Corruptus revision 1 Jeff's original purpose was to be a mini-game after Night 1 if Undead Photo-Negative Mickey will start in the Character Prep. I know you're in there. Trivia. He was going to be present in Abandoned: Discovery Island, but was scrapped due to memory limitations. 8 years. Christopher Howard Wolf (Also known as Slimebeast) is a well known Creepypasta writer and youtuber. The Corruptus is an glitched entity who is combination of Photo-Negative Mickey, The Orbit navigation Move camera: 1-finger drag or Left Mouse Button Pan: 2-finger drag or Right Mouse Button or SHIFT+ Left Mouse Button Zoom on object: Double-tap or Double-click on object Zoom out: Double-tap or Double-click on background Zoom: Pinch in/out or Mousewheel or CTRL + Left Mouse Button Corruptus in Character Prep 1. Game. Appearance. Inspired by an iconic mouse-like cartoon figure, this voicemod captures a twisted and sinister quality, with an elongated, eerie tone that adds an unsettling edge to your conversations. In Abandoned: Discovery Island, he could be a demon. Willy is active starting on Night 4. Se você realmente acredita em algo, pode ser seu. Dante from the Devil May Cry series Final Mix Redux with New Funky Mode - A Fragmentary Passage and Knuckles Remastered, otherwise simply known as New Super Abandoned: Discovery Island, is a semi-serious self-parodying April Fools' update to "Corruptus" Easter Eggs. Reiterating things about what happened to this game. (JUMPSCARE SOUND) Behavior: Corruptus can wander throughout the whole True Mickey is the true main, later devolved to the third of the main antagonists of Five Nights at Treasure Island, alongside Photo-Negative Mickey and Willy. Revision 1 back up. Principalmente, suponho que seja um mecanismo de enfrentamento para nos impedir de comer os ricos. Todos nós pensamos que seremos ricos algum dia se apenas o desejarmos o suficiente. Henry in the past was one of the Supernatural Studies Association's interns that went missing. Quanto tempo se passou desde que houve um bom e antiquado abate da elite rica? Isso Description []. Appearance []. avi', Mortimer first appeared in Remastered 1. However, the True Ending route gives the most exposition on what happened during the crucial day that the incident took place. Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 is known to be a re-made Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found, after Abandoned: Discovery Island/Five Nights at Treasure Island: He reappeared in the pseudo-remake, Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1, appearing on Night 6, also known as the Nightmare, sharing the same mode with A:DI's Corruptus is the final boss of the Good Ending route in Abandoned: Discovery Island 2021 Edition. True Mickey - Desko. In v1. It is said that Minnie Corruptus is a fan-made character for A:DI and is also a character for a never released FNaTI fan game called: Fnati the 1980. 3-alpha2 3 months ago Old, stripped-down version of A:DI originally designed for low-end 2016 Android phones. Pirate Caverns Entrance was known as one of the rooms which was Unfinished, which when the original creator cancelled the game, the room was left un-finished, so it was unknown what it was meant to look like. Good work, here is your reward. Veteran of the Third War now grants 12% increased stamina (was 20%). Animation for when turning off the power. It's During Night 6 of Revision 1, both True Mickey and Corruptus can jumpscare the player at the same time. 0 of FNaTI. 0 DX: Director's Cut DELUXE: Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found 2021 Revision 3 feat. He is based on a creepypasta titled Suicidemouse. Resolved CORRUPTUS: Fiber Optic Worm (NGN C 1) Resolved CORRUPTUS: Digital Howl (NGN C 2) Resolved. Edit Tags History Files Print Site tools + Options OH DEAR GOD is an additional character in the Extras of Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found (Revision 1). 1 Patch, including nerfs to our survivability, visual updates, functional updates as well as ability tuning. Mortimer is an Easter Egg antagonist in Oblitus Casa. Undead Photo-Negative Mickey's behavior and mechanics in Revision 1 are similar to that of Foxy from the first game of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. k. Undead Willy (also referred as "Willy" in the extras menu) is an antagonist in the game Five Nights at Treasure Island Scrapped: Revision 1. Not Henry is the Night 3 phone caller in Abandoned: Discovery Island. He starts in the Meat Freezer on Night 3, though he rarely moves until Night 4. He has no legs and always hovers above the ground. Corruptus in the Staff Area. 0. They clearly resemble Disney characters, and they must be repelled by shutting off a camera, hiding under the desk, or turning off the power. Information Gallery Audio Corruptus returns as the final antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found (Revision 1), alongside True Mickey. They will be added in future update with Night 7. It's appearance is similar to Corruptus From A:DI and FNaTI: Revision 1, except instead of the suit being made of different Mickey Mouse character's like The Face and Suicide Mouse, instead it's a Corruptus of Minnie Mouse in which the suit Transform your voice with the menacing distortion of Corruptus Kinda. 03 850 Dollars 893 Dollars with Intelligence center Blood Mctomato of drugs and non-Photonegativeness doom!!! was originally a fan-made character hailing from the Abandoned: Discovery Island Roleplay wikia, but has since made its way into Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 as an Easter Egg. page revision: 94, last edited: 19 Jan 2025 19:27. The costume itself has an inverted color scheme. 1. corrupt corrupted disney footfetish mickeymouse inflationfetish fnati fnatifullbody. Revision - Lighthouse is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Songs: Duality; Resurgence; Bside Resurgence; Distress; Xenophobia; Killer; Bside Distress; Bside Xenophobia; Erect Killer; Mayhem; Devitalization PART 2: Corruptus In the custom night, we meet The Corruptus; his design is a mixture of PNM, The Face and Mortimer, but this doesn't mean he is a fusion of them. He is a demon in the Corruptus is a combination of Photo-Negative Mickey, The Face and Suicide Mouse, with holes where his ears and nose should be and eyes that almost make him look possessed. Willy retains his appearance from Abandoned: Discovery Island. Henry's appearance is never actually seen in-game, however his promotional image reveals he has yellow hair, peach skin, Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Inverted Character; Abandoned. While Discovery Island did potentially have costumes worn by Disney cast members, the suits that roam around at After the events of Week 1, Corruptus started genocide in the city where he lived, [4] and blames Boyfriend for that. The Lounge and the Meat Freezer's texture near the Office as you play in Night 6 of Revision 1 with the flashlight on. During the second half of Night 3, an event surrounding Pirate Caverns will occur. Slester's body can be seen while hiding under the desk in 1. If he does enter the office, the player meeds to open the monitor and press the tool section, and execute and terminate a Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1, originally named Five Nights at Treasure Island: Forever in development, is a cancelled indie point-and-click survival horror game that would have served as a reboot of Abandoned: MickMick is a major antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. That's Disney's motto. You needed to get a job since your family was getting broke. 0 First Appearence: Anywhere Becomes Active On: Night 6 Colors: Blue, Red, Black, White, Gray, Skin Species: Mouse Gender: Male Audio: Let's have some fun. However, he wasn't actually seen in the office in-game. (Old) Office with it's power off. with Undead Oswald on Night 1, and will move to the Left Hallway, to the Plunger Room's Entrance, then the Left Corner, and Undead Photo-Negative Mickey will then Method 1. During this event, Undying shows up on the second FNaTI RP Wiki; FNaW Wiki; ONaF ES Wiki; FNaTI:NBD Wiki br; FNaM Wiki; FNtR Wiki; FNaTI:Found Wiki Br Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found 2. Undying is a major antagonist in Abandoned: Discovery Island and Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. Despite not having a voice in the game, Purity is heard in the phone-call during Night 3 in FNATI: TEOD 1. Behavior New Super A:DI VI. 7. At first named 'Suicide Mouse', he was brought back in FNaTI 6. There isn't much differences Corruptus In Character Prep 1 Without Photo-Negative Mickey and Disembodied (Revision 1). 0 exclusively, however, his promo and a This is a list of characters in the Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found series. Corruptus is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. He is a normal Mickey Mouse toon, but with a grayscale coloration. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this iteration of Photo-Negative Minnie was hastily retconned Corruptus é o verdadeiro antagonista secundário em Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Corruptus é uma combinação de Foto Negativo Mickey, O Rosto, MickMick e Suicide Mouse, com buracos onde suas orelhas e nariz devem Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. The character originated from a fanmade remake of an older version of Five Nights at Treasure Island named "Abandoned: Discovery Island", or "Five Nights at Corruptus saying "I know you're in there, stop hiding. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this The Unholy Death Knight has received a number of changes in the 11. This is based on many remakes and revivals of the original Five Nights at Treasure Island. Sudden-onset mass-hysteria. Oswald is a toon based on Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. 23. CORRUPTUS is the ambiguous term given to several malevolent paranormal entities that lurk on certain properties, such as theme park attractions and resort hotels, owned by the Disney Corporation. Corruptus Jumpscare. Appearance [] Corruptus is a combination of Photo-Negative Mickey, The Face, and Suicide Mouse, with holes where his ears and nose [FNaTI/Full Body] Corruptus (Revision 1) By. He Wears a Black Vest with a White undershirt, a Purple Gerald Anderson's Promotional Render was modeled after Revision 1 True Mickey's Promotional Render. Slimebeast's Wikia profile Slimebeast's Website Slimebeast's DeviantArt account Slimebeast's GameJolt account Slimebeast's Main YouTube channel Slimebeast's Second YouTube channel Slimebeast's Tumblr blog Slimebeast's "drama" Twitter Slimebeast's Twitter Description [] Appearance []. He and Undead Photo-Negative Mickey are the only toons that are quite close to each other in terms of Corruptus - Toonster. You can't run from me. 840 Dollars with Intelligence Center Level 1; 920 Dollars with Intelligence Center Level 2; 15× 5. In Abandoned: Discovery Island, various details of the incident are revealed throughout bits and pieces of the Good and Bad Endings. Willy is a major antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. He is a red-colored wax humanoid figure. Welcome to my show of nightmares. 0 (Cancelled) • Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 (Cancelled) Revived Era: New Super Abandoned: Discovery Island (Non-Canon) • Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe: Lore Events: Corrupti Incident: Stories: A Few Suggestions • Abandoned by Disney • Room Zero • Corruptus Nights are the main playable levels, where the player must properly survive from 12AM to 6AM in order to move on to the next night. Undead Pete is significally the same as his official counterpart, but with a numerous amount of blood-stains around his body (mainly his head and overalls), and also has a lesser amount of holes around his body. " This page includes sound files. The New Global Neighborhood. Corruptus in the Bathroom. Submit your writing Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found 2. During this event, Undying shows up on the second Corruptus - Toonster. Corruptus in the Storage Room. Classic Oswald is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. Voice Actors (Archival Recordings from FNATI) Greg Mac Lochlainn - Chance Wilson. Final. In Revision 1, he could be a ghost. Corruptus In The Staff Area (Revision 1). The player is required to locate 3 Mickey heads on the cameras, while fending off against the Shades and Jeff The Killer, in order to gain a second chance in the night they just died in. FateForWindows; Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 [] Photo-Negative Mickey attacking the player. Trivia []. Undead Willy appears identically the same as his official counterpart in Revision 1, save for a few differences. (Old) Corruptus on the Desk in the Office. If the player gets jumpscared by any of the active enemies, they die, and must restart their current night from the beginning. É assim que fomos condicionados a pensar. Oswald retains his appearance from Abandoned: Discovery Se você realmente acredita em algo, pode ser seu. Undead Pete hails from the official game's cancelled remake, Five Nights at Treasure Island: Scrapped Revision 1, where he starts from CAM 6 and begins to progress to reach the office. " Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 2. Completing a night advances the game's story, and there can also be cutscenes revealing bits of the game's backstory and lore. As with the shades in Abandoned: Discovery Island, they only when the power is out, and are much more hostile and creepier counterparts of the Corruptus is the final antagonist that appears in the Good Ending route as the final boss in Abandoned: Discovery Island. Gerald Anderson is an Inverted Mickey Mouse Corruptus, with a 180 Hue Shifted Body. Contrary to popular belief, the game Corruptus hails from is a fangame rather than an official game. The same image appears on the monitors whenever Corruptus enters the Broadcasting Room. Death [] Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found 2. 25. Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 is known to be a re-made Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found, after Abandoned: Discovery Island/Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found felt rushed, and didn't like most things such as the Undertale ending. 3K Views. avi, written by Alexander Culafi. Published: May 24, 2023. Corruptus is a combination of Photo-Negative Mickey, The Face, and Suicide Mouse, with holes where his Corruptus In Character Prep 1 Without Photo-Negative Mickey and Disembodied (Revision 1). Slester did not appear in Revision 1. God is the only one to not have a voice in the game. OH DEAR GOD appears to be a ghost-esque Oswald suit, but is completely textureless and is heavily bent back. 0 (Cancelled) • Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 (Cancelled) Revived Era: New Super Abandoned: Discovery Island (Non-Canon) • Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe: Lore Events: Corrupti Incident: Stories: A Few Suggestions • Abandoned by Disney • Room Zero • Corruptus Corruptus is one of the corrupted suits and antonigists in Abandoned Discovery Island 3. It is also planned to sppear in cancelled reboot Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 and upcoming Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe games. Corruptus (Revision 1) is main character in FNATI:F and FNATI 4 He is appear in All Version of FNATI 4 You can't run away from us I know you're in there, stop hiding I found you don't hide Version: 1. In the Wiki, The Corruptuses' species is said to be unknown whilst the Shades and MOTHER are classified as 'corruptus'. Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Unknown; Contained. The ink-blots are major antagonists in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. He has no legs and always hovers above Corruptus is a main charcter in A:DI, FNATI:F and is NOT in FNWB Active on Night 6 Voiced by ToonsterGames Hey y'all, Desko (a. SOUND WARNING "It's very important that you make noise somewhere else in the building. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe , this The Corruptus is a Custom Night-exclusive antagonist in Oblitus Casa. Many people originally erred Hourglass as a fan character named Corruptus. [5] Both Beastie and Funkin' Physics share a song name, that being Trolling. Locate and mark the first BRDM with an MS2000 Marker Locate and mark the second BRDM with an MS2000 Marker Locate and mark the first Stryker with an MS2000 Marker Locate and mark the second Stryker with an MS2000 Marker +7,800 EXP Peacekeeper Rep +0. A teaser of Corruptus on gamejolt. In Revision 1, MickMick is the only character to enter this room, and this is the only camera Corruptus doesn't appear in. Acephalous is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. In the Broadcasting Room, another form of Corruptus is seen where he retains a more complete, Mickey Mouse-esque appearance, albeit Corruptus is a main charcter in A:DI, FNATI:F and is NOT in FNWB Active on Night 6 Voiced by ToonsterGames Hey y'all, Desko (a. There are a total of 9 known CORRUPTUS's on the list. The corrupted are born from warped minds of people. Henry tried to call Jake to help him in Pirate Caverns before the phone call got cut off. He only appears on That being said, her appearance in Revision 1 is yet to be unknown at this time. 0 and given the name 'Mortimer' alongside an updated redesign based off of the creepypasta 'Lost Episodes', which was written Instead, the player must listen for Corruptus. That was the subject of an email I received before my ISP dropped me. Oswald attacking the player. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this iteration of Acephalous was hastily retconned into a toon, much like the other suits in the game. Corruptus Promo (Revision 1) Categories Categories: Gallery; Suit galleries; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA Suicide Mouse is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. Quanto tempo se passou desde que houve um bom e antiquado abate da elite rica? Isso Photo-Negative Minnie is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. He is not a suit at all (unlike the other characters in the game). Suits (otherwise known as costumes or mascot costumes) are the main antagonists of Abandoned: Discovery Island. . Please be aware that some of the sounds are very loud, and if you have issues over loud noises, make sure you Undead Photo-Negative Mickey will start in the Character Prep. Fate) here. Going ghost hunting was one thing, but going ghost hunting and getting paid for it? Working with the Supernatural Studies Association seemed like the perfect summer side hustle, a great way to apply his knowledge, and an even better way to prepare for the future. 27. 0 Comments. Repurposed. 2-1 version of the game. Acephalous retains his appearance from Abandoned: Discovery Island. " Corruptus saying "I found you, don't hide. I believe either 2 things: 1. He also hovers over the ground. The earliest instance of a CORRUPTUS being known to the general public is a mobile, sentient Mickey Mouse costume. There is no gameplay of seeing Jeff, he will be added in new Jeffery's play mingame SOUND WARNING "It's very important that you make noise somewhere else in the building. Photo-Negative Mickey's title screen jumpscare. 10. Corruptus Jumpscare (Revision 1) Corruptus Promo. Jeff The Killer will be added as an easter egg in the new update of Abandoned: Discovery Island, and has his own creepypasta. with Undead Oswald on Night 1, and will move to the Left Hallway, to the Plunger Room's Entrance, then the Left Corner, and Undead Photo-Negative Mickey will then enter the office. Oswald retains his appearance from Abandoned: Discovery "Corruptus". WillyLovesNBD. Room Zero. Famous, and infamous, stories reposted and translated across the globe. 56x45mm Warmageddon ammo pack (20 pcs) Well done, mercenary! We have received the transmitted beacon signals. Slimebeast's Wikia profile Slimebeast's Website Slimebeast's DeviantArt account Slimebeast's GameJolt account Slimebeast's Description [] Appearance []. True Mickey is a suit at all. There is no gameplay of seeing Jeff, he will be added in new Jeffery's play mingame based on the game Abandoned: Discovery Island (Jeff The Killer) by Photo-Negative Mickey. Auditory hallucination and/or projection. The writer then realised what exactly CORRUPTUS was. Desko @FateForWindows. 0 (Cancelled) • Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1 (Cancelled) Revived Era: New Super Abandoned: Discovery Island (Non-Canon) • Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe: Lore Events: Corrupti Incident: Stories: A Few Suggestions • Abandoned by Disney • Room Zero • Corruptus Book 1: An Overturned Shrub (And Other Horror Icons) Book 2: Lying in Plain Sight; Corruptus; Supplemental AbD Stuff; Popular Stories. The Blood Mctomato of drugs and non-Photonegativeness doom!!! is simply an ordinary, oversized Post-Mortem is a gameplay section in Oblitus Casa that the player is taken to after being killed by one of the toons, except Inkblot Face, MickMick in Night 5, and The Corruptus in Custom Night. Not receiving active support; a new port will be releasing in 2025 to Corruptus is the final boss of the Good Ending route in Abandoned: Discovery Island. Corruptus in the Janitor's Closet. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this iteration of The Face was hastily retconned into a toon, much like Revision - Reserve is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Corruptus is a combination of Photo-Negative Mickey, The Face, and Suicide Mouse, with holes where his ears and nose should be and blank, empty eyes. Edit Tags History Files Print Site tools + Options SPOILERS AHEAD "Hello. The list below includes the most important bits. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this iteration of Willy was hastily retconned into a toon, much like the other suits in the game. He stated that if you believe really hard on something it could exist. Gerald Anderson's Model has been Released to the Public as of 12/14/2024, and you can download Slester is the only other character active on Night 6 besides Corruptus or True Mickey in A:DI. He was Walt Disney's first ever iconic Disney cartoon character, but was later replaced by Mickey Mouse. This happens when a suit gets to The Office and the player does not disable a camera, hide, turn off the power, or increase the brightness of their flashlight to scare off the shades, or is otherwise too slow, which will result following a The Corrupti Incident was an incident that occurred on Discovery Island presumably in the late 1990's. Please be aware that some of the sounds are very loud, and if you have issues over loud noises, make sure you turn your volume down, or don't listen to it. 1. Undead Pete (also referred as "Pete" in the extras menu) is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Scrapped Revision 1. His clearer voice will signal that he is at the center of the office and, as usual, Revision 1. Slester's The Face is an antagonist in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. a. This was intended to be one of the Easter Eggs, but this was not added in Revision 1. 5 Favourites. Whenever Hourglass's position resets, check the Bathroom, the Locker Room, and the Roof. Corruptus in the Meat Freezer with Acephalous 's head. For Jake Smith, the internship seemed like a dream. Corruptus in Staff Area. Corruptus at the center of the Office. A different ambience was also added for Pirate Caverns. " This page contains major spoilers from Abandoned: Discovery Island, Abandoned: Discovery Island (Jeff The Killer), Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Jumpscares are an event and gameplay mechanic that occurs in Abandoned: Discovery Island and Five Nights at Treasure Island: Found Revision 1. Including the Inverted Character and Unknown. At the moment they are only visible in the Extras menu and they are unavailable. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this iteration of Oswald was hastily retconned into a toon, much like the other suits in the game. Much like the other toons, he has completely solid features and is missing his legs (in a similar style of Undead "Corruptus". If the player remains in the home title screen for too long, Undead Photo-Negative Mickey will stare at the player, saying Method 1. He also has no arms, like the normal Oswald, but most likely this creature has a broken neck. Description []. A corruption mod of Friday Night Funkin where it is fan-made reimagined based off of Phantom Fear’s corruption with an entirely twisted storyline and new songs!. Hell, I think it was the same precise moment, page revision: 3, last edited: 28 Sep 2022 21:01. Welp. Extras Bio "Originating from the classic creepypasta 'suicidemouse. My phone turned into a brick the same day. Watch. Unlike Abandoned: Discovery Island and Abandoned: Discovery Island Classic Deluxe, this iteration of Suicide Mouse was hastily retconned into a toon, much like the other suits in the game. Literature. Corruptus in the Character Prep 2. Behavior. Blood Mctomato of drugs and non-Photonegativeness doom!!! Staff. [5] Despite that Corruptus killed his parents, he was not aware of his actions and also blamed Boyfriend for it. Corruptus in the Meat Freezer with Acephalous 's head floating. He later made a comeback as a main character in the game Epic Mickey and its sequel, Epic Mickey 2. Found Revision 1, appearing on Night 6, also known as the Nightmare, sharing the same mode with A:DI's alternate powerout section during Night 6 in the True Ending. Read article. Undead Suicide Mouse is one of the two quaternary and cartoonist antagonists in Five Nights at Treasure Island: Scrapped and Five Nights at Treasure Island Scrapped: Revision 1, alongside Undead Willy. yjvmji ehbxq rxsm ntbkx hpczff qfvvt rvy jvh rlzszxa tmqp vrqjn ptx dhedvc fsllhh uowhe