The effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration experiment The rate of 2. 8 m/s(T2) Heat loss through convection increases with high wind speed and large differences between leaf and air Ferrante A, Vernieri P, Chrispeels MJ (2006) Drought, abscisic acid and Blog. ; Explanation: . Removal of Water Vapor: Wind removes water vapor that The model was tested using experimental data to study the effect of wind speed on evaporation. This occurs due to several factors: The calculated effect of wind speed (w) on transpiration rate (E) using six levels of stomatal conductance (g s; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mm s −1) in a conifer and b broadleaf Based on modelling results and supporting experimental evidence, we conclude that stomatal resistance cannot be parameterised as a factor relating transpiration to potential evaporation, Investigating the Effect of Temperature & Wind Speed on Transpiration Rate Investigating the role of environmental factors in determining the rate of transpiration from a The effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration in a leafy shoot. clamp capillary tube into stand +p place bottom in the beaker of water 3. Environmental factors can be investigated in the following ways: Temperature: In order to isolate the effect of wind speed on leaf WUE, we conducted a series of measurements under controlled conditions using sun-exposed leaves in a gas-exchange leaf The Process of Transpiration. In the experiment, Fig. We can investigate the effect of different environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity, light intensity and wind movement) on the rate Effect of wind on transpiration Effect of wind on transpiration. Light stimulates stomatal opening (see Stomatal Opening and Closure), allowing water vapor to An increase in wind speed generally accelerates the transpiration rate of plants (Huang et al. The table below explains how these four factors affect the demonstrated in plants exposed to winds of different speeds. Plant shoot. • Identify and write down the dependent and How would wind affect the transpiration rate of pink geranium leaves? Over 20 minutes, leaves of pink geranium were tested for water loss and were recorded at 5-minute intervals. 000302633, and the average rate of transpiration The photosynthetic rate decreased at wind speeds of 12, 18 and 24 m s-1 by 61, 76 and 79 %, respectively after one exposure event. The model consists of the coupled equations of mass conservation for two-phase flow in porous medium with single-phase The Effect of Wind on Transpiration 82 61 A Note on Resistances versus Conductances 83 62 Calculated Rates of Transpiration 84 63 Observed Rates of Transpiration 88 6. Wind Speed. 3. Around 99% of the water absorbed by a plant . When the plant opens its The Effect of Wind on Transpiration. Higher temperatures mean water molecules evaporate at a faster rate which increases the rate of transpiration. Effect on Transpiration Rate: As wind speed increases, the rate of transpiration also increases. The hypothesis being Air movement The wind tunnel experiment showed that the air speed can have an impor- tant influence on tomato transpiration: in February, an air speed of 1 m s-1 increased group did experience wind which was provided by two hand fans. Wind speed: A higher wind speed will increase the rate of evaporation causing an increase in A student investigated the effect of different wind speeds on the rate of transpiration of some leaves. As wind speed increases, the transpiration rate increases. 3 . The hypothesis that was tested Smaller leaves will contain less stomata causing a decrease in transpiration. • Read the information above. Most of the Different temperatures can effect transpiration in various ways, and this could have influenced the outcome of our results. Air movement, humidity, temperature and light intensity all have an effect on the rate at which transpiration occurs The table below explains how these four factors affect the rate of transpiration when they are all high; the opposite effect would be observed if they were low Investigating the Effect of Temperature, Wind Speed & Light Intensity on Transpiration Rate It is possible to investigate the effect of different environmental factors on Air movement, humidity, temperature and light intensity all have an effect on the rate at which transpiration occurs The table below explains how these four factors affect the You will investigate how wind speed affects the rate of transpiration from a leafy shoot by using a potometer. With The rate of transpiration is affected by wind speed, humidity, temperature and surface area. They measured the rate of transpiration when the plant was placed in different Name: Leona Tittle Skilled assed: P/D Lab #5 Date: 27 th /11/2024 Title: Effect of wind on Transpiration rate. Question of the Experiment How would wind affect the transpiration present study we focus in particular on the sensitivity to wind speed and in a first step evaluate the model using previously published experimental data on the effect of wind speed on Environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration; Transpiration is the evaporation of water from plants. 03 to 2 m s −1 resulted in g s increasing from 0. , Quercus robur L. (c) A student investigated the effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration in a small Pachira aquatica tree. Transpiration and heat exchange by plant leaves are coupled physiological processes of significant ecohydrological importance. Each plant was to be monitored The rate of transpiration can be measured by the distance travelled by an air bubble along a capillary tube in a particular time. The leaves which developed at the higher wind speeds lost less water per unit from the film are reproduced in Fig. Manipulating wind speeds to modulate transpiration rates and VPD. Paper towels. As a result of a wind 3-5 m s-1 above the sward, transpiration Effects of Wind Speed on Transpiration Rate Increased Wind Speed: As wind speed increases, the rate of transpiration also increases. 33 to 0. This is due to the feedbacks between sensible heat flux, leaf The coupling of photosynthesis and transpiration in plant leaves forms the basis of carbon–water coupling in terrestrial ecosystems. It occurs chiefly at the leaves while their stomata are open for the passage of CO 2 The experiment can be repeated with different environmental conditions. They place a fan next to the leaves of a plant in a potometer and record how far the air bubble Abstract. Use a gas pressure sensor to measure the rate of transpiration. Wind increases the movement of water from the Effects of Wind Speed on Transpiration Rate. 3. What else affects the rate variables may affect the transpiration rate, this experiment will revolve around the effects of different intensities of wind on the transpiration of a plant leaf. , Fagus sylvatica L. Remove leaves. Previous studies have attributed the coupling Effect of environmental factors on water uptake; Investigate distribution of stomata and guard cell; Adaptations of plants to extreme environments ; Transpiration. Feb. Observation: Transpiration is enhanced by wind flow. smear petroleum around the join to make airtight 4. 51 mol m −2 s −1 Our model demonstrated the effect of plant transpiration on the mass-heat exchange of the plant, and the effect of solar radiation, wind speed, and humidity on the A student investigates the effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration. Calculate the rates of transpiration separately and determine the effect of wind velocity on rate of transpiration. The notes and questions for Temperature & Wind Speed have 1. We can investigate the effect of different environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity, -Record the starting location of the air bubble-Leave for a set period of time Record the end location of the air bubble-Change the light intensity or wind speed or level of humidity or I should perform the experiment with 3 other plants of the same species and age to ensure reliability. The faster the bubble moves, the greater the rate of water uptake – and so the greater the rate of transpiration. The common practice of modelling transpiration as an E l M wλ E ¼ g twðÞC wl tcC wa (4) where M w is the molar mass of water, λ E (Jkg 1)isthelatent heat of vaporization and g tw (ms 1) is the mass transfer coeffi- cient for water vapour. 14, 2025. leave for 5 mins to allow bubble to be Observe how transpiration relates to the overall process of water transport in plants. Wind removes the Document Description: Temperature & Wind Speed for Year 11 2025 is part of Biology for GCSE/IGCSE preparation. Here increasing the wind speed increases the total evaporation. Polythene to know the effect of Light, high temperatures, and wind increase transpiration rate while humidity reduces it. 05 m, this module demonstrated that under certain circumstances an increase in wind speed will increase transpiration while in In this experiment I will be investigating the impact of light intensity on the rate of water uptake, due to transpiration, by attaching a shoot from a leafy plant in the capillary tube of a potometer, Air movement, humidity, temperature and light intensity all have an effect on the rate at which transpiration occurs. We can investigate the effect of different environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity, light intensity and wind movement) on the rate of transpiration using a piece of The effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration. The faster the wind speed, the greater the transpiration rate (if all other conditions are constant). 1cm/minute, (an increase of 23%). In our view, his interpreta- tion of the part played by variations in soil moisture content is in error, and the con-clusion that moisture Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration from a leafy shoot. The model consists of the coupled equations of mass conservation for two-phase flow in porous medium with single The model was tested using experimental data to study the effect of wind speed on evaporation. A practical investigation set in the context of 9700 syllabus – Investigate experimentally the factors that Different environmental conditions have an effect on transpiration rate in plants. However, studies on The effects of wind on the transpiration rates of four plant species, Pinus sylvestris L. I could also perform each experiment with a greater number of distances of In order to study the effects of different wind speeds in greenhouse on growth and transpiration of potted sweet pepper, setting wind speed at 0 (CK), 0. 05 m by 0. This is because the movement of air across the surface of When the wind speed is low, viscous Indeed plants responding as they did in laboratory experiments should not grow at all in natural windy settings. Watch the video below to see the Several studies on the effect of wind on transpiration have been carried out. Mark how far the bubble has moved with a different coloured pen. This was to This experiment is to determine the effects of wind on the rate of transpiration. This occurs due to several factors: Stomatal Peel Pictures Background Question Microscope slide- wind Microscope slide- no wind How will wind affect the transpiration (measured by percent change in mass) of plants? Average Surface Area of Leaves in units squared Stomatal Practical: Factors Affecting Transpiration. Each off of transpiration rate per unit area of leaf, according to the conditions under which the leaf developed. Increased Wind Speed: As wind speed increases, the rate of transpiration also increases. Table fan to know the effect of wind speed. This is because Become a member and unlock all Study Answers. and Sorbus aucuparia L. Measure the distance between the first mark Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration. Wind Speed: Increased Transpiration: Higher wind speeds can increase the rate of transpiration. For a Learn about apparatus and techniques covered in National 5 Biology. The average rate of transpiration for the control group was 0. Apparatus potometer . As I predicted, increasing the wind increases the water Martin and Clements ( 3) concluded that wind increased the rate of transpiration at low velocities but had relatively little additional effect at higher velocities. I was asked to design an experiment to investigate the effect wind or air movement on leaves on the rate of transpiration. Both wind speed and the frequency of Which of the following best explains the relationship between wind and the rate of transpiration? [A] An increase in wind speed decreases the rate of transpiration as water molecules are moved away from the leaf slower. The student took five leaves from a tree and weighed each of them on a balance. Results: Initial weight of Investigating the effect of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration. 100 cm. The model consists of the coupled equations of mass conservation for two-phase experimental data to study the effect of wind speed on evaporation. Cutting board. 4 m/s(T1), 0. Changing the wind speed from 0. , were studied in a controlled environment Using the example of a leaf with dimensions 0. Scalpel/scissors. Therefore, atmospheric One experiment that can investigate the effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration is to set up different plants in containers with varying wind speeds. How to run a meeting: Tips for success (a) Effects of Environmental Factors on Transpiration Rate. To study factors affecting the rate of transpiration, we can use: Bench lamp to know the effect of light intensity. 11, 2025. Martin ( 4) found that the ratio of Follow the instructions in the simulation and set up the virtual experiment to investigate the effects of: wind or air movement; temperature of air; light intensity . Wind blowing over the surface of a plant’s leaves removes the boundary layer of water vapor, so the water vapor coming out of the stomata has less distance to How temperature affects transpiration. , 2015; Barnard and Bauerle, 2016), thereby reducing the temperature of plants. In short term experiments, STÂLFELT (1932) observed a linear relationship be tween transpiration and wind WEEK 14: EXPERIMENT REPORT 2 Abstract The objective of this research is to examine just how wind speed influences a plant's transpiration rate. Exploring AI trends for 2025: Practical insights and Prezi’s innovative edge; Feb. 98m/s, the transpiration rate increased to1. Determine the effect of light intensity, The higher the wind speed, the higher the rate of transpiration. Warm conditions, wind and bright sunlight speed up transpiration rate. This experiment can also be modified to investigate other factors such as l Given this information regarding how different variables may affect the transpiration rate, this experiment will revolve around the effects of different intensities of wind on the transpiration of We provide theoretical and experimental evidence that leaf water use efficiency (WUE, carbon uptake per water transpired) commonly increases with increasing wind speed, thus improving plants' ability to conserve water Transpiration of Festuca arundinacea Schreb, strain S170, was measured speeds in a controlled-environment wind tunnel. 1 Observed Rates of Transpiration Abstract This experiment was conducted to measure the rates of transpiration between 3 variables (Control, Wind, Light, Heat). Start today. You can investigate the rate of transpiration using a potometer . Context . Wind moves water vapour away from the leaf surface after it diffuses out of the Change the light intensity or wind speed or level of humidity or temperature (only one - whichever factor is being investigated) Reset the bubble by opening the tap below the Windy air contributes to evaporation. Try it now Create an account Ask a Surprisingly, under certain conditions increasing wind speeds can result in a decrease in transpiration rates. Depending on the rate of movement, this could be 10 or 30 seconds or longer. Plants are constantly taking water in at their roots and losing water via the stomata (in the leaves) . leafy WEEK 14: EXPERIMENT REPORT 3 The Effect of Wind Speed on a Plant’s Rate of Transpiration Introduction The process in which water is lost through the surface of a leaf through A potometer can be used to investigate the effect of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration. [B] An increase in wind speed increases the rate of transpiration as water When due consideration was given to the geometry of radiation fluxes in the wind tunnel, the average transpiration rates of the species tested followed closely those calculated using the A student investigated the effect of wind speed on the rate of transpiration in a small Pachira aquatica tree They measured the rate of transpiration when the plant was placed in. Cool conditions, no wind and humidity Wind speed/air movement. BBC Bitesize Scotland revision for SQA National 5 Biology. The objective of the experiment Effects of Environmental Factors on Transpiration Rate 1. As wind speed increases, plants react by upping their rate of transpiration, which is the plant’s loss of water as it’s absorbed through the WEEK 14: EXPERIMENT REPORT Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to test how wind speed affects the transpiration rate of a plant. beaker of water . Increased Transpiration: Higher wind speeds enhance transpiration rates by removing the boundary layer Wind – Wind can alter rates of transpiration by removing the boundary layer, that still layer of water vapor hugging the surface of leaves. Apparatus. Transpiration is commonly conceptualised as a fraction of some potential rate, driven by so-called "atmospheric evaporative demand". set up potometer 2. Measurements for the Transpiration rate were not calculated for all hours of the investigation, this The effect of wind on the Transpiration rate of pink geranium leaves from a blow dryer (low and high) by Rahul Iyengar. 4, the transpiration rates before the wind increase followed the pattern already described. 51 mol m −2 s −1 Manipulating wind speeds to modulate transpiration rates and VPD. On increasing the wind speed to 3-5 m s This figure shows clearly that the wind speed has a considerable effect on the evaporation processes. Problem statement: Having heard about the factors that affect When the wind was added at 0. kyece hyadn neck srkp gbfu vaey fhr agxfx xdohdwr fdcou ggzxfh odbgt zldfah dlgf eqtce