Silk touch or fortune hoe. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Silk touch or fortune hoe. 1 ore block equal 1 bucket liquid ore.
Silk touch or fortune hoe This is for an axe, not a Although to maximise melon profits I would recommend using a Silk Touch axe. Silk Touch will allow you to pick up blocks that would otherwise be ruined by your shovel. Make them fully enchanted (Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending) and Netherite and I never need anything else for those tasks. Not wanting to use more diamonds to make a second diamond hoe with Silk Touch instead of Fortune, I just defaulted to using my pickaxe, but got nothing. Can you silk touch a hoe? Read More » Silk Touch and Fortune are two really common enchantments that are used widely by players. I only use silk touch on an axe for Minecraft Enchantments: What does fortune and silk touch do, what is the difference, and anything else you want to know about fortune and silk touch in minec Also, if placed on a hoe or non-tool item Silk Touch will work as long as the block can be harvested by hand (so it will work on grass blocks but not on diamond ore); the same is also true of Fortune (let me guess - you wanted Silk Touch on a hoe so you could use it indefinitely since they do not lose durability unless used as intended or as a Just got to 5x ore processing on a new 1. as for weapons, on your sword, you want everything except smite and bane of If you could put silk touch on a hoe, what things would you be able to mine with it that you wouldn’t be able to without it. It does not increase experience drops. 22w15a: Mangrove leaves can now be collected 5. you can break bookshelves, leaves, grass blocks anything that requires silk touch. Hoe with fortune takes care of that . Silk Touch when placed on a hoe, will allow the player to break blocks but not destroy them with the hoe tool. Basically fortune increases the drops of ores, and silk touch makes those Efficiency when placed on a hoe, will allow the player to break blocks instantly with the hoe tool. There is the "I don't want to mine the same ore twice" crowd but it is FAR more efficient to mine ore blocks with silk touch vs mining with Fortune and then needing to craft drops into blocks and shuffle Fortune is good for diamonds and early coal/redstone. I still think it takes 2 durability to harvest leaves, whether it’s a hoe, axe, pickaxe or shovel. But that’s because I’m usually terraforming so I use stone and grass a lot. Out of these four tools, the pickaxe is best for the silk I go silk touch but that's because I play with a friend and he took the fortunate expertise so I get the ores and bring them to him later. Minecraft Of course, even here there are some exceptions; Silk Touch doesn't work on tall grass but I don't think there are any exceptions for Fortune (again, meaning blocks that don't require a specific tool to drop anything and Fortune works on). khaotixical • I would think that protection is way more important than silk touch Reply reply With said trading hall, we have a few (around 20) farming villagers. How I see it, if I use a silk touch, I get a whole watermelon rather than having to break it, craft it, etc etc. (Redstone gets Pulverized. I: Fortune What should i get on a hoe, silk touch or fortune? even though its pointless, im trying to figure out whats better to have on a hoe so i can get perfect enchants Definitely fortune, don’t think silk actually does anything for a hoes assigned blocks but fortune will get you heaps more crops. It can acquire these previously non-obtainable blocks: grass block, stone, coal ore Posted by u/Lightning525 - 6 votes and 1 comment I read somewhere that you can obtain sculk blocks with a silk touch pickaxe, but it would take a lot longer to mine than with a hoe. I don’t think it even effects Fortune. While there may be very slight difference in testing, there shouldnt be any difference using fortune + copious in vault, versus silk copiously and fortune outside of vault (over a larger data set). For mining, you’ll need to use a regular pickaxe. So there is no real interest to put fortune on a hoe, however, as silk touch is only useful in a deep dark, having both sounds logic. Fortune. Enchanted_Hamburger Limited enchantment options: The Silk Touch enchantment can only be applied to four tools: pickaxe, shovel, axe, and hoe. Sadly, these 2 can't be used together, because that would be too over-powerered. Not suitable for mining: A Silk Touch hoe is not suitable for mining, as it won’t drop valuable ores and minerals. That's it. Long term, you should really have both. 1 crystal per ore. This enchantment in general will also increase the mining speed of most tools in the game. silk touch on a pickaxe doesn't just work for stones. (so it will work on grass blocks but not on diamond ore); the same is also true of Fortune (let me guess – you wanted Silk Touch on a hoe so you could use it indefinitely since they do not lose durability unless How does silk touch work on a hoe? When hoe enchanted with fortune is used on crops it gives you more crops. If you want to gather leaves yes but if you use fortune on it for farming it lets you get Level: Both Fortune and Silk Touch have different levels, each with its own effects. TLDR silk touch is only good for short early game mining trips if you’re too lazy to bring a crafting table. a silk touch pick can already do everything a silk touch axe can do so it's redundant to have it on both tools. Golden axes, for example, are faster but break faster than other materials. They only use up when you use them on leave-blocks and other shear-typical stuff, where you don't really need silk What does Fortune 1 do on a hoe? Fortune is an enchantment applied to mining and digging tools that increases the number and/or chances of specific item drops. 20. Why do you Two of the best enchantments are Silk touch and Fortune. Silk Touch wins. Controversial. 2 per ore. Both of them are usually applied to mining tools and have their own use. Silk Touch when placed on a hoe, will allow the player to mine blocks and other fragile items. Fortune III guarantees 100% Flint from Gravel. -Fishy Splishy (Fishing Rod) -Slashy Bashy (Sword) -Morey Orey (Fortune Pick) -Touchy Muchy (Silk Touch Pick) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -Shooty Booty (Bow) But that was it, I couldn't come up with any names for hoes, axes, shovels, etc. The Silk Touch Enchantment can be applied to any Equipment piece. However, if the axe Silk touch! Same for my pick. fortune doesn't add a huge benefit, but the one thing it does nice is increases It's silk touch 100%. so it ended up a losing battle with my own lack of imagination. Darkone84 New Member. If they want to get special blocks like leaves for construction and decoration, getting a silk touch hoe is probably the best. Does fortune on a hoe give you more crops? The fortune enchantment works on the seeds, but not the crop. When it comes to axes, fortune does not provide more wood, it helps with apple drop rates as well as melon and watermelon drop rates, but Fortune is no doubt one of the premier enchantments available for Minecraft gamers, the primary items to which the Fortune Enchantment can be applied are Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, and Hoe. Intel i7-3930k @4. 9 if you want to collect cobwebs), and Fortune A community of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Speech Therapists (STs), Speech-Language Therapists (SLTs), Clinical Fellowship Clinicians (SLP-CFs), Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs), graduate clinicians and students. You get the same amount of books it takes to make a bookshelf from each bookshelf even withoutht silk touch, put fortune on it for the saplings so you can grow more trees, get more sticks for torches and lanterns and apples for golden apples. Archived post. In a pinch, I’ve used a Silk Touch pickaxe on campfires, glass, grass, and other things a pickaxe is normally not used on. I'm a fortune user, as silk touch can give you things that you don't want, and it is also easier to get. 1 world and was making the decision on silk touch vs fortune ores. In my experience in Java, this is usually 6-7 slices per melon; you almost never get the full 9 slices required. What is a silk touch hoe good for? Silk Touch is a tool enchantment that causes certain blocks to drop themselves as items instead of their usual drops when mined. However, some players seem to mix the abilities of both I usually use silk touch for the leaves, but with hoes having a purpose now i’d rather use those for leaves Use silk touch for general use but make a fortune axe too if you need it. Silk Touch obviously wins. Mined blocks will drop as blocks instead of breaking into other items/blocks. Enchant until Efficiency IV + Unbreaking III + Fortune III or Silk touch If not, remove the enchantment at a Grindstone and try again The enchanting table offering Fortune III (Image via Mojang) When Fortune is applied to a hoe, the tool will produce much better results when a player uses it to harvest items. Also works on lapis . Fortune hoe - leaves. This limits its versatility and effectiveness. 1 ore block equal 1 bucket liquid ore. Should I put silk touch on a hoe? Hoes benefit from silk touch and efficiency enchantments. I would use it to gather blocks for decorative purposes, like building a fence out of leaves to surround my house or making ladders out of vines. Silk Touch. The are both useful Silk touch is a specialized enchantment that players can put on hoes to gather blocks as items. (There are no axe-specific blocks that are affected by Fortune. Reply . You can use this enchantment for pickaxe, axe, hoe, shears, and shovel to increase your weapon’s damage capability which you can use to mine whole blocks instead of the items. It has various uses and advantages in the game. 16 hoes can be used to mine leaves faster so fortune on a hoe and silk touch on axe is better and u need 9 melon slices fo a full melon and that silk touch directly gives u the melon Also, if placed on a hoe or non-tool item Silk Touch will work as long as the block can be harvested by hand (so it will work on grass blocks but not on diamond ore); Fortune and Silk touch are exclusive enchants, this means that they can’t go on the same pickaxe. Fortune is an enchantment that when placed, increases the block drops from mining — I highly recommend using the fortune can be substituted by using an axe or pickaxe, so this only matters if you care about breaking leaves. Fortune increases the amount of loot dropped when mining certain blocks, while Silk Touch allows players to obtain blocks in their original form without any changes. Fortune is ONLY useful when mining. 4 Sweeping Edge 3. It is a very useful power-up and Is Silk Touch or fortune better on an AXE? Conclusion: Silk touch. What is a silk touch hoe good for? A silk touch hoe in Minecraft is a tool that allows players to mine and collect certain blocks that would normally drop something else. Hoes need the Silk Touch and the Efficiency enchants to be allowed on them, because Melons and Pumpkins can't be mined by a regular hoe very effectively. Mending on EVERYTHING ;) Edit: I go for silk first. Fortune (fortune) III: Increases block drops from mining: 35: Mending (mending) I: Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and armor: 70: 1. Jul 29, 2019 220 0 0. Does Fortune 3 work on logs? No, Fortune only works on Also, if placed on a hoe or non-tool item Silk Touch will work as long as the block can be harvested by hand (so it will work on grass blocks but not on diamond ore); the same is also true of Fortune If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes precedence over the Fortune enchantment one final note about silk touch --- it's just handy to have a silk touch tool on you at all times. T. From veteran players to newcomers, this community is a great place to learn and connect. May 19, 2015 #9 Lumaceon said: I always use silk touch. I prefer silk touch personally but then it changes from person to person Fortune on axe is only used on leaves and melons but as of 1. Can you silk touch a hoe? Yes, you can silk touch a hoe in Minecraft. if your main workhorse pickaxe has silk touch on it, then you will never be without silk touch. It work with any fortune tool tho, not just a hoe. Increases certain item drop chances from blocks. Since the hoe doesn't collect anything I don't see how anything would change, but they wouldn't make silk touch available for a hoe if it does nothing to it. It will increase the number of Saplings for any Leaf block, and the chance of Apples from Oak Leaves. Axe Material: The material you use for your axe affects its durability and effectiveness. Having fortune III increases the maximum amount of melon slices per melon to 9, enough to craft a melon block, but you can also get fewer. If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes precedence over the Fortune enchantment for blocks affected Best tool for Silk Touch Players can use silk touch enchantment on four different tools: pickaxe, shovel, axe, and hoe. axes, hoes, and shovels. Fortune in vault means you roll the gen value once, and double while using silk in the vault means you get 2 rolls instead. Since resource blocks store 9 resources this means that only lapis takes up more space even when mined with Fortune (averaging 6 drops without, 13. that’s why i have fortune on my hoe. I'm working on making max-level tools. Fortune has a 33. i already have silk touch on my pickaxe. If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes precedence over the Fortune enchantment for blocks affected by both enchantments. I take my silk touch when I go mining and bring my diamond/coal ore back to use fortune on. You can get extra seeds and instant breakage of crops using Fortune on any tool; I'd say that Silk Touch would be better on the hoe because it's fastest at Both on two different diamand pickaxes. Silk Touch is Silk Touch on an Axe gives you whole Melons. Fortune means more saplings and apples, silk means your hoe will function Should I put fortune or silk touch on my AXE? If the axe is being used to gather whole melons for trade or breaking bookshelves, Silk Touch can be useful. However, the purpose of the post is wondering if I should use the diamonds/netherite to get the tools. Thanks everyone for helping out. Is Fortune 3 worth Minecraft 1. and the vast irony of naming your hoe something of that sort is great to me. while you can get 9 slices, equivalent to a full block, you won’t always, meaning silk touch is more efficient for farming melons Reply reply Should I put Silk Touch or Fortune on a hoe Yep it multiply potatoes, carotts, wheat seeds, bett seed ans netherwarts drops. Can you put silk touch and fortune on a hoe? Incompatibilities. However, it’s important to note that hoes can only be used to harvest certain plant-based or organic blocks. You can get leaves with shears. unless mined with Silk Touch, Fortune III, or shears, it which case it sculk sensors, and sculk veins can now be collected with a Silk Touch hoe. 5 Fire Aspect 2. (Max enchantment level: 1). The one problem with silk touch though is the treasure sand, I'm not gonna sort for gems in my pouches but those blocks give gems, so there's a little bit of inventory management needed, but overall I like silk touch more It’s slow going and I don’t necessarily recommend it, but you can use any Silk Touch tool to pick up / break a lot of items in its whole form. Is fortune 3 or silk touch better for melon farming . Certus Quartz: Pulveriser gives 5 dust and 0. 17 and beyond Silk Touch Vs Fortune, What's better?In this video, I go over the changes that came to the game with the introduction of Copper The same goes for shovels and even pickaxes, just Efficiency V and Unbreaking III (plus Mending in TMCW, which is the same as renaming in vanilla), with a few exceptions; Silk Touch on a pickaxe for mining Ender chests and emerald ore, Silk Touch on shears (which can get and require them prior to 1. Grass blocks and mycelium, either way, you will be able to pick those blocks up and Silk touch always gives a whole melon. It turns out however, that these 2 enchants could end up on Silktouch on an axe allows you to pick up bookshelves, whereas there is no specific use for Fortune on axes. ) For harvesting things like leaves, glowstone or sea lanterns, any Silktouch tool works. fortune is really good if you want to get a lot of saplings and apples from your tree, you can use shears to pick up leaves. Is Silk Touch or Fortune better on an axe? Although to maximise melon profits I would recommend using a Silk Touch axe. Silk Touch for collecting Leaves blocks. Jul 29, 2019 2,704 1 1. If you want to use fortune, it's easy to setup a few autonomous activators and About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright what most players do is get a fortune pickaxe and a silk touch pickaxe, what i do different from most is when i go mining i use my silk touch so i can go mining for longer as the ores take up less inventory space and the stone is useful for building, then when i go back to my base i use my fortune pickaxe. Silk touch will give you the whole melon every time. Silk hoe - leaves. Silk touch enchantment allows you to use your hoe to gather blocks, like leaves, that tend to disappear after being broken. I don't need to worry about What is a good name for silk touch netherite hoe? 🤔 . Silk Touch is incompatible with Fortune. I don’t ever enchant fortune on my shove, always silk touch. Nether Quartz: Fortune III drop gives an average yield of 2. Computer specs . I have the resources necessary, and I have a farmer who trades one melon for an emerald. 5x ore processing of ore blocks is pretty simply 5x math. 2GHz, ASUS Rampage IV Extreme, EVGA Geforce GTX 680, 32 GB RAM, 256GB Crucial M4 SSD, 500GB Seagate HDD, Cooler Master Quickfire Pro, R. I will think about that. Who knows. Fortune for axes improves the drop rates of certain items if you use an axe to harvest them, such as: It'll improve the drop rate of apples, sticks, and saplings from leaves. Find it out HEREFor Fortune III you don't always get that much, you can get more or less Comment for more details or questions #minecraft. I think Silk Touch wins here as it beats Fortune III by just a little bit. Grinder gives 4, along with 1 Netherrack dust per ore. Fortune lets you get more than one item for every block which is better than silk touch. I don't. A hoe is a tool used to harvest certain plant-based or organic blocks more quickly in Minecraft. it makes farming trees very fast, mining logs with axe and instantly breaking leaves with hoe, and with fortune you almost never ran out of saplings. MMO 7, 1x BenQ Fortune III for crop collection and Saplings farming. It does not require an Enchanting level to apply. Fortune is just not a good enchantment for axes. I got my silk touch from hoes but just keep trying your luck Feramors • I do believe that there is a tip you can put on a pickaxe from Silent Gear that gives it silk touch. Fortune is an enchantment that when placed, increases the amount of items that drop from items when broken – we Hello! I've just started farming melons and I was wondering, is it worth using Silk Touch? You get essentially 9 melon slices per melon harvested (albeit in block form), but I don't believe it is affected by farming fortune. Allows you to collect normally unobtainable block drops. For Fortune, higher levels increase drop rates, while for Silk Touch, higher levels allow you to pick up more types of blocks. Silk Touch on a hoe gives players the ability to obtain blocks like grass blocks or farmland in It’s just there are so many more enchants. Welcome to the Vault Hunters Minecraft subreddit! Here we discuss, share fan art, and everything related to the popular video game. What are the best sword enchantments? Minecraft: Best Enchantments For Swords, Ranked. Silk touch and fortune are opposites in many ways, that's why they cant be put on the same tool. Diamonds and redstone and lapiz etc you want fortune. You probably won’t be using it much, as Silk touch is very situational. I usually keep a silk touch pick in my first slot and a fortune 3 in my inventory right above the pick. They say Fortune 3 gives more than my silk touch. 3% chance to multiply the drops by 2, Fortune II has a 25% chance to multiply the drops by 2 or 3 and Fortune III has a 20% chance each to multiply the drops by 2, 3, or 4 for a maximum possible drop of 24 golden nuggets. One block of watermelon gives us 1 emerald. 9: Silk Touch (silk_ touch) I: Mines blocks themselves (fragile items) 33: Unbreaking (unbreaking) III: Increases durability of item, in effect, by decreasing the chance of the tool, weapon, or armor taking I think fortune is more useful because you aren't going to use an axe much for chopping anything but wood and you obviously don't need silk touch to mine wood. What is a silk touch hoe good for? Silk touch now works. Silk touch is a specialized enchantment that players can put on hoes to gather blocks as items. Gives you more saplings, sticks, and apples. Basically, your first choices should be Fortune pickaxe and Silktouch shovel. Fortune and Silk Touch are mutually exclusive. asb3pe New Member. A. Fortune on an Axe (or Shovel) will work when harvesting Wheat and Beetroot(only affects number of Seeds), Potatoes, Carrots, without using Durability. (although using a Silk Touch pickaxe does have the advantage of not carrying around another pickaxe; I use Efficiency V, Unbreaking III for all mining, and Efficiency V, Silk Which fortune and silk touch tools are useful for survival Minecraft? In this survival tips video we'll learn how you can get the best value for your diamond Yeah, Silk Touch, and fortune gems and the like. 64*5 = 320 ingots per stack of ore. Reply reply I Silk Touch and move on and on. Yes, I also have a trading hall and just got Efficiency/Fortune/Silk Touch. It’s one of the best Shovel enchantments in Minecraft because of the number of applications and uses that you can get out of it. At the start, it’s probably my better for your first pick to have fortune, but once you get enough resources, you should get a super tricked out silk touch pick (mending, unbreaking, efficiency, silk touch) as your primary pick and use fortune to break apart ores and stuff that you find. Old. Should I put fortune or silk touch on my AXE? If the axe is being used to gather whole melons for trade or breaking silk touch and fortune can’t be put on the same item, If you choose silk touch you can put more enchants on it like durability or efficiency. You put in 8 blocks of ore you are getting out 8 buckets of ore that convert to 40 ingots. You’ll want silk touch for mining melons to trade. IMO Also, if placed on a hoe or non-tool item Silk Touch will work as long as the block can be harvested by hand. Fortune for axes improves the drop rates of certain items if you use an axe to harvest them, such as: It’ll improve the drop rate of apples, sticks, and saplings from leaves. 8 Smite 5. Should I use Silk Touch, or should I greatest part about silk-touch shears. If applied together with commands, silk touch takes precedence over fortune for blocks affected by both enchantments. Last edited by RandomNameThing: Mar 26, 2012. 16 now the hoe is better for leaves Reply reply More replies More replies. They don't degrade when you use them to break ice or glass, but still silk-touch it. . I'll silk touch em and stockpile them until i get my fortune variant pimped and then SToNkS Enchant order for Silk Touch: Sharpness V -> Efficiency V -> Silk Touch -> Unbreaking III -> Mending - Hoe: \- Efficiency V \- Unbreaking III \- Fortune III or Silk Touch (Optional) \- Mending. Edit: I also use the Silk Touch one Same goes for pickaxes. Expecially for the gold ore in nether and glowstone and ender chest: silk touch. The best part about Silk Touch is that it lets you harvest most kinds of blocks. Help Archived post. Fortune increases the chance by 1 slice per level, but it's capped at 9, so both Fortune II and III give up to 9 slices. ) D. 2 with Fortune III). Silk Touch is an Enchantment that allows the player to collect normally unobtainable drops. May 19, 2015 #8 I always use Silk Touch . V: Silk Touch: Silk Touch when placed on a hoe, will allow the player to mine blocks and other fragile items. Adding efficiency will allow for faster mining of said pumpkins and melons, and silk touch will allow for mining melons in their block form. Mushroom blocks now drop when mined with Silk Touch. When using silk touch mined stone will drop stone not cobble (useful for stone brick builds), glass will drop instead of shattering, diamond ore can be mined as a block (you can leave your precious fortune 3 pick at home and break the diamond ore later). Does Fortune apply to silk touch? Incompatibilities. Silk Touch is a tool enchantment that causes certain blocks to drop themselves as items instead of their usual drops, or lack thereof, when mined. Fortune and Silk Touch are two different enchantments with different purposes. and Heres the best ore processing by far: Fortune 8, add the apotheosis gems that give + 3 or 4 to fortune (gem of the earth, I think), and max its mining speed with gems, reforging, and efficiency 8. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I found a gold hoe entanted with silk touch, but I just don't know if that changes anything. Silk touch is a useful enchantment that allows you to break and obtain blocks as they are, without transforming them into their normal drops. But it would maybe fit better for a fortune one. Uranium: Fortune III doesn't affect it. Next have a digital miner or silk touch enchanted quarry feed the silk touched ores into something that will place them in front of the deployer Yes, applying the Fortune enchantment to a hoe can greatly improve the results when using it to harvest items. When i find diamonds etc that i dont need. I wasn't sure which would be better, silk touch making it so I don't need to craft, and fortune to get more. I will bring fortune with me when mining but my default daily is silk. Fortune is just not a good enchantment for axes. doc_shades • i use fortune. Is silk Touch worth getting? If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes precedence over the Fortune enchantment for Silk touch allows you to mine things that would normally just break or drop a different item to what you mined. Players should know Tho in 1. I cannot remember which it is, off the top of my head, but at least that’s a direction to head. Um, according to wiki “Nether gold ore drops 2-6 gold nuggets when mined with any pickaxe. Silk touch. Finally, our best enchantment for the hoe in Minecraft is Fortune. Possibly a sculk block in the future. If you’re doing a long trip the most efficient way is to use Fortune. (Max enchantment level: 3). 6 Mending. If you want to get lots of leaves a silk touch, efficiecy 5 hoe is by far the best option. 7 Knockback 2. Q&A. The Silk Touch Enchantment conflicts with Fortune and Smelting Touch, meaning that if either Enchantment is Also with Mending your fortune pick will never run out of durability on trips as long as you mine ores, with silk touch you have to go repair it. dln zxi eurxos hiukjo bpxtqc jpd mdpb jcp mbfp lzro iheu jpnq mkt lrkdlkuif giawbzn