How to lie to the blades about paarthurnax You can ignore the quest and leave Paarthurnax unharmed, (in my case, the quest straight up disappeared from my diary after telling Arngeir I wouldn't be killing Paarthurnax) but if you want to progress with the Blades' sidequest, there's nothing else you can do, unless you mod the game The final one was something of a "hidden" feature of his mod, if you just decide to attack the Blades on a whim with his mod installed after you've learned Odahving's name, you'll find out to your surprise that the Blades are no longer essential, and the "Paarthurnax" quest completes when they both die. That's it, that's the mod. Typical of you Blades. Honestly for me, if I didn't have to kill good old Paarthurnax, I'd side with the Blades. The blades were slaves to the Emperor and followed him no matter I’m not going to lie to youpaarthurnax is a war criminal. By issuing the ultimatum of "kill Paarthurnax or be forever ostracized from the Blades", they are violating one of their primary oaths and denying themselves the capability to successfully carry out the other. You can move them permanently out of the cave either by making them stewards of Hearthfire houses or marrying them. This is an optional quest, which is closely related to the main storyline. Is there a Paarthurnax Quest mod that allows you to 'banish' the Blades? I've always thought it's somewhat of a copout with Paarthurnax's quest that all of the mods essentially come down to you telling the Blades 'Shut up and suck it up' and they just do. Gotta kill him The Blade's are just stuck in their old ways and don't actually understand the dragon's backstory or wisdom at all. Afterwards, you should have the option of telling the Arngeir that you won't kill Paarthurnax. Top. Instead I mod Esbern and Delphine to be non-essential once the quest to kill Paarthurnax comes up and then lead them into the nearest Thalmor patrol. I usually use three housecarls. I would not trust another dovah. New. The only way to rid yourself of the quest is by getting the "paarthurnax dilemma mod". How to Save Paarthurnax. He is now known to lair on the Throat of the World under the protection of the Greybeards of High Hrothgar. Basically this only allows you to talk and to meditate on words with Should the player kill Paarthurnax in Skyrim, they'll have effectively chosen to side with the Blades. Delphine and Esbern, Skyrim's Blades, believe they may be the last members left. As Megawizard stated, I have used The Paarthunax Dilemma a lot - www dot nexusmods dot com/skyrim/mods/18465 If Paarthurnax's body is still wherever you originally killed him, you can open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard, click on his body and type "resurrect" without quotations, and that should bring him back to life. Onikaan ni ov (wisdom not trust). It just adds a dialogue option to tell Delphine you won't kill Paarthurnax and you can skip the rest of the quest. Thalmor kill them, I kill Thalmor, no witnesses. Old. You could kill Paarthunax or you could "help" the Blades see things you This mod is a simple, yet badly needed modification to the post-MQ quest the Blades give you to kill Paarthurnax. When the quest is given to me, I will recruit new members to the blades, after I have reached the limit, I will talk to the greybeards and end the quest "Paarthurnax" by talking to the greybeards about it. Add this game to my: Favorite Games. You bring three of your followers to Delphine and she turns them into Blades. Personally, the blades are awful. There is no alternative option provided and I think something like rebuilding the Blades is not a quest that Bethesda is just gonna forget in the future. The Greybeards are wise and follow the Way of the Voice, while the Blades are powerful warriors who also know about dragons. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Gameplay How to Eliminate The Blades. While the Blades consistently encourage the Dragonborn's homicidal tendencies, the Near the end of the game, the Blades come to a startling realization; the Greybeards are led by the dragon Paarthurnax. Delphine is unkillable and until you kill paarthurnax she won't recruit dragon hunters or mark the location if a dragon nest. Is there a mod that allows me to speak to the Blades even without killing Paarthurnax? Do the Blades even have a questline? Thank you! Share Add a Comment. It's not like the Blades are going all the way up to the top of The Throat of the World to check. My conversation with Paarthurnax was without a doubt one of the most enlightening in the entire Exactly, the blades do not follow the dragonborn no matter how much they say they may do, Delphine is probably not THE LAST MEMBER of the Blades but she is one of the. Log in to add games to your lists. Paarthurnax hanging around with dragon disciples after you’ve killed Alduin instead of up and vanishing; more detailed quest objectives; and I’m at the point where the blades want me to kill paarthurnax but I don’t want to kill him and I was told if I talk to him or arngeir and say I won’t kill him the quest will go away but it doesn’t go away. That kind of deflates the entire purpose of the quest to me which is a decision. imo Paarthurnax's death at the hands of the Blades will be canon (just like the Dark Brotherhood's assassination of One of my favorite mods that allows you Dragonborn to complete the Paarthurnax quest. " This mod is a simple, yet badly needed modification to the post-MQ quest the Blades give you to kill Paarthurnax. The last part says "Paarthurnax - The legendary lieutenant of Alduin in the Dragon War. Ask paarthurnax about how to lure the dragon to dragonsreach, take a side in the civil war to opt out of peace council, and you'll never fucking speak to the blades again. There isn't really a story to them. Yeah exactly, ironically the main post is lying by omission as OP doesn’t touch on the true nature of dragons. Paarthurnax can and will eventually reveal how to call Odahviing to you from the Great Porch at Dragonsreach so you can learn of his Eyrie at Skuldafn. Share. They were completely fine with just having Alduin return Like the Blades said, he has to pay for his past crime but even without that argument, you can still see that it's possible for Paarthurnax to be the leader of the dragons and the greybeards to be the modern day dragon priests. You may have to be a bit forceful in the process. Best. My solution is to remove essential status on the blades, since Delphine is by far one of the worst characters. The one that still forces you to choose a side is the Paarthurnax Resolution. Now, that story can reach the simple ending I always meant it to. Questions. The quest will then disappear from your quest log and won't count as a failed quest. As long as A Blade in the Dark is open, random dragon attacks are turned off. GaryOster • The TLDR on the lore with Paarthurnax is that he taught humans the Dragon Tongue so they could free themselves from the tyranny of Alduin Though I'd prefer to lie to Delphine and Esbern that Paarthunax has snapped and returned to his evil ways, and is going to attack Solitude. The final one was something of a "hidden" feature of his mod, if you just decide to attack the Blades on a whim with his mod installed after you've learned Odahving's name, you'll find out to your surprise that the Blades are no longer essential, and the "Paarthurnax" quest completes when they both die. FWIW I did actually kill Paarthy in one of my playthroughs, but the game glitched somehow and he didn't fight back, but rather sat stoically as i aimed blow after blow at his skull, chunks of flesh falling away with each strike, reacting to his doom with calm resignation The animosity between the Blades and the Greybeards now makes sense. The three Blades will stay in the Blades cave unless you make them stewards of Hearthfire houses or marry them. Cheats. The blades really want you to kill paarthurnax but The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Nintendo Switch . I would choose Paarthurnax any day over the Blades, and the only reason why I haven't murdered both Delphine and Esbern is because the game doesn't let me. This has been discussed over and over, but I was just reading another post and I had to vent my frustration about the Blades. If you have joined the Blades, without using mods, your options are to complete the quest and lose the Grey Beards or not complete the quest and abandon the Blades questline. Killing Paarthurnax is basically a "shoot the puppy" assignment -- the Blades want LDB to cut their ties with the Greybeards with no chance of turning back, both so LDB can demonstrate their loyalty and the fortitude to do what (the Blades think) is "unfortunate but necessary" and so that the Blades can keep control of LDB more easily. " Odahviing was dead, most likely killed by the Blades themselves during the cleansing phase they had. After you finish the main quest; if you go back to the blades the tell you that they found out Paarthurnax is actually a dragon. A few dialogues telling me I should kill Paarthurnax and so on. As much as I hate the Thalmor, the Blades kinda had it coming after they screwed up that whole ‘protect the Emperor’ gig. There is no reason to side with the blades unless you really hate Dragons. I don't think there is any benefit to killing Paarthurnax and staying on the blades side, except for 1 more dragon soul -- Delphine: "But, but as the dragonborn you have to do your duty and as a blade I must ensure you do your duty by becoming your master at that very moment so I serve you so you may serve me if you are straying from the path so I can serve you again. Favorite Boards. I believe the Extended Cut plans to add one or two additional Blades 'original' members and provide the Blades with a larger purpose in the main quest. Supposed to follow the dragonborn but just boss him around and Paarthurnax. I've seen a few posts lately where people isn't sure if they should kill paarthurnax and restore the blades or let paarthurnax live, I usually sort of do both. Reply reply RedTheDopeKing • Shhh racist mean stupid lady, that’s the stance on this sub, and you’ll see 5-10 topics about it daily. Whether or not he has truly repented, or merely acted to save himself, justice demands that he pay with his life. In short it's not required to kill paarthurnax but until you do Delphine won't help anymore This is a simple mod to quickly end the Paarthurnax quest by telling Delphine you will not kill Paarthurnax. Justice can be harsh. " Delphine: "Shut up Esbern your ruining our only shot at this. Open comment sort options. The Blades are the former protectors of the Emperor The Blades have several benefits – firstly you can hire up to three people to join the Blades, a great way of getting rid of Housecarls you don’t like, secondly you can get and store loot in their base of operations, including a powerful potion and thirdly, you can ask Esbern about dragon sightings, ensuring a constant source of dragon loot. Many Blades died in The Great War, and more perished after the Empire's defeat. In the back story I invented for my game, the blades started their downfall the second the Champion of Cyrodiil saw Jauffre get struck down, and Baurus cloven in twain before the great oblivion gate at the height of the Oblivion crisis (as Honestly, I have to wonder why there is not an option to lie to the Blades about killing Paarthurnax if your speech is high enough. So when you leave Sky It ultimately comes down to what you believe in: Side with the Greybeards if you believe that an evil person can truly be reformed, and if you believe that the astronomical sins If you want to still be able to meditate on words yet be hated by the greybeards but welcomed by the blades, go right ahead. Most of the gains come from the varied loot you find when searching Paarthurnax upon his death. That way the blades live on and continue to grow, but I Perhaps the Skyrim Extended Cut will address it to encourage mods that enhance post-MQ blades content. News. But it is still justice. All you need to do is The Blades thought to change the order to suit themselves, by wiping out the dragons. All that said, of course Paarthurnax is untrustworthy, because he's a dragon. After completion, you can begin recruiting new Blades and hunting Dragons. After you learn Dragonrend, you lose the ability to get quests from the Blades unless you kill Paarthurnax, but before that happens, you can take them Is there a way to avoid killing Paarthurnax yet still have the blades on your side? 1 I would like to know if there is a way or a glitch to avoid killing Paarthurnax? 2 If 1 don't work, is there a mod to avoid killing Paarthurnax? 3 If 1 and 2 don't work is there a cheat code to bypass killing Paarthurnax? After you learn Dragonrend, they want you to kill Paarthurnax and you can't take the three Blades out on dragon hunting missions unless you do it. Reply reply The Blades quest simply doesn't continue if you don't kill Paarthurnax. In our guide, you will learn when you can unlock this quest and how to defeat Paarthurnax (the boss fight with the dragon). However, the three followers you brought are still available as followers. OP must remember that Paarthurnax himself had to overcome his dragon instincts by secluding himself in the Throat of the World and meditating on the Way of the Voice. Perhaps we would have dragon allies against Alduin if the ancient Blades had not acted so arrogantly. Reviews. You think you can bend the natural order of things to suit your needs. They basically give you an ultimatum: either kill him and join them or don’t and they kinda ignore you for the rest of the game As stated by Delphine herself when she reveals herself as a Blade, the Blades entire purpose is to serve the Dragonborn and to slay dragons. " As the second most powerful Dovah after Alduin, he turned traitor to his brother and works with the Dovahkiin to destroy him. If you go talk to Paarthurnax, he has this to say in response: The Blades are wise not to trust me. There is a very limited window Well, if you want to do the Blades quests, like bringing followers to Delphine, you have to do that before you get to the point where she insists that you kill Paarth. You just bring Delphine three followers before you learn Dragonrend, and take them out hunting dragons using Esbern until he gives you the potion. Guides. TL;DR: I ghosted the Blades and now I don't have to kill Paarthurnax. He has some problematic dialogue after the Dragonborn returns from Sovngarde that Odahviing comments on. But you will still have the paarthurnax quest. For now, "Blades" mods usually just consist of location feature adjustments to Sky Haven The Blades won’t like you unless you kill Paarth, but forget them. I would not call this a cheat more like a fix for something that I think I should be able to do. Paarthurnax deserves to die. Alduin resurrected him like all the others when he returned so as far as the Blades records go he's dead until they find evidence he has been brought back. Also, I’d never kill him specifically because he’s managed to conquer his own nature as a dragon. I hate Delphine especially because of the reason she easily gets hostile for any small bounty I get in Whiterun. If you choose to spare him, you still get to use the Blades There’s no achievement for killing Paarthurnax, though. If you do, the Blades will then have you recruit new members then you can go on radiant dragon hunting missions with them. It just comes down to your feelings about either side. Paarthurnax even states that, "You should not trust a Dovah" or something which could be some reverse psychology. If you’re playing on PC, or on a console Special Edition, there are mods where you can tell the Blades where to stuff their swords or broker a deal between them and Paarthurnax so you can get the benefits of both factions. But I still want to hang out with Paarthurnax, meditate on Words of Power, get Dragonsbane, Dragonrend, all of the Dragon Priest Masks, etc. If they had it their way, like Delphine says "theyd have you sit on their mountain and meditate" or something along those lines. Untold numbers of lives lost, souls forever snuffed out. I find other mods that edit this quest portray this as a drawn-out decision where the player has to weigh their alternatives and then can somehow win back the Blades without killing Paarthurnax. We also find out what the Elder Scrolls are and where to find themMy channel covers gaming with a little. They don't care that he helped stop his brother not just once (the heroes of old as we see with the Elder Scroll), but TWICE Not gunna lie I didn’t even now there was more to the blades questline past killing Paarthurnax because no matter how evil I made my character I could never bring myself to kill him And of course Paarthurnax himself will say: "The Blades are wise not to trust me. You're basically just lying to the Blades and they're dumb enough to believe you. What do I do? I seen there’s a mod called paarthurnax dilemma but for some reason it’s not showing in the mods atleast on PS5. When talking to the dragon I told him I DON'T want to kill him (and I really don't), but whene I come back to Esbern to tell him there's no way I kill Paarthurnax nothing happens. Listen to the Greybeards and Paarthurnax. There are several mods available. Simply treat the blades like what they are. it is possible to solve the 3 blade-quests before the paarthurnax-quest starts I'm on 360, so console magic isn't available to solve this problem by basically doing the same thing that I think a lie should be able to do in dialogue with them. "The Paarthurnax Dilemma" lets you tell the Blades to go fuck themselves and to fall in line once they give you that command, reminding them that "oh yeah, you serve the Dragonborn, and I'm the Dragonborn, ergo you listen to me and not the other way round". I usually avoid going near him until I finish the main questline as much as Because on review of the facts, the blades are right. He is a very faithful dragon unlike the blades who decided to refuse to talk with me for no reason. A fucking nuisance that should be avoided like the plague. Meeting him is one of the best reveals in Skyrim during the second act of the main questline when he is revealed to be the leader of the mysterious Greybeards. Paarthurnax>>>>>Blades Oh I hear you brother, they are idiots but some people like me want to try to experience everything skyrim has to offer and killing Paarthurnax was just a stupid idea from the blades. While the Dovahkiin may forgive Paarthurnax due to this help, some would argue that while the Dovahkiin has the power to slay him, the power to forgive lies only in the hands of the victims themselves. Since you didn't kill Paarthurnax, the Greybeards will keep sending you to word walls, but you'll open up the dialogue option to tell the Blades that he's dead. He was the first to teach mortals the Thu’um, and spearheaded the dragons against Alduin. Let me explain how. But no, Delphine ain't want none of that, she wants you to kill him. If, after meeting Delphine and receiving the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller from her, you proceed with the Blades WITHOUT returning the horn up to the quest "Alduin's Wall", you are able to proceed to add followers to the Blades. It's interesting how killing Paarthurnax and joining the Blades to hunt dragons is mechanically SPOILERS FOLLOW. If you go to Arngeir and tell him that the Blades want Paarthurnax dead, he will tell you that Paarthurnax supported Alduin because all dragons This video shows how to work with the Blades, Delphine and Esbern, without having to kill Paarthurnax as part of the process. Unfortunately, they demand that you kill the old dragon anyway to make amends for crimes he'd committed centuries ago. The Greybeards won't help you find new words, and Paarthurnax won't be able to help you meditate on a word of power. Paarthurnax plays a crucial role in the main questline of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which makes it especially odd that there is no option to spare him from the Blades. And delphine won't do anything until you do kill him. " Esbern: "Don't recall the lead the dragonborn part myself. The main quest gives you zero reason to care about the continued existence of the Blades, and a lot more reason to care about the continued existence of Paarthurnax. They move to the Blades cave and get Blades equipment and some of their dialogue changes, but they are still available as I don’t recruit Blades. Paarthurnax can still be a very powerful ally to defeat Alduin, show you more about the Thu'um, the history of the Dragons, etc. Should you decide to spare his life, return to Delphine or Esbern and explain it to them. Lydia and Iona, the Rift housecarl, are both in kind of tiny houses and moving them out helps. It’s just a personal choice. Board Topics. Secure Angeir’s cooperation to open up the option to Lie to the Blades. Paarthurnax is There's a mod called The Paarthurnax Dilemma that just adds an option to basically tell the blades to get over it, completing the quest without killing partysnax. And then the quest will disappear and you can still help the blades without killing partysnax. You don't need the paarthurnax dilemma to play the game. Greybeards are too wishy washy and don't take a stance on anything. The Paarthurnax Dilemma Mod is a really cool way to solve the problem of choosing between blades vs greybeards. OP goes on assuming dragons are pacifists by nature. If you're on pc you can do the same thing as I do and just "complete" the quest with console commands so Paarthurnax stays alive and you can still get the Blades' rewards, in my mind it's like my character lied to Delphine in the exact same way you can lie to Astrid about Cicero's death, both hags will never find out about the truth. I never returned to Sky Haven Temple and honestly think I'm better off for it. Reply reply More replies More replies. We know that before Paarthurnax sought to cast down Alduin, he was responsible for countless atrocities. If you don't want to mod, well. One lets you lie to the Blades that you killed him so you can keep using their base, one lets you take over the Blades and pardon him. They have proven their incompetence and ignorance quite enough. Sort by: Best. This is hardly news to you considering that you've already met the old sage. But I think when you complete the Main Quest, without killing Paarthurnax, the quest for killing him just drops out of your active quests, so the blades are jerks after that. He’s a non-threat at the end of the day and the Blades are just selfish dicks who think they’re more important than everyone else. However, doing so will prevent any further communication with the Greybeards, including the radiant quest to locate Words of Power. Q&A. When the Blades came to me and told me to kill Paarthurnax, I just ignored the quest. The Blades help you find the key to defeating The Blades don't want you to kill Paarthurnax until you learn Dragonrend. for a staunch imperial supporter it’s also easier to justify since that individual would be more amenable to The Blades. Plus, the Greybeards aren’t exactly in the best shape for recruiting. The Blades see dragons merely as a threat to be vanquished, while the Greybeards see them as powerful, near-divine beings, capable of both profound good and cataclysmic evil. I can't finnish the quest yet I've finished the main plot. You could just ignore it, or shout Delphine off a mountain somewhere. 2. This will complete the quest (with the Spare objective completed), make you friends with the Blades again, Greybeards won't hate you and Paarthurnax will be made essential again. But again, we see that the natural order will be restored, one way or another. They don't make the case well, hurt by the fact that Esbern and Delphine don't have a rapport with the player character in the same way that Paarthurnax or the Greybeards do, but they are absolutely correct in determining he's a threat. Right after completing alduin's wall and arriving at sky haven temple instead of going to the greybeards talk to delphine and she will ask you to bring her 3 Paarthurnax represents a constant that if you remove, in the big picture, will basically kill the practice of shouting in Skyrim. Paarthurnax is "Ambition Overlord Cruelty. Blades will cut contact (but is that really such a bad thing??) Mechanically, there isn't much difference. Skyrim is literally safer if you don't complete the Main Quest because defeating Alduin does not stop random dragon attacks. PC PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Xbox One. They will be available as followers regardless of your decision about Paarthurnax. Paarthurnax has committed crimes in the past, but a servant of Alduin was all he could be. Board The leader of the blades is always a dragonborn, but because she survived and made 1 plan she acts like she's in charge, even going against the core tenant of the blades, obey the will of the dragonborn. Paarthurnax can and will So I found a little fix for making the blades shut up about Paarthurnax. It just isn't a proper reward for doing something evil. Odahving actually has a different speech at the end of the game if Paarthurnax is still alive. This mod would allow you to play both sides of the Once you get Delphine and Esbern to Sky Haven Temple, and Delphine activates "The Throat of the World", they are no longer essential to defeating Alduin. The most immediate effect, of course, is that Paarthurnax will no longer be able to grant the player meditation There is a neat little mod called (aptly) The Paarthurnax Dilemma (Special Edition - PC) / (Classic/Legendary Edition - PC) / . Controversial. Some sources suggest that it is not possible to kill that dragon after the main quest, but regardless I have managed to kill it straight after the main quest line. Where you can yell at delphine to stfu. It's odd, i don't normally put this much effort into a post, i just have really strong feelings about my buddy Paarthurnax. This mod helps you make the choice without having to kill Paarthurnax, which many players might not want to do. It would allow to get support from both sides but the Blades would eventually find out about your lie and threaten By doing this, I was able to completely avoid the demands to kill Paarthurnax and could continue on with the game peacefully knowing I never had to bring him harm. The conclusion of the main storyline slightly differs depending on whether or not Paarthurnax is still living. Onikaan ni ov. Now that that's out of the way, the issue at hand is this: the Blades hate Paarthurnax because he was Alduin's lieutenant during the Dragon War and feel he should deserve to die for that reason, and that reason alone. Rather than listen to your view she makes an ultimatum as if the blades can even exist as the blades, without the dragonborn. If I talk to the blades they want me to kill paarthurnax, if I talk to the grey beards they ask me not to kill paarthurnax, I don’t know what or if I’m on a quest This quest is optional, but in order to continue the Blades storyline, it must be completed before the conclusion of the Main Quest. The quest expansion is the one that adds more context with expanded dialogue (voiced!). Notify me about new: Guides. On this page of the guide for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim we present the walkthrough for the quest Paarthurnax. Board Messages. You can save a psychotic jester with no consequence, but not a single dragon that You can do all the Blades quests without killing him, as long as you do them before you learn Dragonrend. But I've heard you get some special items from the Blades if you DO kill Paarthurnax, so I'm just wondering if it's worth it. Alternative Workaround A (ONLY for those who have not begun the quest The Fallen) that's right. New main objective: Kill Paarthurnax We meet Paarthurnax and begin joining the Blades. This mod gives you the dialog option to shut Delphine down and thus keep both factions I've come to the point where Esbern tells me to kill Paarthurnax. Master Araidh continues the established policy of avoiding direct confrontation with the Greybeards while waiting for an opportunity to exact justice Secondly, you can't "not kill him". I didn't think it was the right thing to do, all things considering and to be honest I don't like Delphine or Esbern that much. " Or we can just setessential 0 the blades and kill them. Who is better: someone born good, or someone who overcomes their evil You don't really have anything to gain by doing it. The Paarthurnax quest has always, for me, been a loose end. I was told to choose, and I did; I did not choose the Blades, and the quest was left forever unfinished without the ability to truly choose for Paarthurnax to live. As I saw in another comment, Parthurnax, like all dragons, was created to Dominate and rule Tamriel and the rest of the world, and defied a diety to It just depends on you, I can see why the Blades want him dead even Paarthurnax see's it, either way the order was really stupid to say the least. The "reward" is being able to reform the blades, so you, the suposed LEADER, and the person the blades should serve, will have to go to If you kill paarthurnax the greybeards will never give you the location to a word of power again and it shuts down their help. She should have been a mate option or something to make up You need to kill Paarthurnax to get back into blades. Get your Speech skill above 70 to open up the option to Intimidate/Persuade Delphine, depending on your preference. Cruelty. Paarthurnax also guides the Dovahkiin, and without his aid Alduin would have grown fat on the souls of , Sovngarde and destroyed the world. Wiki shows all the pros and cons for killing this dragon. Approach the quest as usual. Ambition. lzgr jvbvm rxqi lbbzwa hyneufy ynukir xopyk dtlu sdroxg hjj vvofr ckltz yqkhd ylkbom czecstd