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Kms 6th job dps chart 2023 Given the new HP shield makes bosses so much easier, they just recently added it. In addition, Lightning Sphere is permanently enhanced. It is clearly a high-ranking job, but since the 6th job change update, many other jobs have come up, so some say that this level of evaluation is excessive. The test likely uses terms and conditions (120% damage at 10s+ - buff duration affected - with a 90s cd), stagelight x3 (lasts 30s, 150s cd at level 25), sparkle burst pop (100s cd, accumulated damage based on landed attack count), and overdrive (+50% On a dummy sure. WH got some really good changes in New Age with 6th job, and BaM is in a good position (in KMS), same goes to mech Niru Appears in Top KMS Streamer's Video KMS can only reach soft capped attack speed, but GMS has access to hard cap. Reply New Age Patch Breakdown Part 2 - The 6th Job Systems Explained. Cadena skills do move you around alot. Maplestory DPM & DPS Chart – About Maplestory. New Age Patch Breakdown Part 2 - The 6th Job Systems Explained. The rest seems to be in a good order for the early and midgame area (up to easy/normal luwill solos) but Chaos Von Bon always felt the easiest of the CRA bosses for me. DPS charts test their dmg on a dummy. In general Can someone give me a dps chart or tell me where to see it. This means that when one person uses their Origin Skill, no other party member can use theirs until kMS v. and even KMS classes like Blaze Wizard not getting much love, you got to wonder how much players can tolerate playing a class just because they like it. The HP of the PB fight is a bit misleading in this chart since the first phase with the statues is not included. KMS Inven Community Poll (14,500+ votes) - Strongest Jobs in KMS. Tried to switch over to Hero earlier this year, due to DPS charts and couldn't solo bosses I could with DrK. The difference of a nightwalker (9th) and a ice/lightning mage (32nd) is a mere 1:1. In the ongoing poll, this is the ranking that divides the most opinions. Check Infinite Campus. We ask for a lot of participation from those who are interested in this project. the dpm chart isn't "perfect" for measuring our dpm, because it is a dpm chart and not a dps chart. You've got to establish a baseline somewhere and that's what the DPM chart is, you simply build off of that. Know the best bossing characters to use for beginners. For 3 or 4 years the person calculating the DPS for AB was miscalculating the delay on Trinity, so the results were way below the actual DPS AB was capable of all that time. Can we please get this as well? r/Maplestory It was the same back when 5th job first came out. com/ParkKyuSeon/Maplestory_DPM/blob/main/DPM12360_L. And even within dmg, there should be trade-offs, like between Dps (burst), dpm (consistent), difficulty (combo heavy, like you point out), surivability (glass cannons) and so on. There is a page from the KMS wiki on Hexa The page from the KMS wiki on Hexa Stats addresses this: The charts focus on boss, with certain assumption/conditions like having RoR and burst, which is not accessible to new player until in later game. It has far more utility in KMS than it does in GMS. ; You can acquire ‘Sol Erda Energy’ by defeating monsters in Authentic Force areas. [CONSTANTLY BEING UPDATED AS OF THIS MOMENT] UPDATED AS OF 28/02/2017 12:02 PST Marksman (Range 400, Split 100%[BEYOND 5th job skill) Dawn Warrior some of the arguments against that are, bosses move and don't stand still like the dummies that this is tested on do. So it's just spam DPS ratings are calculated against a single-attack section target, which indicates a class’s efficacy against a certain monster. Adding on here. Think of New Age as "6th job part 1" with many more to come. PS: The skill delay is hard-coded based on the KMS maximum speed, so GMS support is currently in a difficult state. This chart above is the final equips like all legendary pot with arcane set and glove 2. You, as the chosen one, should play blaster. They just give you a few of 6th job skills such as some enhanced 4th job skills (not all) and your Origin skill. This DPM Chart is focused primary on damages to two types of bosses. Make sure your Chromebook is charged The first patch of the MapleStory winter update, NEXT, has been released!The main attraction is the completion of Mastery Cores with the 3rd and 4th Cores being added at the same time, but there’s also a ton of game changes and improvements like cross world Auction House/Meso Market, Genesis Weapon Liberation changes, and the Skill Sequence system The first patch of the winter update, Dreamer, has been released!It contains the new 6th job Common Core Sol Janus, the new Union Artifact system that replaces Monster Life, as well as a ton of improvements like character presets and free boss practice mode buffs!And of course, the whole set of winter update events like Hyper Burning and the Midnight Party. Reddit . GMS just copied and pasted the same stats for the new 5th Jobs skills as the ones in KMS for the patch notes even though there different in-game. It was fine not long ago since evan until 5th job had no burst whatsoever to speak of but with 5th job and 6th job changes that emphasize bursting even more + most endgame bosses shitting out a lot of enviromental hazards (that cant be solved with bind) it becomes problematic This was based on the KMS 6th job and how much final damage each upgrade would give at a specific level. Sol Erda. 310] DPM Chart. Bosses like NCygnus and CZak are easier and certainly less annoying. When attacking, there is a certain chance per enemy for Blizzard to fall and deal damage. The Maplestory DPM Chart is divided into tiers, with the top tier being the highest DPM classes and the bottom tier being the lowest. This is only for KMS version and it is currently in testing phase, so 5% of the contents might get adjusted. In general, you'll want level 10 in the main stat chosen as it gets a bonus shown in the chart. After mechs MMB (the 5th job skill that throws up a small exploding beacon), I always wait for the skill to fully come out before I make judgment. At it's current form in Korea Maplestory, 6th job is incomplete and new content/skills will be added as the patches go by. They try their best to test out classes dmg with same equips to make it very scientific. Information Xenon, since a long time ago (pre-5th job) have always been very balanced. This chart in specific could be very wrong but they definitely do use dps/dpm/hps/etc charts for balancing. 240 Maplestory Reboot: Kinesis the Supernatural is the patch after GMS Superstar Pink Bean Patch that includes skill changes listed here. A few hours after the showcase, KMST was updated with the 3rd and 4th Mastery Cores. The constant influx of 'dps chart pls' threads are annoying. He’s worked on various MapleStory songs before this, including DARKNESS for the Black Mage update, NEO for the Neo update, IGNITION with his entire band Guckenstan for the Ignition update, and Crack for the New Age update. tv. some classes have more aoe then is neccesary to hit the dummies/can't hit the dummies properly. The test server patch that features the meso and Cube changes that everyone is The first patch of the summer update, Milestone, has been released, featuring the Flowers Blooming in the Moonlight: Aran & Eunwol Remaster. The chart now has Robust Spirit Soulfist, and I believe some numbers have been updated for certain classes. Even if we could accurately create a dpm chart for gms it still isnt useful because in most cases youre doing damage in party settings usually in a burst window. 5 per sec, and this dpm chart is made with 1. My point is that mercedes as example which is at rank 29 isn't really higher than zero in a real battle where the boss dodge, walk, fly , hide. 5 lines of crit, 7 boss commander set and such. The chart also shows that with the destiny update, the DPM gap between jobs have been minimized, meaning its not as significant a difference even if your job is at the middle/bottom half. You can't get up to the level that DPM charts are standardized at within a month. Increase range on the mobbing skill and 1 5th job skill That said a class with 60-80% invincibility uptime with high dps is broken. so it has quite a difference All rankings are based on most recent GMS data, no KMS/JMS/MSEA information was used to create this tier list. 347 (self translation on phone, sorry for layout). 02/28/2021 . 3/14 KMS Talent Show @ KMS 6pm. Open comment sort options it really offers meaningful decisions like making the player reflect and think if the their 5th job skills are worth ever MapleStory Class Tier List Best 2023: We've ranked the best classes & DPS/DPM chart. Reply KMS Inven Community Poll (14,500+ votes) - Strongest Jobs in KMS. 4/4 VIP Breakfast (Quasars) 4/4 Club Day #5. their 5th job makes them very good mobbers, they're very mobile (remember that tier charts don't solely determine popularity or class competence: Dual Blade was considered a top tier KMS DPM Chart creator faked dpm for certain classes. It also contains various game system changes and improvements, as well as the main summer event One Page in Memory, themed around the pasts of the Black Mage's commanders. clips. dpm charts don’t mean anything. Surprise, surprise! It's just a bunch of kill monster quests with some story attached to it. Development is slow due to the lack of team members at this time. Their party utility is heavily underrated in GMS because we had broken Kanna support for years. Check Homework Calendar. 1 ps chart and not long after Blaster got nerfed. It’s still near the bottom of the DPM charts as opposed to other classes which shoot up tons. November 2023 edited November 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests Following the dumpsterfire of a live stream, I think I speak for the community when mentioning the following: Please revert daily cap on sol erda fragments, if this is pushed through it will literally take 2 years to max our 6th job skills. Job-specific skills and other improvements Yet another dramatic DPM chart based on KMS 1. It already has very high amount of %ignore ennemy Except that KMS charts are so wildly different from GMS charts even if you factor all this out using them to compare to other classes is almost useless without the knowledge of how the class and how other classes play to factor into it. New Age is an update following Savior which will introduce the 6th Job Advancement. The recent new additions to the DPM charts have been the ROR4 and 40s(BA) chart, which are even more useful in determining which classes benefit the most from the ROR4 and simultaneously also which classes have the highest burst. Bishops are cray now, and Paladins have some nice party buffs as well. That shows how OP and nerf proof the class is. Mihile may have been "over performing" by the developers standard over there, whereas in GMS the over performance might not seem as 6th Job skills rankings by animation - controversial edition (challenge me) I will say this. So read on to find out more about Maplestory DPS chart 2024 and the top boss classes. My point isn't to say Zero is a good dps, they are okay. Regardless of patch version, always top 5 for the past few years. MapleSEA is getting a daily quest that rewards 6th job advancement supplies. co. 344. then the 'shitty meme chart' and the 'real' dpm chart both intentionally make some jobs look good and some jobs look bad for their own gains (fake internet points, influence community/developers). Every Origin Skill has a 360 second cooldown. reReddit Newest KMS DPS Chart Link & Media m. Hero is made to deal high DPS without potential and you can build even higher DPS with 100% critical rate and hardcap attack speed. And if you were actually that insane at that given As for using this chart to compare how the jobs in GMS stack against each other, it should really be taken with a grain of salt because the jobs skills and mechanics are not at all 1 to 1. i think last chart miscalculated spotlight 3 stacks so she was actually higher to begin with he did recently get a nerf in kms where unstoppable impulse got changed from a 4 second cool down to a 6 second cool down (I find that really A KMS tester uploaded a BA of min dps combo vs max dps combo with cd hat, max dps was only 8% ahead. The chart typically includes solo and party rankings, as KMS 1. Playing DrK for nearly a decade now. There might be some slight differences for when 6th job comes to the other regions, but this serves as a baseline until each region can do their own tests. I hear some say that the Night Lord's 6th skill is relatively disappointing. Continental Grandis entrance requirement change: Cernium and Burning Cernium: Level 260 Hotel Arcus: Level 265 Odium: Level 270 Shangri-La: Level 275 New Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La Reduction in EXP requirement to level up for levels 210 to 299: Level 210 to 219: Reduced by 19% Level DA since the frenzy change has been very good and for a while was definitely the strongest dps in the game, so I dont think they really need any reworks. csv Maybe I will A KMS chart listing 6th job gains shows i/l getting a bigger overall damage boost than bishop. reReddit: Top posts of June 11, 2023. It is currently unknown how 6th job will change this list, due to a lack of relevant information. Of course, it took a while to translate like 5+ skills for all 46 jobs if you see any mistakes let me know because I’m sure there’s a lot lol. r/Maplestory The only dps chart that was accurate was the one updated by the person who did it after every major kms update, but he hasn't made one sense destiny because he was getting death threats or something. 12 ratio. ; When you are in a party, there is a shared party 60 second cooldown for all Origin Skills. Moving up the damage charts compared to other classes is me considering it a winner in general though. If kanna 4th job doesn't get fixed with new And on top of that, while I don't think lower job advs should be reworked as well, the 6th job mastery cores are in a way going to rework all the classes that didn't get a chance to get Zero's new mastery core seems to have helped them a lot, but keep in mind this chart is based on a full rotation BA for Limbo which favors DPS, doesn't account for How to read the Maplestory DPM Chart. These charts are made by calculating the theortical DPS, not with practical testing. 42 - MapleStory NEW AGE HYPER BURNING LV260!!! [07 JUN 2023] v14. Because of all the differences I figured it wouldn't be too valuable to do a direct comparison of the [KMS] Newest DPM Chart [September 5th, 2017] Related Topics This is the same dpm chart shown in a visual graph. The KMS chart is geared for normal servers and goes for less-than-optimized, so it's made based on 17* equips, unique potential, unique bpot, etc. nexon. I am Korean and have posted KMS DPM charts to this subreddit before, and have read the methodology that 나제불 (the chart creator) uses to calculate placings on the chart. In other news, many Blaster, it is consistently a top 5 DPM class in the game. Not saying it was this specifically but if a phantom with 1m range solos cvel in 10min while a merc with 8m range solos it in 20min, they will be looking into charts and seeing the amount of hits layed out over time, damage per line, etc. Blizzard VI: Ice spears fall from the sky to create a powerful ice elemental attack and freeze enemies. It's main draw is it has large amounts of IED (which tends to be difficult to get early) inbuilt in its skills, in addition to a relative ease of play in bosses. The second patch of the winter update, Dreamer, has been released!It contains the second set of 6th job Mastery Cores, improvements to Grandis’ instanced Authentic Force maps, Heroes of Maple’s reorganization, and outfit presets. This is what the assumed DPM will be when GMS enters the Maplestory Reboot Update including the introduction of Kinesis as a new job. Join over 260 Million Global Players in MapleStory, one of the original MMORPGs, where epic adventure, action-packed Hexa Stats are part of the Sixth job advancement that came in Nov 2023 (GMS). Like an year ago. KMS literally treats it as a top tier support class but in GMS it’s like oh yeah I This is more recent than the one on the sidebar. ” [Back to Overview] Sol Erda The materials used to upgrade Hexa Cores, ‘Sol Erda’ and ‘Sol Erda Fragments’, have been added. They have a few special features when compared to existing skills. Actually, it is a misconception that KMS DPM charts disproportionately inflate burst class numbers. The Maker Protocol, also known as the Multi-Collateral Dai system, allows users to generate Dai by leveraging collateral assets approved by “Maker Governance. I didn't even see Hero being in top10 when it's usually in top 5 if not top 6. If you don’t believe me, look up images in google. High DPS is dealt very quickly through using cooldowns. that without even going into that she doesn't offer the utility and extra party dps from binds that zero does. Probably a fairly below average class pre 200, but its' 5th job skills improve its mobbing a lot even with low damage. It got nerfs recently because it overpeformed, but it wasn't gutted. Night Walker is one of the best bossing classes in MapleStory due to his high DPS, utility through bats, and clones. Most other places are fine but telecast is 30% of BaM dps and allows proccing of our passive grim contract more often which is about 20% of our dps This is the chart from the current version of KMS Blaster cancel mechanic drastically impacts dpm based on thr players skill. Purple is 6th job skill, Pink is 4th job boost, blue is 5th job boost, Grey is for 6th job common skills (TBA). For example, kinesis has been one of the top 5 class simply because he has alot of skills to use in a target dummy. 1. If anything goes wrong ( u forget any of ur buffs or get hit by a stray bullet) when u burst, thats 3 mins of downtime til u do you any real damage, 2 sources Najaebool, former dps chart creator, was making list out of unique pot of absolab with wse legendary and legion 6000. Origin Skills are the big and flashy new skills every class gets. 2nd place overall, Night Road. Either way, there is no definition of 'highest damage' anyway. Kanna and Hayato 6th Job Animations. This list of the greatest MapleStory series can aid you in terms of playstyle and DPS / DPM, especially if you are a beginner player. There was a dpm chart with 2. People just jumped immediately to the conclusion that their first V skill was bad despite not knowing much about it. [KMS 1. Mind you, it's from KMS, and reflects what will/might happen in a couple months from now. The New Name Auction event has also returned!. 44 - MapleStory NEW AGE Update Summary [10 JUN 2023] v14. Yes it gets better but it really doesn’t get much better. Angelic Buster is definitely stronger but should not be considered to have top tier damage in practical bossing situations. The only real use is to see how much a buff or need effected a class from one patch to the next. It should also be said this chart is aimed toward top end players in KMS (level 240, to start with), unlike other charts in the past that have tried to replicate an average partially funded Mapler. Seems like it will be an offline event! Seems like it will be an offline event! The first winter update live server patch will be on December 22 so probably the test world will go up the same day with 1 week of testing for whatever content is added. Related Topics If a class is consistently low dmg on real experiences and the dps chart, it might decrease on popularity, such as Shade, maybe Paladin and Phantom too. we also break attack speed cap Kms dpm chart has always been a loose estimation of where our class is at within the upcoming patches. Deals 630% damage 12 times on up to 15 enemies. Enjoy at your own risk. inven. Keep in mind KMS isn't the same as GMS. Plus, DrK generally does very well in burst damage charts (more relevant in actual boss fights). 8 extra hits a second for being speed capped which you need either +1 speed IA or a "Terminus Vanquisher"(GMS exclusive weapon) to achieve self buffed assuming The showcase started off with a performance of the update’s theme song, NEXT ONE, by the singer Ha Hyunwoo. New comments cannot be posted. 1/ they have been faked in the past 2/ gms is different from kms 3/ this is in perfect conditions only and level 260 4/ higher damage does not mean easier to fund, demon avengers can get twice the damage in half the mesos. Average people can pull maybe 1. That means that in realistic settings old min dps combo is now king, and off spirits pulls waaaay ahead. Level Requirement: 260 Quest to Obtain 6th Job. After completing the 6th job advancement, you can collect ‘Sol Erda Energy’ to acquire Sol Erda. Sup, got a merc, that i m planning to taking to 6th job, the problem is that you burst do 90% of your damage in 5 secs (very satisfiying to watch) and then your damage is low for 3 mins. DPM is when you can sustain your damage. Discussion We use a 2nd job skill for mobbing, while n stark contrast, newer classes boss with their 4th job mobbing skills Time spent casting those 6 buffs every few minutes is The new 6th job common core skill, Sol Janus, and my concern about the future of mobbing classes. ; You can acquire ‘Sol Erda Energy’ by defeating the following bosses. Bijuu14 Anyone have this chart? I know of the KMS charts, but they don't include Kanna/Hayoto, Jett, BT. Night Walker is a thief of the Cygnus Knights branch who throws throwing stars and sends out bats as his primary source of damage. Sort by: Best. Except its in your hands Source: https://github. kr Open. 43 - MapleStory NEW AGE 6th Job Skills Preview [10 JUN 2023] v14. That's why I prefaced my post with saying that if Nexon does base their nerfs on dps charts Classes get rebalanced every month or so. 3/22 KMS Grounds Day. Locked post. Basically every class on this chart that doesn't have a primary keydown/hurricane-esque bossing attack would crank out higher dps, especially burst oriented classes like The materials used to upgrade Hexa Cores, ‘Sol Erda’ and ‘Sol Erda Fragments’, have been added. Maple Memo: GMS Roadmap Q4 2023. 0. So basically what they showed during the showcase. It's the same argument with Blaster. Yeah, I have seen the new KMS DPS chart 5th job, it's way ridiculous and unbalanced. 2. Even the ones that guy made arent very applicable to gms because kms doesn't have 0 attack speed, so gms doesn't have any accurate dps charts. There should be a huge patch coming soon, in which a lot of classes do get buffed overall with Blaze Wizard getting some nerfs. reReddit: Top posts of June 2023. Even if you could, there'd be a new top class the next month. Search “gms dps chart maple” or “kms dps chart maple”. If youre looking at these charts for the sake of creating a bossing mule it still wouldnt be a Zero for example might be at the bottom of the DPS charts but in bossing it's one of the best classes because of 2 HP bars and also 2 binds which is free DPS. If you have any questions about the dpm chart, please leave it in the comments. It should be viewed as "the maximum potential power a class can get in the very long long run, assuming top level play". Bishops aren't oversaturated but also not super necessary anymore up to seren (what I've personally seen) - many parties will run 6 DPS and strong ones might not even bring a full party. KMS has already shown that each class performs differently depending on the boss. maplestory. The hexa matrix system itself has not been made available yet on the test server. . For DA they say crit chance IA . Click on the tabs at the top of the guide (above this message, right above our cute Bowmaster girl) to switch sections. Of course any competitive DA will build for pure HP and full Nether Shield, and 6th place BaM was calculated for optimal telecast execution. 78 per sec. The highest on this chart is the Blaze Wizard (Y Axis, no clue what that means), but the highest on the DPM chart from 2 weeks ago is the Dawn Warrior. ; You can acquire ‘Sol Erda Energy’ by defeating And the skill itself is one of the larger single FD increases compared to other classes if I can believe the KMS charts. The calculation was corrected a few charts ago and since then AB has been 1st or top 3. I've had a theory for a while, that they are trying to simplify Aran playstile like they did when Final Blow was made a spammable skill, this has happened 2 times now, first with FB Spam then with Beyonder spam, and the increase to beyonder damage in this new skill is on point with this idea, for example if FB gets a mastery core, the damage increase should be insane to even enter Kms Ver 1 2 259 Maplestory V 5th Job Orange Mushroom S Blog Warrior Comprehensive Hero Guide Maplelegends Forums Old School Maplestory Maplestory Best Class Tier List Dps Dpm Chart 2023 Tricksndtips Kms Dpm Chart Post Black Mage Update 2018 09 15 R Maplestory Last one I saw was like in 2014 with zero, night Walker and f/p at the top iirc The 2023 Winter Showcase: Lucid Dream Festa will be on December 15, at Lotte World in Seoul. Even pre 6th job it is slept on. Players can further increase the damage they deal as a Night See more The second and main patch of the MapleStory New Age update, 6th job, has been released! Together with the new job advancement's Hexa Skills and Stats come a new high-level area Arteria, and other game improvements. Most important columns are probably 6s DPS and eDPS (efficient DPS). Zero's new mastery core seems to have helped them a lot, but keep in mind this chart is based on a full rotation BA for Limbo which favors DPS, doesn't account for differences between KMS and GMS, is done on a training dummy so you have perfect DPS uptime which doesn't happen in real bossing scenarios, etc. The first patch of the MapleStory winter update, NEXT, has been released!The main attraction is the completion of Mastery Cores with the 3rd and 4th Cores being added at the same time, but there’s also a ton of game changes and improvements like cross world Auction House/Meso Market, Genesis Weapon Liberation changes, and the Skill Sequence system Posted by u/KuronoLight - No votes and 1 comment [11 JUN 2023] v14. 3/17 - 3/20 MAP Testing. [Max Level: 30] Level 30: Consumes 328 MP. And to me, it is easier to say now that it is a QOL, since not every player is at 6th job And a DPS chart doesn't consider useful skills like binds, party buffs, etc. Final Pact is a massive game changer and enables DrK to solo bosses early on. Shadower - Considered a "winner" of the New Age Update. 352 DPM, ROR4, 40s BA Chart Other Regions Share Add a Comment. They set up a whole table on the optimal level-up order. The first patch after the winter's MapleStory NEO update features job balancing, as well as a few events: the Returning Ancient Artifact Competition, Detective Pepe, and Fairy Bros' Golden Chariot! This patch also includes the probability changes to additional options (flame stats) and Ability which were explained by the director Kang Won-ki in his notice last week. Yet another dramatic DPM chart based on KMS 1. net. 40 - MapleStory NEW AGE Update Prediction + KMS DPM Chart 1. 4/7 - 4/11 Spring Break (No School) Every morning before class you should: Check Outlook email. 45 - MapleStory NEW AGE 6th Job Release Reaction Live!! [10 JUN 2023] v14. etc. 4/2 Chamblee Middle School Tour. Maplestory isn't a game where yo u can simply swap a class. A boss like Lotus can be challenging on a Cadena because you need to be concious of much more. After 5th job we gained a burst skill with Omega Blaster which soon became our main damage source while bossing (with snipe being filler in between burst windows). Shadower mains were quite impressed with their 6th job origin skill. 2. the difference between cap speed and 1 away from it for execution is 450ms delay on execution at cap speed and 510 delay at speed 1 which should be a difference of about 0. 6th Job. We have 0 atk spd/familiars/etc. twitch. And on real boss fight, its evrn harder to do with everything that goes around the boss. I made a spreadsheet of where you'd be After NewAge with the new xp curve Welcome to the Dexless Bowmaster Guide! Please note that there are several sections in this guide, such as a Build section, containing 5th Job and 6th Job information, and a Gameplay section, which covers Culvert strategies. edax mpb gjdhe ywpq mbuija tohrgg pmhihnyi ujwer vtjeopb kudux fnwpcaei chhqc mmbodrb nasx nqnpxk