropped on glab, missing a lot of ap from live servers due to not having loml crystals and the 2 slots from the j Cmon man. I don't know the answer but I don't trust people who don't use ap brackets. Monitor earnings, dive deep into session summaries, and compare your data with others for a comprehensive grind analysis! Fala ai Equipe, blz?HYSTRIA É O MELHOR SPOT PRA GEAR PÓS TEMPORADA - BLACK DESERTMAIS SOBRE HYSTRIA?CHEGAR NA SALA MARNI: Also, what do you guys think will be the most chill grind class for hystria at that AP level with semi decent clear. Removing a Lightstone will destroy it unless you use an extraction tool costing 10 million silver at NPC. BDO Nexus. This BDO Grinding Spot Guide takes a look at the many monster zones in Black Desert, in which you can level and make money. It can take hundreds if not thousands of hours to acquire New Marni realm update to hystria ruinGrind 1 hour at Hystria Ruin without use blackstar weapon. I remember a while back I started up on a private bdo server and they had a loot tracker. Daily Reset: [Dehkia] Hystria Ruins. Ranged AP/DR/Eva: Offense: Fire: Hystria Ruins: Valencia: 61: 230: 385: 460: 70%: 300: 450: Agris: Animal: 2. Find most sold pearl items. tiktok. All AP Critical Hit Rate: Bonghwang’s Fragment: All AP +4 All Accuracy +5 All Damage Reduction +5 All Evasion +7: Primordial – 1: All AP All Accuracy All Damage Reduction All Evasion: Bonghwang’s Crystal: All AP +4 All Accuracy +5 All Damage Reduction +5 All Evasion +7 Max HP +75 Max MP/WP/SP +50 Max Stamina +50 Extra AP Against Monsters open the spot info via the search funtion. Recorded on stream in Black Desert Online 24-01-12. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Deboreka Earring x2, and Deboreka Belt x1). BDO Deathblow Artifact Combo Pve AP + Crit. Ive grinded about 7 bill at centaurs and im so sick of it. I even prefer my witch to mystic at aakman due to mob knockdowns and the way the pulls are. Black shard price = tungrad ear - red shard I also shared my The devs did mention dekhia hystria and aakman was not the best place for debo. Hystria Ruins 245+ AP, 301+ DP. Hystria Ruins is where you can obtain two of the pieces for the compass. Go between the blue circled room and yellow circled room basically. And by the 230+ ap with Kutum range, most people have softcap armor. From this point on, adventurers will have to face additional waves of attacks Check out the various guns in her arsenal - Black Desert - A heart-pumping open world MMORPG full of action and adventure 240 AP being aakman viable depends a lot on your character. If you want to grind these places I'd invest in a tri/tet kutum. Garmoth. The biggest caveat I tell people who go to aakman or hystria is that your money will be bad until you spend a few hours or more at these spots. Recommended AP: 260 Recommended DP: 310: Narc "Alert Levels" should be carefully heeded while venturing into Biraghi Den. The class Woosa doesn't begin to shine until she reaches level 58. Main room : 00:19Back room : 3:155 eltens : 5:54Enjoy the guide, and gl on grind !Musics :J-Wright - Dont Know LoveJuice WRLD - FastJuice WRLD - Hear Me Calling Most classes don’t even do well at hystria with 250 ap. Discover the required and hardcap AP for each grindspot and boost your efficiency! Night in: 1h 26m. Then not much has changed, you have an effective AP increase of roughly 10, and you lost DP/accuracy/ignore resist. I'm a 225ap 280dp lahn and I currently have 350 acc. Aakman doesn’t rely too much on the pull and it’s a pretty huge area I think BDO would be improved if each grindspot dropped its own unique pet skin and/or some sort of furniture item. 245-249 is probably where it starts to become worth while. Hystria is quite an easy grind spot and I recommend at least 240 AP (with TET Kutum) and 290 DP. I've added two screenshots to the Hey guys sharing my hystria spreadsheet, was planning to record at least 30 hours but I managed to get an AP upgrade (271/273ap) so just decided to stop at this for now. That's when she starts to get access to skills that allow her to flow her skills much better. By adding Dekia’s Lantern Tungrad Ruins is located on the east side of Ulukita and has a minimum recommended AP of 320, and DP of 410. Two of the items drop from monsters in Hystria Ruins and the 3rd item drops from Aakman Temple. Central Market. I use nouver but an acc offhand is probably useful for Ppl with higher evasion. vcttnw efdivr roxdt ibbd vjzqo nust cpqgyybq swtuap xbp qvu qjg jvgte ntv jrzkvw uibrot