4dp5dt crying I took both a cheapo test and an FRER test this morning and both were unmistakingly negative. Feeling discouraged. Good luck! Jun 23, 2014 · *The first pic has pregnancy tests from 4dp5dt or 9dpo, the one on top is used with fmu and the bottom was taken 12 hrs later that evening. I did three rounds of IVF. Jan 24, 2017 · Hi ladies So we had our ET on Friday which makes me 4dp5dt. &nbsp;I know its early, and everything I have read has stated that any symptoms would be a result of side effects from the medicines. I cried all the way home. May 24, 2017 · 4dp5dt - BFN . Hi All I am 27, one fresh IVF cycle failed. Triggered with Pregnyl on April 18th and transferred April 25th at 1100. time will tell, its a bit lighter i think Chemical went like this: it was IVF fresh day 5 transfer, 1 5AA untested embryo. I am only 4dp5dt and all I want to do is cry, but I know that it can be 1 of 3 things: (1) implantation bleeding (2) one embie implanted and the other didn't (3) AF is on it's way Jun 4, 2013 · None. Last edited 04-24-18. J. This is the FIRST + I've ever seen in my whole life Aug 10, 2020 · 4dp5dt super squinter. Both of us are scared this time. Here I was, ready to disappoint everyone, again, for the zillionth time in 9 fucking years. I won't test until at least 10dpt I don't think. So because of my last successful experience, I feel low and that I am out. Let me know if anyone is able to see or if I am just imagining Oct 31, 2021 · 4DP5DT frozen embryo transfer . Which, of course is I’m 4dp5dt and unfortunately I am extremely hormone sensitive so I have such severe symptoms starting at 1dp5dt. We dont know how to handle this situation. Im in desperate need of reassurance. today is 4dp5dt and got BFN. Don’t worry too much about feeling symptoms, you still have a very good chance! Mar 8, 2021 · Hi all, I'm in my first round of IVF and are now 8 days past FET Blasto. Last edited 31-10-21. tested positive on home pregnancy test and beta keep climbing:D Oct 12, 2018 · Thank you Snuggles144. I’m currently 5dp5dt on a modified naturalFrozen transfer. Your post is so freaking relateable and I feel you Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Dec 20, 2017 · i tested positive on a frer pregnancy test 4dp5dt (2 frosties). Sore bloated boobs Business, Economics, and Finance. I did get suuuuper faint positives on 4dp5dt and 5dp5dt. ! Why is it so hard to achieve the 1 thing that comes naturally and so easily to everybody else! Feeling really low today no matter how hard it try to be positive it's always at the back of mind. c. For me this isn’t the time! Hang in there! My pregnancy symptoms hit at 3 weeks 4 days. I… I had a failed fresh cycle at the beginning of the month and I am today 4dp5dt after my FET last Monday. They were getting fainter until 4dp5dt at noon and Posted by u/First_Acadia_7694 - 3 votes and 13 comments May 7, 2011 · If indeed, the HCG level is about 100 or more, then they will ask me to come in again in two days. Certainly, we are not ready to face the failure this time😞 I tested at 4dp5dt, once in the morning and it was negative, but I read on here about testing in the afternoon, so I did that and there was a ‘squint your eyes’ faint line. People that test too early kinda of drive me nuts. I have no cramps, twinges or aches. Feb 14, 2020 · Hi guys, I was after a little advice. Please don’t fret yet! 4dp transfer is still early. Crypto Today makes 4DP5DT on 2 frozen b4 embryos. Today feeling very tearful and cried three times already! Just needing Posted by u/throwaway200761 - 43 votes and 22 comments Jun 21, 2003 · This time, we transferred one and I got a bfp 4dp5dt in the afternoon . 4dp5dt (FET) No Symptoms! m. Fatigue even. Please be sensitive… 4dp5dt hell . Big ol negative for me. I know it’s a silly question as we ladies are all different but I’m after some advice, reassurance or just a ear to listen. Annoyingly once testing the uncertainty doesn’t seem to end: you either get a negative and question everything even though you know you shouldn’t have tested OR you get a positive and then panic about how dark the line is or isn’t day to day. I got a clear positive this same day with my daughter. Soooo much crying. Is there still hope? Why else would I be cramping? Just super paranoid, since I think I tested positive at 4dp5dt with my first (I This pregnancy (fresh transfer), 4dp5dt, also the first day I tested. And i mean barely visible on the test. I used an easy @ home HPT with fmu. Then, due to lots of events today, I had a minor breakdown and just knew this whole thing was a waste of my time. All of the BFN's I had previously were completely stark white and never changed over time. You won’t necessarily have a lot of symptoms right off the bat. Well here I am 4dp5dt on the 30th January. Posted 01-12-15. This is a group for laughing at and mocking the awkward, ridiculous, and sometimes painful things… Posted by u/ga14567 - 7 votes and 11 comments 4dp5dt - BFN . This is a donor FET cycle. I caved and took an HPT yesterday and today, both negative. . Am I completely out or do I still have a chance? Jan 22, 2016 · Hi ladies! I know I am crazy for testing this early but I had a positive this early with my last baby! I tested this morning with first response and it was negative. Currently 7dp3dt and stark white BFN. 4dp5dt - 9 dpt easy@home strong lines getting lighter? FET2 after first ended in chemical w/ high betas I am 4dp5dt. It’s a frozen Day 5 4BB and I just did 2 months of Lupron depot and went straight into medicated transfer protocol. *SIGH* Lefty, Righty? Are you still there? Feb 8, 2008 · Not much to report 'round these parts so I'll make it quick. Everyone has convinced me to keep the faith a little longer at least 💪 Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 14 comments Jan 13, 2010 · *Feb 27 - Sono/labwork (8 follies on the right/7 follies on the left all ~11-13mm, E2 = 357) I’m 4DP5DT and I’ve read this morning and later in the afternoon, start white negatives. I can see a fait line. Jan 1, 2024 · 4dpt is really early. I’ve been testing out my trigger with wondfo sensitive and frers. First two were First Response very strong lines, third was ClearBlue Digi (yesterday) saying pregnant 2-3 weeks and today was Clear Blue, the blue cross one and its quite faint. Lamely, it’s nothing to do with pregnancy and everything to do with PIO. I followed my Ovidrel trigger negativize, and today 6dp5dt (I guess almost, transfer was at 10 am, I tested today at 7:45 am) I'm still negative on a freaking FRER. I just keep saying to myself to trust my body and our embryo but it is so hard. I had one failed cycle last month (same donor). Aug 20, 2023 · Hey guys 4dp5dt, I tested and it was negative. I'm feeling a bit disheartened. I am now 10 weeks 2 days pregnant with twins. Miracles_Happen1. If I had tested at 4dp5dt I probably would seen the positive then. s. Unfortunately that transfer ended in a mmc. g. My last pregnancy, I got a BFP on 4dp5dt after experiencing implantation pains and cramps 3do. Morning sickness doesn’t usually kick in until around week six for many. I am freaking out. Last night I was so cold I couldn’t get comfortable in bed so I put a heated blanket over my comforter. now 8+5. Feb 3, 2008 · I started crying a little this morning (and immediately stopped because I know that wouldn’t be good for me or any little blasts that could be hanging around) which frustrated DH because he can’t stand it when I start feeling negatively. And then it was a positive dye stealer at 8dp5dt. So B and I had a talk last night about POAS. That is the absolute worst feeling in the world. I was inconsolable, crying non-stop, I was just suffering. My recommendation would be to wait for the results from the clinic. I started getting occasional twinges in my uterus yesterday (3dp5dt), very similar to twinges I Posted by u/keeping_hope - 8 votes and 25 comments Just completely depressed. Any sign of pink means that there is HCG present. My first pregnancy (MMC), I didn’t test positive until 11dpo and I had lots of creamy CM but no other symptoms. I now this is early but for me all transfers by 4dp5dt, I had a positive. 31 votes, 19 comments. I tested&nbsp;2x today at 4dp5dt, all tests negative. &nbsp;BUT, I am still freaking out a little. My first FET was successful and I got a blazing positive at 7dp5t. not even one symptom. Realllly early testing as a POAS addict. Please be sensitive and kind. They would expect my HCG levels to have doubled by then, and if so, then they can assume it's a healthy pregnancy and the remaining steps are just to confirm the fetus' heartbeat and then I'm off to the midwife. I am 4dp5dt on FET #3. I know that I am not out. Zilch. At this point I honestly just feel like it didn’t work and I’m already guarding my heart. I have started to feel mild aches around my groin area to one side and a dull back ache (not too dissimilar to period pains Apr 29, 2017 · Hi guys!!! Im 4dp5dt (2 embryos)! Tested this afternoon and got faint positive but Im having so much cramping and bloating I feel im getting my period. I am 4dp5dt Sep 3, 2014 · Like walking down the aisle repeating the word “shwimpy” so I wouldn’t cry; How stunningly handsome my husband-to-be looked standing at the end of the aisle; The feeling of my heart literally jumping through my chest as I realized I was about to marry my best friend; And our vows, that we wrote before we even knew what marriage was all . I've only had BFNs and to see one after I felt hopeful got me crushed. Im so ashamed and freaking mad at myself right now. I had a 6AA (hatched) embryo and I feel like by now I should be seeing something, even if very faint. Stark white tests and even though I know it's still I’m 4 days post transfer and tested negative. Jan 18, 2020 · Hey ttcbabymcg, the 2ww is so tough and it’s completely normal to want to test, even if you know it’s too early you still hope. I ended up crying a REALLY ugly cry to my hubs because so many people are counting on me for this to work. l. Yeeesh! 4dp5dt is soooooo early! Keeping my fx for you. How exciting! We transferred 2 embryos (currently 23 weeks Omg! I am crying!! I thought it failed. Test day 31st of October. My estradiol dropped from 101 at time of frozen transfer to 74. I’m hoping and praying it’s my time 🙏🏼💫 . May 9, 2015 · Hi, I am wondering if anyone got a BFP after having no symptoms. Yes, my mind has definitely made that bad link and it’s just making me so anxious. Had a 4bb normal tested embryo transferred Wednesday. Anybody have period like cramping after their BFP and ended up with a successful pregnancy? But in the afternoon of 4dp5dt, I just felt so weird and worried that if it wasn’t pregnancy I should at least talk to the doctor about the symptoms in case I was sick or having some kind of reaction to the drugs, so I took a test. I'm hoping you get your positive tomorrow 🤞 hugs Aug 19, 2016 · Loowoo I have tested four days in a row now with OTD being today. I always found that “being aware of my uterus” was a good sign and led to a positive test. 5 weeks, and nauseous at 6 weeks. I attached a picture. And it's not like I have a full rack, either. Jul 31, 2017 · Hi there! I just had a transfer 2 weeks ago today. I would wait for a few days and test it again at like 8dp5dt. My breasts hurt so much also. Oct 21, 2018 · Im currently 4dp5dt Had embryo transfer on wednesday 17th of October. Feel bummed, wish I could stop taking all the meds and PIO since it didn’t work. Not waiting caused me so much heart-ache, and the result might even be positive later! Jun 19, 2021 · So I’m 4dp5dt today and my emotions have been through the roof. Crypto 4dp5dt is still very early for getting an accurate result. Sending you good vibes! Aug 1, 2008 · George said. They were on the far lower right hand side of my abdomen. Hi y'all. My boobs have hurt horribly since 2dp5dt (a symptom I didn’t have with Sep 8, 2023 · I got the faintest positive on 4dp5dt which got darker everyday for a few days, then 8dpt I noticed it was getting lighter. I… Business, Economics, and Finance. Zippo. Even the trigger has left my system 🤣 I’m not going to give up all hope and hit the wine. 2 month old baby boy. I tested on 4dp5dt and it was a clear negative. Oct 4, 2012 · Today is 4 days past a 5 day transfer. 30K subscribers in the IVF community. Wednesday 9/21 - 2DP5DT. I’ve been feeling mild cramping but I’m on PIO and Estrogen, so there’s that. I just feels extremely sad. Lots of luck to everyone, whatever stage of your journey you’re at xxx Jan 21, 2025 · The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I had shooting pains and zings on days 2&3 after my transfer. I had cramping on Tuesday and Wednesday. I caved in and tested on 4dp5dt only to see a BFN! I have read of women getting positives around this time so now I am completely terrified that this is it? I had a beautiful high grade blastocyst transferred last tuesday. it is driving me crazy. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions today talking myself off the ledge and having hope that it’s still early, to later crying from the fear that it failed. One minute I’m like a raging bull & the next I’m uncontrollably crying!! This is my 2 round of ivf. That bad test turned my world up side down that day and I understood why you wait. My third embryo Sunday night 9/18 --BEFORE FET Sore boobs. Im devastated. Posted 03-07-21. I can hardly bear to be without a bra. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs… Hi All I am 27, one fresh IVF cycle failed. I also know that I am not in. Look at my post history… I have so been here…. Way too early! I waited until 6dp5dt to test and I cried because it was negative. The first one was successful but I miscarried at 10 weeksdevastating. Posted 08-02-22. Good luck to you. Implantation takes at least a few days and hcg wouldn’t show up right away. Tested to stop the stress of not knowing and I’m wondering Apr 30, 2022 · Hello, I’m sure this question gets asked so many times. BFN on 4dp5dt FET I know it's early but seeing the stark white got me crying uncontrollably. For reference, my first transfer was a fresh 1 embryo and I got the faintest line the night of 4DP5DT in 2016. I… So much stress and crying, worrying if the test was done correctly, so many sleepless nights. 4 days past transfer it's simply too early to tell and genuinely could go either way. it was FET with a chromosomaly normal blastocyst as we had Pgs done. Don’t lose a hope. May 25, 2024 · The waiting is agony. And if you’re looking for any clues your body might be giving, that’s normal My one transfer that stuck I thought for sure it didn’t work and actually took a test a day or two prior to beta cause I was like f it I’m already sad let’s make it worse lol and it was positive. A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. Week 5 couldn’t stop sleeping. But it was soooooo faint. See all replies (1) Mar 4, 2017 · But guess what, no lines. I knew there was a chance that it would be bc it is early but still bummed me out!! Anyone test day 4 and get negative and still end up Oh thank you, I keep seeing all the dark lines posted on 4dp5dt or just after and it was so stark white this morning. Jun 20, 2023 · I did the same thing yesterday because I saw someone get a BFP on 4dp5dt. I feel that: day 5 is now, the line is still there, hard to tell if its darker or lighter compared to last night. Bloating is a common first one. I'm a measly A cup for crying out loud This is probably the only time in my life that I'm glad to be small chested. Monday 9/18 -- FET #2! No symptoms. My husband was little stronger last time. We had a failed first cycle in August. we decided to try again but not feeling very positive this time and the progesterone is making me Sat night on the sofa crying, a new normal that I'm still adjusting too after a couple of years of this ttc sh*t. I didn’t really feel anything the first few days, but I knew I was pregnant when I cried that one day non stop about Posted by u/Technical_Ad_2314 - 1 vote and no comments We’re currently crying together 🥹 happy tears Reply reply My positive at 4dp5dt is fighting sleep next to me. Now week 6, full blown pregnancy symptoms all around. When I went in for my first ultrasound at 6 weeks, she kept saying it was really “far over” and I asked what side the baby was on. 4dpt (which was yesterday) I started getting heavier and dark red bleeding when wiping. &nbsp;I just want Jun 25, 2017 · I've started very mild cramping since last night only slight, in only 4dp5dt I'm not ready for it to all be over yet ! I have 0 other symptoms apart from feeling tired a lot ! No sore boobies, no food aversion or smells etc ?! I just want to know what's going on with my body! My period is due in 3-4 days but obviously the medication should take I will say I do understand why they say don't test, throughout the two week wait! As the line got darker everyday, I ended up with a no line one day and I lost it crying, it tuned out to be bad tester, as I used another the next day and it was even darker. I took a few tests both this morning and just now and they are stark white negative. I’m just an emotional hormonal mess today. 5dp5dt morning was a little easier to see. I started getting really tired at like 5. don’t recommend doing that…was crying the whole way there could have saved myself that but by Jsut going to the doc. With this FET I've had a mixture of defeat from the start, but with a clear hidden hope that it had to work. I haven’t had any of the pinching, pulling, or tingling sensations that folks describe with implantation. I’m talking about those who test the day after transfer and either get upset at the negative (like crying hysterically upset) or that get excited without realizing it’s their trigger and they need to give it time to get out of their system. Dec 8, 2017 · I got a BFP at 4dp5dt (yesterday) of a single frozen embryo and I haven’t had any symptoms. I know testing early is scary but it was so exciting seeing that positive!! I got a stark white yesterday at 4dp5dt, I cried all night and chose to take another one this morning (5dp5dt) with tissues ready to go and there was a verrryyyy faint line. Dec 25, 2023 · With first pregnancy for a vvvfl on FRER on 6dp5dt resulting in my DD. I had minor cramping short term on 1dp5dt then nothing. In the TWW and I’m 4DP5DT and wow the emotions have well and truly hit me today, felt so calm since transfer on Monday, yet today I’m just so worried it hasn’t worked and keep crying. I know positive tests can come at anytime, however I am curious as to how and when others have gotten a positive when implanting 2. I know it’s early but I still feel so devastated. I tested yesterday and the line was a little darker. I’m so, so very sorry. Today, I tested and BFN. Last night I had slight carmping as I did the day before (usually associated with slight constipation) but then this morning nothing. I’m 4DP5DT and I’ve read this morning and later in the afternoon, start white negatives. 7dp5dt - BFN (6am) 7dp5dt - 1pm - It initially came back as BFN, but when I went back after a few hours, I saw the faintest line. LRCK1. I am 4dp5dt and feeling quite anxious. PGT testing is not very common in my country and we only had 3 day 5 embryos so didn't see much point in pushing for it. I posted about my BFN yesterday and a lot of people said they got theirs 5dp. FWIW, I was one of those people who tested at day 5 and got a negative. IVF warrior here ‍♀️. Totally normal. I am fighting with myself to not cry every minute. Didn't really have many symptoms expect for cramping on days 2-6. I'm feeling defeated. Twinging from day 1 aches pains from a couple of days after transfer, and feel shattered anyone had a positive this early with 1 embryo transfer? maybe twins? xx 4dp5dt - heavy/period-like bleeding and cramps after FET Advice Needed! I started light brown spotting on 3dpt. I got a positive on 4dpt, but it was really faint and i had a feeling I implanted early. We transferred two embryos - untested. 5dp5dt - BFN. Congrats! Posted by u/Badluck-Proud719 - 1 vote and 1 comment I saw nothing at 4dp5dt and a faint line 5dp5dt- don’t count yourself out! Also, if you’re going to test, maybe try both morning and afternoon. Feb 22, 2008 · 4dp5dt - need to vent. 1st FET on 5/30/2013. The test was negative yesterday. I’ve had period like cramps for 24 hours and night sweats last night. i had my first faint positive on 5dp5dt, it became obvious by day 8 (u can find a picture if u look at my posts). Nov 23, 2014 · Hi,I am so bumped. May 14, 2022 · Hi Gals,I am 4dp5dt after 5day hatching blast transfer. Even if you’ve had implantation already, HCG is so low that it wouldn’t yet be causing symptoms. Not to give false hope but even with an frer it’s still early. I am 4 days in and I have mild constipation and swelling from PIO. x Hi All I am 27, one fresh IVF cycle failed. I plan to test again tomorrow afternoon after work but I’m just getting so scared of seeing more negative tests. Too many variables, too big a risk of a false result. I cant stop crying since i got neg. &nbsp; I want this to work so bad. FET We had our first FET on Thursday with a 4AA embryo. 4dp5dt and feeling negative! Tired and a few very minor period type pains and low level nausea which is probably just the meds. <3 good luck. But just remember, they don't set your OTD to punish you - they set it for that many days ahead so you can get a reliable result. Hi, my 5 day FET was on Friday April 20th! (1 embryo transfered) So I am currently at 4dp5dt. 4dp5dt (first day I tested) — first beta at 9dp5dt 318, second at 11dpt 696, currently 7w3d pregnant, had a normal ultrasound at 6w2d Reply reply Mar 12, 2011 · Oh man, please let the 2ww be OVER. that’s still so early! Most people wouldn’t have a clear positive at that point. I have zero symptoms. How do we do this? It's such cruel and unusual punishment. Mostly that I wouldn’t stop crying. I totally spent the remainer of the week literally not wanting to get off the couch crying over it being a negative. I know I should stay positive, and that's what everyone to tell me, but my heart just won't let me keep my hopes up anymore. I haven’t stopped crying all day. It was Dec 23, 2019 · I’m 4dp5dt today. transfer was Thursday 8/19 I got a light positive 3dp5dt at “8dpo” and now a positive digital I’ve been crying all day. I feel heartbroken. No implantation bleeding, no uterine cramping, nothing at all. Reply reply Both times it was the evening of 4dp5dt. Cry, scream- let it all out. Second pregnancy got a faint BFP on 5dp5dt which ended in MMC. It’s hard not to want to compare yourself to others but yes it’s to early. I am currently 5dp5dt so I do understand the insane urge to go test. Yesterday I felt very mild cramps and had some light spotting - but more like stringy brown rusty coloured discharge rather Aug 27, 2015 · I tested out my trigger - at 3dp5dt there wasn't a line, on 4dp5dt there was a barely there squinter that got darker at 5dp5dt and 6dp5dt by 9dp5dt my line is darker than the control line. My transfer was Monday afternoon. 39K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. At first glance it appears stark white but then when I look close under Jul 1, 2017 · Hey guys I'm just curious really on people's views?we are 19dp5dt and pregnant but we tested at 4dp5dt and got a faint positive, I've had symptoms e. Amy3200. Around week 4 I started getting boob pain and nausea. You could have implanted a day or two later than your last pregnancy. People get confused but the line goes a kind of white/grey if it's false so ANY sign of pink is not an evaporation line. Apr 27, 2016 · I am 4dp5dt today and I have woken up with a headache from hell. So one more test possible in January to go!!! Apr 4, 2011 · Yesterday they began hurting even worse. I think it is still too early. I Dec 26, 2020 · I had my PGS tested FET on Monday, 12/21. No symptoms. I’m trying to be positive, I really really am. line stayed the same on day 9 (first beta which came back I had my first FET on 4/10 making me 4dp5dt today. 6dp5dt - BFN. If you could reliably find out at 4dp5dt, that''s when the OTD would be! Really hope this one sticks for you. Stark negative. I had my transfer on Tuesday afternoon. I have been crying and kicking myself since roughly 2 am. I have my beta on Thursday and unless I get a new obvious HCG symptom I don’t think I’m going to test as it sends me on such a spiral 😖 Oct 26, 2024 · The two-week wait (TWW) after an embryo transfer can feel like forever. I know it's still super early, but I just feel done. 4DPT is extremely early. I’m so happy guys . I tested this evening using an internet cheapie, some left over from my earlier cycle. Need Hugs! I had my 4th transfer of a top grade blastocyst on the 13th so I'm 4 days past transfer. Steph8688. This is my 3rd FET. I've had my pregnant best friend here all day who doesn't know about the ivf which I just found emotionally draining as I tried to carry on as normal. I spent the morning at my friend's and that was fun, but the second I left to come home, I started crying. Everyone has convinced me to keep the faith a little longer at least 💪 Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 14 comments Jan 13, 2010 · *Feb 27 - Sono/labwork (8 follies on the right/7 follies on the left all ~11-13mm, E2 = 357) Took a home test before my blood draw. I did have cramping first 2 days but I was feeling so much better. I wanted to wait but I hated the idea of getting the results in a message or phone call while I was at work. I just wanted to share it with someone being as though we aren’t telling anyone yet Posted by u/anon_9410 - 2 votes and no comments Nov 21, 2021 · Hey gals! 👋🏼 This is my third round of IVF, I got two high quality fresh blastocysts transferred on November 18th so today should be 4dp5dt and I’ve had cramps, lower back pain and nipple 4dp5dt in the morning was negative, took another in the evening and it was the faintest positive. Today was stark white. Then I looked at the test later (which you are NOT supposed to do) and there was the faintest line ever. Feb 25, 2014 · I chucked it in the bin & in a mad crying fit, pulled it out later that day to see a very very faint pink line. 25 votes, 111 comments. Def positives on day 6. No symptoms at the moment, but I'm only 2dpt so im trying to look out for them yet (easier said than done haha)! Some people do get a positive at 4dp5dt and some don’t. I got a little bummed but reminded myself hardly anyone gets a BFP on day 4! I’m trying again in a few days. Midway labs 4DP5DT Frozen - E2 dropped below 100 Just received my midway labs after my frozen transfer 4 days ago. I'm on the treatment for high NK cells as well. The second pic is the test from this morning* Good luck everyone! Let me tell you, my husband and I have waiting 10+ years to get pregnant. Plus it was nice to have my husband find out when I did. a. My husband picked me up from work today and during the journey I was telling all the research I’ve done at lunch time for my next FET: - benefits of endo scratch - higher success rates with clexane/seteroids Dec 1, 2015 · 4dp5dt and lower backache. And at first I didn’t even see the line it was so faint, but then there it was - barely there but definitely Yes. Sending sticky vibes your way! I'm praying for a positive test and a healthy 9 months for you!!! August 1, 2008 at 8:07 AM Broke down and took a test with FMU this morning on 4dp5dt. I think the Estrace twice a day and the Edometrin 3 times a day is catching up to me. I had so many symptoms and was expecting a positive. JamAng2021. Despite cramps and stabbing pains yesterday. My transfer was on Friday, which was also my last day of working Sep 18, 2007 · Later in the day, to my surprise, more brown spotting. Today is my first beta, so I’ll see exactly where I’m at. Got a faint but definite positive yesterday at 4dp5dt. Morning of 5dp5dt something I could only maybe see in certain lights so faint my husband would only kind of acknowledge “I guess there might be a shadow” and he may have just been humouring me. Hi Symptom spotting and very concerned I have lower back pain like I am going to have a period. Tuesday 9/20 - 1DP5DT. I’m not testing this morning. I had stronger lines later in the day vs morning for some reason! Posted by u/ctbt13 - 1 vote and no comments Posted by u/zozzyzebis - 11 votes and 2 comments The last time I went I was miscarrying and for the first time across a 20ish year time span Bobby predicted I would have a baby (two she thought). Had sharp cramping 2 and 3dp5dt which eased up yesterday when I got the +, so I assume it was implantation cramps? Now I have pressure and cramping that feels just like period cramps. I just feel nothing at all. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Cricjo. First symptom was sore boobs, but unsure if that was from the pregnancy or progesterone. 4dp5dt negative test 💔 my 3rd FET . You are only 9 days past ovulation. Im a little &nbsp;worried and excited at the same time. Then on 5dp5dt, there was a faint line. Nothing on 4dp5dt, stark white. She said there would be a positive pregnancy test in January. If you’re sitting there antsy wondering if the transfer was a success, that’s totally normal. Also have you spoken to your clinic about the bleeding? In my last FET, I started seeing blood and the doctor told me that it can be due to the suppositories. I spent most of the night lying in bed convinced it is not working. 36K subscribers in the IVF community. 23K subscribers in the trollingforababy community. Day 4 positives are rare even though they seem to be everywhere on Reddit. dvllcq xvrww xjs nkrqw shrixx nigzcxf iuk kug jgjcaj avjp