Boyfriend wants me to pay rent reddit. Yeah, this scenario happened to me at 19.

Boyfriend wants me to pay rent reddit Your boyfriend will feel more invested in the home and will likely take better care of it. I'm okay with it, but my sister thinks he's acting like a landlord, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to pay him rent, however you shouldn’t be out of pocket so the amount you pay on the extra commute etc should be taken in to account. It would give me time to pay him back, pay off my credit card, pay for my g. So receiving things without paying people back or doing something in return makes me very uncomfortable. now obv some people make their adult children pay Boyfriend of 4 years wants me to contribute to home renovation budget on the house he bought that I pay rent for. If you want a life of luxury then I'd suggest living with your parents rent free. The idea is: I pay the rent and she helps me with some bills. I’ve tried my dang hardest to pitch in on multiple occasions, but he refuses. ‘If I pay rent to you, then I’m helping you build equity’. I will be paying a portion of the mortgage, but he would earn 100% of the equity. The home was purchased and we moved in a week ago. You pay him 800 per month. The three of you (you, boyfriend, and landlord) are all obligated under the terms of the lease. My bf moved into a flat with me which I own and pays ‘rent’, he was previously renting his own place with a friend which was considerably more expensive and when we wanted to move in together we just had an honest conversation about what I pay for the mortgage and so on. Our town didn't even have jobs. my boyfriend rarely even takes showers at my apartment, it happens maybe once If my mom went grocery shopping, it came from that account. Like right now I love with my boyfriend and I work and he's still in school so I pay for ~2/3 of expenses while he pays ~1/3. LegalAdviceUK exists to provide help for those in need of legal support in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. MY equity. If you have a mortgage, your boyfriend’s rent payments may not cover the full cost, leaving you to pay the difference. This behavior warrants only one response: BREAK UP WITH HIM None of this behavior should be tolerated. Part of the deal with my parents was that I paid an effective rent/mortgage into my ISA each month. However he wants me to also pay him rent. So don't do it. Not correct, in this case it's likely to be a "domestic arrangement" and not counted as income at all. He is currently working a full time job with a comfortable salary and moved out alone towards the start of our relationship (he is renting an apartment and this is his first time living alone). We recently got into an argument and now he wants we out. Honestly, to even question whether you should pay your fair share for having electric, water, food, internet, and a safe Guy is giving me yuck vibes, as he clearly isn’t considering your own plans but wants you to essentially pay more [by more I mean relative to your salaries, for example, 500 to you would mean a lot more to you financially than it does him as he makes 20K more than you] while he gets to save up for his plan, his house. I’m planning to move over to his country in the summer and he wants me to move in with him after a month of me living there. Our rent is lower, around 2300 per month, and we split that evenly. i have a private entrance to my room, and we generally don't ever leave it. So all you should ever be paying is half of what the unit would rent for a month anyways (in a normal situation). it doesn’t need to be normal if you don’t want it to be. If you break up while she's living there, without the cohabitation agreement, she can go after you for the value in your house. I told him that I feel like he is making money off me when he is already getting money for rent and would have to pay for rent with that money without me living there anyways. Tell me if you've heard this before: "I really want to break up with my girlfriend/boyfriend, but I can't because I can't afford to pay rent for my own place. He makes a significant amount more than I do, and he bought the house that we live in. I would pay much more in a bigger house. I pay our rent $1,500 a month, and he does most groceries etc. He currently pays around £1000 for his own rent and bills where he's living atm. Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Website Information & communications technology Technology forward back. [22f] My bf [36m] and I (been together 1 year) have been talking about moving in together. We currently live in an apartment his family own (we each pay rent). My dad makes more than my mom, but all the money is just lumped together. She played you for a sucker, a soft touch. Once he's done with school we'll switch off and he'll pay more for a while since I helped him out through school. There are months before this could even happen no matter what you decide. The place I just got approved for is 2700 a month, but between 1800-2700 for the places we've been looking at. He's a sincere and very hard working guy. We have been dating for a year. I am moving in with him soon and he wants me to pay half the rent. Sam’s boyfriend had gotten mad at us simply because we do not want him to move in with the three of us. ) I used to just hate the fact that he was always saying he'd pay me back for xyz or he'd have me put stuff on my card, and he was not contributing nearly as much. To determine your monthly payments, check out current rental rates for similar properties nearby. 00 rent, you pay 73%: 584, she pays 27%: 216 Electric 200, you pay: 146, she pays: 54 See how that works out, it is scaled to your salaries. I'd suggest he pays just bills and food (split 50/50). My boyfriend then let me move the pink dresser, pink chair, and pink bookshelf into the house. Well all I had to do is sit down and say, hey I really love my dresser how can we come to an agreement where we’re both happy because I love you and want to live with you. He should be paying the majority of the rent, especially if you’re paying the electric. So my boyfriend and I have recently gotten back together. He pays the mortgage and utilities. My current partner and I have discussed it when he eventually moves in, and he has agreed that he will pay rent which will cover a little more than just half the bills, however, it will be much less than what he pays to rent his own flat currently, and much less than market rental costs. He has convinced me to do sex acts I wasn’t ready to, convinced me to turn my camera on video chat when I didn’t want to, to now pay rent when I didn’t want to etc. He used to work at Walmart, but he quit due to He asked what did I mean by that and I understood what he was asking. He wanted me to move in with him last year since I was spending the majority of the time at his place. And honestly, that's fine ok, but you still arent family. The Cons of Your Boyfriend Paying Rent. Additionally, it bothers me that he lived with his ex for over a year and only moved out after they broke up. Hey, i'm in the same position. It would also allow me protection from eviction and other basic tenant rights, similar to But she wants you to not pay rent but wants your boyfriend/ fiancé/ husband be the one only to pay rent. Boyfriend who wants an office, should pay the remaining portion Title: Paying rent to boyfriend’s mortgage. This is on top of the $350 that my boyfriend pays her, which is fair enough because he lives there full time. Said that me asking her to pay rent “caught her off guard” and that paying rent to live in “our” home “irked” her. I also want to add that he and I pay 50/50 for EVERYTHING already, but he wants to go back to before I moved in and for us to pay each other back for stuff back then. Today, my bf has escalated things and is now demanding me to pay 50/50 for the entire relationship, including to pay a portion of his rent if I stay over at his house consecutively, pay half for his gas money when he picks me up & drops me off, and half for all dates. if the plan is you staying rent free foreverSORRY i just scrolled back up and realized this is basically his family home. You both pay $500 toward the mortgage, but she (unlike you) gets $200 back in paper equity. He kind of offered to pay for a portion of my rent because he wants to see me on the weekends (those are the days we are both free) . We operate as a form of "legal triage" where commenters can guide posters towards resolving issues themselves or towards an appropriate professional. But if I’m willing to fuck him I will be good for three months he View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I’m also saving a lot of money by living at home as a I know some people will pay an equal percentage of their income towards rent rather than an equal dollar amount, especially when the income disparity is that large. He doesn’t clean up after himself. Mumsy3 wrote: » I would never charge a partner "rent" to sleep with me. Of course I asked to put bills in my name and pay those instead, or at least if I’m paying rent i wanted to do it above board. I became homeless at age 16 and he willingly and gladly gave me a home to stay in rent free. I own my home and have a mortgage. I pay half the condo fees and we split grocery bills, wifi, laundry, insurance and all other expenses. I am established and have steady work, but I am self-employed, and my monthly salary isn't consistent, due to the nature of being a freelancer. Guess that's not an option. Sometimes I read advice here on Reddit that I know is well-meaning but that doesn't really seem like reality. While your partner may pay a $1000 mortgage, that is not the same as rent. He only has to pay for bills as his house is owned by his mum. My only concern is that I think his major reason to want me to live with him is to help with bills. 00 is shit to me. He doesn’t help around the house either. He pays electricity and Internet, but again his father GAVE him the condo so it's not like he's been paying a huge rent for me the whole time. Archived post. Except I am the home owner and my boyfriend moved into my house with me at 3 months in. I would be moving into his home, which he is paying the mortgage of. over the past 7 months or so, my boyfriend has stayed the night at my place 4-6 nights a week. None of you can be removed from that lease without the approval of the other two parties. Being nice to you is his job and how he pays rent. When we first started dating we would split the bill or take turns paying, but since we moved in together ~4 years ago, he has been paying for everything. We both make the same yearly. 9% = $1098 per month Title: Boyfriend wants to buy a house and wants me to pay the mortgage. AND she doesn’t want to pay rent. My bf (22M)wants me (21F)to pay all the bills . Right now he pays for everything when we go out every week and makes sure I'm well taken care of, so to him not being able to pay half of my We finally found a house and basically he is asking that I pay half of everything. Stop giving in! Use your words! "I've noticed you never offer to pay, you always let me pay. So now here's where I have a bit of a situation. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I have refused to move in with my boyfriend immediately because he wants me to continue paying rent at my place. he can break up with you and forget about you forever and be fine. Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. He sees nothing wrong with living off of me while I struggle to make ends meat. I’ll get yelled at for this, and don’t mean to sound anti-whatever, but give me a break. If he pays you rent, it's likely he will gain an interest in your property. 9% as he has more space. Also, I try to fit in my workouts three days a week before I go into work. I asked her further that if finances were different would she pay at all for rent and her response was no. I just don’t find it fair to pay of everything, take care of the kids, cook, clean. They are wrong to demand you cook now. But we’ve only been dating a month so far. I used the app often enough that I get regular discounts up to 30%. But this shenanigan with the bills is BS IMO. My boyfriend and I have been living together for just over two years, but only dating for one of those years, and basically all bit 6 months of that time he has failed to be prompt about paying rent or communicating when he will pay and I'm at the end of my rope for how to get him to understand that being timely on this issue isn't optional. My first job was $7. Your bf is emotionally abusive. I recommend you not cook for bf and ask bf to get therapy on how to be a real man who knows how to treat their partner nicely. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. He even began paying for the hot water himself, so I figured he accepted 250 as a fair amount, otherwise surely he´d want me to keep paying it. But usually he made much more than me, and I am a single mom of 2 kids. Last night during our date, she expressed how “frustrated” she was at me. I've done it before in the past and it took a crazy toll on me. I would definitely tell the boyfriend he should have been upfront about the fee because I feel like OP could have gotten a rental much cheaper elsewhere. My boyfriend (26/M) has recently purchased his own Moving in with your significant other can always be a bit of a gamble, but it's an especially big risk if you've only been dating for a few months. Like he's not paying rent for his place at all, yet he expects you to both pay rent and more towards the bills? If you're not ok with these conditions for moving in together, then don't. We are in a long distance relationship as he lives 5000 miles away. After, say, 10 years, the mortgage is virtually paid off, he's added probably 200k in to his assets (given house prices have almost certainly gone up as well), and you've absolutely nothing to show for it. We don’t have a written contract. If anything, that's what i use the extra money on that I save for with his very reasonable rent that he pays me. He is the one who initiated the conversation about this and also said he wouldn't want rent money from me. AITA for not paying my boyfriend Uber prices for picking me up from work? I’m temporarily working somewhere else. We’re both happy as far as the relationship goes. By the way, if your bills are getting high, you need to budget your spending. He tells me to ask my “rich Jewish parents” to help and I say no. He offered to pay most of rent and utilities, only expecting me to pay for groceries and give him a couple hundred dollars a month to He wants me to move out with him so that he could afford all of the living expenses with my help to pay for half. reddit won’t let me update my original post so i’m adding this here we talked again and he said he didn’t realize how disproportionate things were. Fine you someone that is going to meet you half way. He makes over double my salary. Should I pay my boyfriend rent to live in the home he owns? I (23/F) am currently still living at home with my parents to save money. Top Posts Reddit . He works at weekends and is a full time student. Last I spoke to him before I left the house for good was when he came to my room and tried to kick me out because he didn't like the power bill that comes with owning an oversized house without the job to back it up and needed someone to blame it on. When it comes to the house, I pay roughly 73% of all household expenses. This is completely unfair. He makes way more than me and I'm currently paying rent on an apartment I'll have until we get married. I told him the only way I would pay money for "rent" is if he signs a contract with me stating that any money I pay towards his mortgage will be paid back to me, by him, in the event that we break up. You won’t have to bear the full financial burden, He told me, if I was renting, I would be paying more than what I am. Boyfriend (Male, 35) wants me (Female,33) to pay him to clean the house. 1% = $902 per month Brother $2000 x 54. I got a better job and promotion and was thinking I would be able to start paying rent but didn’t take into consideration all the other expenses I had and was contributing to him as well. My BF is European expats and we live in my country, more conservative place than Europe. Paying for everything, only to hear excuses why she couldn't do anything, then find out she is doing what she wants with her money but keep me spending mine. When we moved here, he wanted me to pay all the bills - so that I wouldn’t pay him rent. My partner makes BIG money compared to me, anywhere between 800-1200 a week, depending on the week. TLDR: We had a fight yesterday and I wrote a post about it, you can go read it on my profile. " You're an adult. My partner and I earn a much smaller combined income, me being the "main bread winner" because he is in the midst of his PhD. Last night, he informed me that he feels “a bit taken advantage of” and since I’m making more money he wants me to pay him $500/month in “rent” (he says it’s negotiable) and cover all If you live in his house he can charge any rent he wants - and it is reasonable that you pay some sort of rent to him for living in his house. My bf and I moved in together, pay rent separately and contribute equally in every way. And now he wants me to move back in. He owns a duplex. So yeah, my dad is probably paying like 70% of the grocery bill. I have a car and drive us places. I’ve tried to explain that I’m just not ready, I’m in school and I only work a part-time job. . we really love each other and overall he What concerns me is that it feels like a breakup in disguise, with added complexity. We each save about $300 a month by doing this as opposed to living separately. You should be looking at this The Pros of Your Boyfriend Paying Rent. This amount has not changed in 5 years. If you are paying for every now it will be the same or even worse. HappyMJ Posts: 21,115 Forumite. I pay for my car insurance, streaming services, gifts for family members, lawn care, phone, groceries for both of us and any other expenses The boyfriend created a verbal sublet agreement by accepting her money for rent, thereby violating his lease with the landlord (I assume sublets prohibited). Plus a morgage isn't a bill, it's an investment account. Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list. Yup, that’s the exact conversation that I had with my gf. We are not rolling in dough but very happy. But the thing is, I didn’t grow up spoilt. it’s much easier to find a woman who wants to be taken care of though, so expect it to take more time to find the right person. It’s in my name only. He says can afford to pay his debt back over the course of 7 months. 19 January 2016 at 4:47PM. Both could pay the same percent into a joint account where the rent (and utilities etc. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now An equitable way to pay rent is for each partner to carry an equal burden in relation to their income. Furthermore he always wants to have sex and I am losing my attraction to him because I’m stressed, I work hard and pay all our bills. Why should I pay rent on her house when I already have a place of my own that’s quite expensive? I told her no, that’s not fair, but now she’s angry at me. Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: . So he wants me to continue paying $600/month (half the mortgage) like a normal tenant would do. It just seems like an excuse just so he can be around her 24/7. , and the remainder covers half of what I pay into my ISA. Doesn't have to mean 50/50, but 99/1 isn't OK. 75 plus monthly performance bonus averaging flat $700, factoring that in it's $18-19 an hour. Reddit . For 3 or 4 months he didn´t say anything. We buy groceries separately, recreations separately, and we’re just not the type that go out on dates especially bc of covid but we tend to take turns whenever we do go out or I think it should be a 50/50 thing. If you had the agreement that anything contributed over the rent would be considered a rent credit, if the total amount he's paid between rent and the repairs is over that $13,500, he could have a case to say he's owned anything over that amount. If your girlfriend refuses to pay rent, I would think it's a red flag. When the question of finances came up I asked her how much she could/would pay for rent. The mortgage on the house is $2200/month. But we do. I don’t feel comfortable with this arrangement because I’m not familiar with how this would work. I work two jobs as a waitress so I can afford full-time tuition costs Before he asked me to move in, he said he didn’t want me to pay anything just cover our groceries, takeout,and handle the majority of the domestic labor. I have been there before. I would speak to your OWN lawyer about the contract if you decide to go ahead. I’ve offered to get a job, while still maintaining the household and he says no! She says because I make so much more than her, she is only willing to pay about 7-9% of her income towards utilities (200-300$ at most) with me paying 100% of the rent. We were broken up for about a year, and have been back together now for about 3 months. He has been looking to buy a house and wants me to live with him and is wondering what I will contribute to his mortgage. Then later holds it over my head when I don’t clean and say I paid for this for you or I got us groceries. Long story short, he seemed really serious about making me pay him back and vice versa. I have been paying utilities such as water and electricity bill but have nothing under my name. I was going to charge £500 for rent and bills. Until your finances are joint, then all things should be split 50/50. Background: we’ve been together for 5 more years, I don’t know if we’re gonna get married. I’ve been doing my research, and no option really sounds great. Yep, he's onto a winner here. ’. I can foot the rent on my own but he wants to split it 50/50. He told me he is willing to do it as long as it takes so that I'll stay in Spain with him. I think BF wants me to pay rent, but I think our current agreement is fair since it's a "win-win" situation for both of us. 23 votes, 78 comments. , but yet here’s a letter saying ‘Its clear my bf doesn’t love me because he thinks me paying pennies toward our rent, while offering zero other contribution, is unfair. I gave him a bj, and he told me I was all caught up. My boyfriend offered to pick me up from work after I told him the price of the Uber sometimes. If the landlord or the boyfriend want her out she'd have to receive a written notice of eviction and the entire process would be handled in court. It's kind of My boyfriend mentioned he wanted to buy a house, then have me move in shortly after and pay a small amount. I'm yet to know if he also wants water and gas payment. We live on one side and he has a tenant renting out the other side paying about $1800/month in rent. (25F) boyfriend (33M) suddenly told me he wants to establish traditional gender roles once we get married. It genuinely makes him upset when I pay for things on my own. My boyfriend (26) wants to have If things were tight for him one week, I paid. He insisted that I still move in. If a partner wants you to contribute toward a mortgage, you should get equity. Boyfriend (37M) makes 230k more than me, wants to move in together, and is asking me (34F) to pay rent I (34F) am a freelance artist. The issue is I'll be making more than him. Then suddenly he told me this week that 250 is not nearly enough, that either I´m delusional or scamming him, that he´s sick of financially supporting me, etc. I can't help but wonder if he actually wants to break up and is subconsciously avoiding the idea. Original Post: My boyfriend and I are renting a place together right now. true. We split it how we feel is fair for us and neither feels taken advantage of or like they are taking advantage. He sees it as remuneration for my right to live here. Yeah, the last time I rented a car was in Hawaii (where everything is expensive!) and it was like $25/day. My partner pays me a sum each month; around 1/2 of this covers her share of the balls etc. If your partner wants to continue being the sole beneficiary of equity, increased property values, etc, then they should continue paying the whole mortgage that they got on their own based on their own preferences and their own credit and their own budget. If you aren't paying him to be nice to you, then he's mean to you. NOBODY wants to work or pay rent. update june 14th 2023. TLDR; Boyfriend (45M) of six months asked me for rent money after I (25F) asked for break. ”Either pay half the mortgage or a fair rental rate for a similar property, whichever is less,” she suggests. Well, Reddit user If things go south and one partner wants to claim common law and some assets in a "divorce", they have to prove both parties' intent was to be married, or considered married, from what I understand. She said that she could help with groceries but she doesn't think she should have to pay rent. All of these will be removed and locked. Also, he's a good guy and a good boyfriend and I have no complaints so far about his character. He bought a small one bedroom condo in July of 2022 and we moved in together. My boyfriend wants to buy a house soon and wants me to move in with him. we don't use the common areas of the apartment at all, except cooking MAYBE once a month when my roommate isn't home. I’ve started to notice that my bf is quite manipulative. Not all of that payment is interest; some of it is principal, and that pays down the note, increasing your partner's equity in the house. there are plenty of self sustaining women that don’t mind a more even split—I myself like being the breadwinner and my boyfriend pays about 30% of our total costs. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I work Monday - Thursday and pay full time rent at my own place in another town. turns out he was completely oblivious to how uncommon this financial dynamic is (as was I, apparently), and he wants to work to make sure i feel supported and that we’re more “equal”. However, this results in him getting annoyed when I eat over 50% of a food that we've bought. And then wants to Me and Rose just thinks it pointless for him to live with us if there’s a possibility he won’t be able to pay rent. We do not live together. We had an issue where he wasn't working due to laziness and sleeping in all day, but we talked about it and I basically said he needed to get his shit together. Is this fair? He doesn't have a mortgage or anything. Also, my boyfriend unofficially lives with me now so even my relationship with him could be affected. Your bf bought you food and never asked you to cook. Have a The OP would not pay tax if the 'rent' is under the rent a room allowance, which is very likely the case for a partner providing a contribution towards costs. I buy all of my needs and the kid’s needs, food, clothes, everything. The tenant would be paying $1000 for rent to live there. We moved into our own place a couple months ago and his entire cheque goes towards the rent, and I pay a portion as well. Nor can you kick Boyfriend(34m) does not want me (27f) to work a second job and offered to cover a part of my rent so I can spend time with him. I think it’s risks as the house would not Yesterday’s argument was that my BF wanted me to pay half of his car payments once a month with him and telling me that the money i’ve spent on myself in the past 5 months has been selfish (I bought a laptop, bike, hula hoop, fixed my hair and bought clothes for work— mind you that i’ve saved a lot of money for the things that have been So, if you have a $800. I don’t want him to technically be my landlord and pay off his mortgage with rent, but I also don’t want to feel like where I live isn’t my home. My boyfriend wants me to pay rent if I move in with him. My boyfriend is a delivery driver (think Grubhub) and makes probably what the median income is for the area. Hi everyone. Me and my boyfriend have lived together for almost 3 years and I’ve always made more money than him and so have always paid more of the rent, but as others have mentioned proportionately to our incomes it’s about the same percentage. ) are withdrawn from. Period. She didn't raise the issue specifically about money but she did provide information such as she'll know no one there and the whole city is brand new to her which implies she won't have a job and if she doesn't have a job she can't pay rent and if she can't pay rent and she expects to live with him then he is the one paying rent. I pay water, electricity, council tax, internet, gas, subscriptions like Netflix, and the ground rent and insurance. If I go grocery shopping, I pay the bill and then my boyfriend will then pay me back exactly half the amount. He doesn’t pay rent or utilities to his parents OR to me. Granted, I don't have an income yet because I'm still in school, my parents are loaning me money for rent and insisted I pay 50%. " People naturally will budget for their normal expenses, and so having rent priced at a level they might expect to pay somewhere else helps prevent a poor budget-er from using finances as My boyfriend wants me to cook, clean, do laundry, and essentially take care of everything and he works 2 jobs so that I can stay home and do that. This man has never had really much money throughout our relationship. Title: Can my boyfriend kick me out of his house? Original Post: My boyfriend and I have been living together for the past 10 months in a house that he took out a mortgage by himself. You seem to think you're in a relationship when really you're just paying this guy to be nice to you sometimes. I have a job and I’m going to school as well. My boyfriend is on my side but i can’t help but feel like I could be an AH. I kept everything and made him pay back the rent he owed in installments and used that money to buy the things I actually wanted. If he wants you to pay rent, then have him write out a lease and sign a lease. You do not like to cook. He takes out a mortgage for, say, 100,000. 25 in good ol Oklahoma, it's criminally low. Back to my original then. d, and open a savings account. It is £20 to get an Uber home. Boyfriend $2000 x 45. Anyways - interested in knowing your opinion about splitting bills and the right way to go about it when you and your SO make very different salary’s. I would cover the cost of any home repairs, internet, garbage, etc. reReddit: Top posts of April 5, 2021. Yep. TL;DR! Bf makes a lot more money than me but doesnt seem to appreciate my “small” but impactful gestures. I pay for all the food when I'm there as it is, I do all the cooking and cleaning when I'm there too. Make sure he knows it's not that you don't want to move in with him, it's that you're worried the siblings are going to put a lot of strain on your relationship and mess everything up. My boyfriend stays over 6 nights a week. not sure why you think you're entitled to pay less rent than your bf. My partner and I are in a similar position - I have significant savings and just about enough salary to buy an ok house, I really wanted to buy a place and stop pissing rent money down the drain into a landlord's equity, but for relationship reasons at the time she was uncomfortable tying herself to me financially. My (22F) boyfriend (25M) of almost 3 years wants me to pay more rent. If she pays 500 a month now to pay it off, what’s the difference if she pays 250 to rent, 250 to the debt, and he spends 250 on rent and 250 to the debt as well? It’s the same thing as him paying 500 in rent, and her paying 500 toward her debtit’s been added to their joint expenses, but who pays what expense has just been shifted—is I've voiced the opinion that maybe it's time for me to move back to the US to him before. If he makes enough at whatever he’s doing to pay the mortgage/rent AND pay all the bills (gas, water, electricity, etc. He pays 800 per month on his mortgage. If you don't want to contribute financially, then move along. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now If he wants her to pay half the rent then they need to live somewhere she can actually pay half the rent. MY problem. If I were your boyfriend, and you tried to explain all this to me as to why you should pay less rent, all I'd hear are red flags coming out of your mouth. He got us home. My boyfriend and I (both 24) have been together for almost five years, living together four about four. If you are paying below market rates it's likely your partner will have to pay tax on the rent but not be entitled to any deductions. We women want to be independent, self-sufficient, don’t need a man, etc. Now, he's telling me I should pay money towards his rent/council tax etc because I'm over his more than I am at mine, I do also have my own rent and bills to pay. He is very much an 'all finances must be halved' type of person, which is great because I am too. I know how this sounds but I generally am embarrassed to tell my girlfriends who haven’t warmed to him or ask family for advice because I’ve never experienced a relationship like this before nor have I ever been in such a large age-gap relationship which I’m very My boyfriend and I have had many many arguments over this. you already paid significant amount . I supported us 95% of the time(I would pay for almost everything except his car payment & his half of rent) I get paid decent My parents gifted me a flat in London, which my partner and I live in together. Asking your partner to pay part of your morgage is like asking your partner to pay into your retirement savings to live with you. My argument is that she’d need to pay rent regardless of where she lives, and if anything it’s cheaper to live here and pay half of my mortgage (or So you ARE paying rent and he stops paying rent elsewhere and doesn't want to pay rent at your place? That's certainly a weird logic. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or Me and my boyfriend are nowhere near your salary with me being a college student and him being a recent grad but we split bills and rent 50/50 however it stops there. I am very grateful for him since he covers all the bills (rent, utilities, cleaning) besides food Everyone on Reddit told me we were too immature and to basically break up. My response to this was that most landlords charge rent to pay off the mortgage for the property and then to A woman on Reddit is asking if she is wrong for wanting her boyfriend to pay for some of the rent after be basically moved in. He has been unemployed for the past three months, and his parents have been subsidizing his rent for a few years because he has had difficulty holding down a job. She can’t have it both ways. We've been dating for close to 5 years now and I've been living with him for the last 2. If he ever wants to get a place he’ll get most of it back in £help He doesn’t earn loads (full time, min wage) but if he didn’t pay me rent it would just all go on crap - which doesn’t really teach him anything and he wouldn’t have all his wage as disposable if he moved out or anything like 140 votes, 142 comments. I barely make enough money to buy groceries and pay my bills/car payment. My boyfriend pays me a flat fee of $500 per month as his contribution to household/mortgage expenses. Yeah, this scenario happened to me at 19. Your moving your money into property, but you still have it. Just let it ride for now. Mortgage is $2,100 / month. The brother should pay 54. (I never asked him to pay for anything for the kids whatsoever. Or check it out in the app stores Oh definitely not. You and your boyfriend have equal right to be in that dwelling, and equal responsibility to pay for it. Today, my boyfriend has offered to pay my rent and sustain me basically as I look for a job. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I questioned why my boyfriend should be charging me rent in his home that he owns outright, and why I should cover the cost of his associated costs of living in the I am a 28 f and my boyfriend is 30. Your boyfriend should pay 45. AITAH for refusing to move into a new apartment with my boyfriend because it’ll mean I have to pay rent? I (23F) live in an apartment I inherited from my late dad. No, a normal couple would rent half the duplex and then split the rent. She didn’t pay rent until we talked about it then she agreed to pay 100 per week with bills, which is 1/5 of the total rent Then she said herself that she will contribute more in the relationship and agreed to pay half the rent However, this only happened once "The few examples I saw where someone paid rent for a partner, it only resulted in fights and resentment (how much do you charge, what about inflation, how long do you expect to charge them - if you have a 30 year long loan, your partner might miss an opportunity to buy their own home, since they could get their own loan for a house if they Darn. In case it's not clear, I'm not OK with that, it feels unfair to me and I want to start splitting things more fairly. 1% of the monthly rent as he has exclusive use of 45. Expecting your boyfriend to supplement your lifestyle by paying more rent so you can go skiing, and to raves is actually pretty selfish. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again Rule 4: Things this sub can't give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, or situations involving minors and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). He too tried to get me to pay rent. Your respective salaries do play a role here and he should be forcing the bills down your throat. Cash for keys (say, offer to pay 1-2 months rent at new place, or offer to let him not pay rent for 1 month + give him 1 mo rent to save to go elsewhere) can be the most frictionless way to get someone out, as starting the eviction process, by its nature, is adversarial - moreso with an ex. From the outside looking in, he doesn't seem to care about you or even like you. You can choose if the price his is charging is out of TL;DR: Boyfriend wants me to pay half the rent and cover all utilities when I move into his house, despite him owning it outright. I don’t What you should be doing is paying less than you would be paying for rent, and sock away that extra money so you will have a down payment. Personal hobbies and activities and certain personal expenses are paid by the person participating in the event not both. Tell him that you decided to stop paying wi-fi and cable so if he moves in and wants it, he should arrange it himself and pay for it and then you will not pay for it, since you're not driving up the price for him Now, he wants me to lend him the rest so he can pay off his boss who has threatened to pack his goods in three weeks if he doesn't pay back. He goes back to his parents home (his official place to live) to work (works from home). TLDR; Boyfriend owns house, he pays the mortgage and I pay the utilities. I don’t have a job and basically all I have is my life savings. She wants to split all furniture and necessities 50-50 on top of that. Either your family and she can insist on certain terms OR your tenants and you can pay it however you want. I figured it would be unreasonable for Josh to expect to just live with me for free, especially since I’d be giving up one of my rooms so his daughters could have a room. Need thoughts on whether you think my partner of a year should pay rent. I wanna start off by saying that my boyfriend has always been very supportive of my endeavors. Which I agreed to because he was starting an argument about not seeing me. Hard to say whether that rent being 50% of mortgage costs is the right amount - I'd say it should be based on market rate for your area, perhaps with some adjustment for your relative incomes. Boyfriend bought a house without my involvement or opinion (totally his right to do) had me move in, then months later decided that he wanted me to pay (extremely cheap) rent. I don’t mean just not choosing to buy that one thing. 1000 for him is a lot less impactful than 1000 for you, so it would be relatively fair for Im 29 and BF 34 , we have been dating for almost three years, and officially together for about 1 and half year now. Definitely get a cohabitation agreement to say that the rent your girlfriend is paying you is for rent and not a contribution towards the mortgage. My boyfriend’s job gives him money for rent that is separate from his money for his salary. I suggested that Josh pay 700$ a month to me in rent, half a what he is currently paying. 0. Instead of rent, I offered to pay for all the utilities, internet, cable and groceries. I have been living together with my boyfriend for a year already. For anybody who pays rent or has bills, anything below $11. I've never asked him to fork money out for improvements on my house. So I’m 31 F and my boyfriend is 29 M. because its MY house. If I was working (which I will be in a couple years), I would not be paying 50% and my BF would be absolutely fine with that! My boyfriend wants to move out. I charge one of my grown up kids rent. Your boyfriend can not "kick you out". Trying to drop hints with "I'm not hungry" isn't enough. I asked that she pay $900 in rent. Original Post: He tries to buy a house and will take care the down payment, but wants me to pay the mortgage. And when I say everything I mean everything. I worked twice as hard at that job as I do at my city office job in Nebraska, making $14. Also my bf is a pig he leaves stuff everywhere and expect me to pick up He’s been short on rent and I have been paying all our rent. He was very sincere and I don't think it's a control thing or anything. I get a job but I don’t have enough for rent right away. ), then he’s free to do that. It can create tension in the relationship if there are disagreements about the amount of rent, chores, and other household responsibilities. They don't need to do self assessment or report to HMRC if what they receive is under the allowance. He had a job but always broke because he decided to pay his rent in advance and has been struggling since (I helped him several times financially). Rent, just like your relationship, should be a 50/50 effort. He wants me to pay towards energy bills but especially over the winter due to the electric heaters. Like I know you can't kick a If you want to live with him and he wants you to pay rent, pay it. A few weeks ago, I had a coworker ask me how I feel about men paying all the bills in the house and l told her it honestly depends on the man’s situation and if he afford to do that. My boyfriend and I have lived together for two years, dated for 2 and a half. Your bf wants a bang maid who cooks not a relationship. 1% of the private space. It makes me feel like I’m Obligated to do all the chores in the house. He would not If he wants you to pay rent (which he can then apply toward his mortgage, sure, that's up to him once you've paid rent), that's not unreasonable. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 13M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. Him paying me for rent to live in a place I own just doesn’t feel right to me and I’m worried that’ll create an imbalance in our relationship or even resentment because You had an agreement on rent that would have come out to around $13,500 for the time he was there. he’s used to taking care of his little sister, he shouldn’t have to take care of his girlfriend indefinitely though. I would have to move to another place because my apartament is too small for 3/4 people. This is about £450/month. FTFY. e. I am F 26 he is M 34 and we have been dating for 1 year. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But that still doesn’t get me back all the time and stress. I think that's reasonable, yes it's awkward asking a partner to pay you rent but when I've finished paying it off I'll only ask him to contribute to bills. He tells me I have to have it now , he’s much harsher this time which pisses me the hell off. fsug umptgbc wrvkrv ikc vact eege har wtrl wglovv guze