Programming assignment 8 critters 20 points. Download supporting files on the course web site.
Programming assignment 8 critters 20 points java – A class that implements the Bear critter described below. Run critters. This assignment will give you practice with defining classes. SPECIAL RULES if you want to "BUY" a third slip day to use with this PSA8: since this is the last (maybe longest?) PSA, we have decided to give you an special extra slip day to use as follows: - if Critters This is based on a clever programming assignment developed by Stuart Reges . Programming Assignment 9: Critters Due: 11:59pm Thursday December 4 Overview You will create a simulation program that controls the movement of three types of Critters. py. Question: CS145 – PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT CRITTERS OVERVIEW This assignment will give you practice with defining classes and a small introduction to polymorphism. adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble and Victoria Kirst. awt. Turn in ant. Download the supporting files from Blackboard attached to this assignment. INFECT; } public Color getColor() { return Color. You will write classes that […] This is an individual assignment. Oct 1, 2017 · CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Tuesday, 5/30/17, 11 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Friday, June 2 nd , as described in handout #1. Download supporting files on the course web site. Before you get started using the Color class, it is important to write the necessary import statement on its own line at the top of your program: “import java. 10/2/2019 CSE142 handout #16 handout #16 CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Tuesday, 3/12/19, 9 pm Please note Oct 10, 2013 · II. You will write classes that […] TCSS143 Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming-Theory and Application Programming Assignment 8 The purpose of this programming project is to demonstrate the functionality of Recursion while reviewing such things as the use of Sets (here only a single Set will be implemented), Map, String manipulation, file I/O using the Scanner class for the input file and PrintStream for the output file. Turn in files named Mouse. cpp, Bird. Inside that zip file is a folder called JavaCritter that contains 8 files. edu), CSE2 305: Tue 1-3 This assignment focuses on classes and objects. java, Tiger. CSE143X—Computer Programming I/II. In this simulation, critters move around a finite world s. py, vulture. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 11:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Wednesday, August 20) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. It can be difficult to test and debug with many Critters. Rmd at master · englianhu/Coursera-Data-Mining Question: CS145 - PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT CRITTERS OVERVIEW This Is assignment will give you practice with defining classes and a small introduction to to write a set of classes that define the behavior of certain animals. By extending this Programming Project #5: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, February 24, 2022, 11:59 PM Thanks to Marty Stepp and Stuart Reges for parts of this project This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Dec 3, 2024 · (call both Critters' fight methods) or mate if the Critter has moved onto food, ask it if it wants to eat (call the Critter's eat method) After moving all Critters, the simulator redraws the screen, asking each Critter for its toString and getColor values. due: Tuesday, 5/30/06, 2 pm. Jul 21, 2014 · This assignment will give you practice with defining classes. ) Assignment Objectives: To use text files to store large data sets To open a file, read/write data from/to a file To access online data sources in CSV format To analyze real data. cpp. This assignment is out of 20 points (which will be scaled to be “worth a single assignment”). Resources for recursion: #1-A Guide To Recursion With Examples (thevaluable. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment focuses on classes and inheritance. You will write classes that […] Mar 13, 2021 · CSC 20 — Programming Assignment #1 In this programming assignment you will practice using arrays and classes. While it is running the simulation will look something like this: 1. Programming Assignment #8. CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Wednesday, 6/1/22, 11 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Saturday, June 4th. javato start the simulation. Follow past style guidelines about indentation, spacing, identifers, and localizing variables. You will be given a program that runs a simulation of a world with many animals wandering around in it. cpp, Vulture. Download supporting files on the Jul 19, 2020 · For example, below is a definition for a critter that always infects and that displays itself as a green letter F: import java. Mar 8, 2019 · 1 of 5AP CS A Programming Assignment: Critters (Thanks Marty Stepp) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. You will write a set of classes that define the behavior of those animals. CSE 142, Winter 2007 Programming Assignment #8: Critter Safari (20 points) Due: Thursday, March 8, 2007, 9:00 PM adapted from "Critters" assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble Note: All assignment submissions must be received by Sunday, March 11, 11:59 PM to receive credit. Programming Assignment #10: Critters (20 points) Due: Monday, March 18, 2013, 11:30 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. dev) #2-Recursion - GeeksforGeeks #3-Understanding Recursion in Programming (freecodecamp. CSE 142, Spring 2018 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, May 29th, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 1) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. You may use the combined percentage (total points/total possible points) from the two This assignment focuses on classes and objects. By extending this CSE142—Computer Programming I. due: Tuesday, 3/8/05, 2 pm. Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Friday, March 15 th, as described in handout #1. The critter zoo program Unlike previous assignments, you will not being designing a program from scratch. GREEN; } public String toString() { return "F"; } } Notice that it begins with an import declaration to be able to access Nov 23, 2020 · GETTING STARTED In order to get started with this assignment, start by downloading the Programming Assignment - CS145 – Critters ZIP file from Canvas. You are to write a set of classes that define the behavior of certain Critters 1 of 5 CS 132, Spring 2021 Programming Project #5: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, February 24, 2022, 11:59 PM Thanks to Marty Stepp and Stuart Reges for parts of this project This CSE 142, Spring 2018 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, May 29th, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 1) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. java to start the simulation . java, and . 100% (1 Page CS145 - PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT CRITTERS OVERVIEW This assignment will give you practice with defining classes and a small introduction to polymorphism. h, Hippo. You are to write a set of classes Oct 20, 2021 · This is project adapted from UW CSE 142 Programming Assignment 8 1. Run Programming Assignment #8: Critter Safari (20 points) Due: Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 9:00 PM shamelessly stolen from "Critters" assignment by UW instructor Stuart Reges, with ideas from UW Prof. *; public class Food extends Critter { public Action getMove(CritterInfo info) { return Action. You will be given a program that runs a simulation of a world with many animals moving around in it. thedefaultzero equivalentvaluesforeachtype from CSE 142 at University of Washington. Programming Assignment #8: Critter Safari (20 points) Due: Tuesday, August 14, 2007, 8:14 PM adapted from "Critters" assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment will give you practice with creating classes. org) Inputs: 1. java Bird. java, Vulture. Run Programming Assignment #8: Critter Safari (20 points) Due: Thursday, March 8, 2007, 9:00 PM adapted from "Critters" assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble Note: All assignment submissions must be received by Sunday, March 11, 11:59 PM to receive credit. This assignment is worth 10 points instead of the normal 20 points. Total views 100+ University of California, San Diego. CSE142—Computer Programming I. A: This is one of the toughest aspects of object-oriented programming: accepting that your object is no longer in control of the overall program. Programming Assignment #9: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, December 2, 2017, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, December 5) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. In this assignment, you will write a type-checker for a version of the PolyMinML language. The "extends" clause in the header of this class establishes an inheritance relationship. Run Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 11:30 PM (To be in tournament, Husky must be submitted by Thursday, March 13, 2014, 8:00 PM) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. The main point to understand is that the Critter class has several methods and constants defined for you. Steve Gribble Note: All assignment submissions must be received by Sunday, December 10, 2006, 11:59 PM to receive credit. Rather, the entire critter zoo program will be provided to you. h, Ant. 1 of 5 CSE 142, Summer 2012 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 11:00 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. due: Tuesday, 3/12/13, 9 pm. Some of the style points for this assignment will be awarded on the basis of how much energy and creativity you put into defining an interesting Husky class. You are to implement a class called LetterInventory that can be used to keep track of Your assignment is to produce a grade report for five students. Material Type: Assignment; Professor: Ord; Class: Intr/Computer Sci&Obj-Ori:Java; Subject: Computer Science & Engineering; University: University of California - San Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, August 14th, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Wednesday, August 15) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics CSE 142, Spring 2015 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 11:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 5) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. 3/10/2017. py, hippo. Program Behavior: Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment focuses on classes and inheritance. java, Hippo. due: Tuesday, 5/30/17, 11 pm. py to start the simulation. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 11:30 PM (Husky may be submitted until Thursday, June 6, 2013, 8:00 PM) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Program Behavior: You are provided with several client program classes that implement a graphical simulation of a 2D world of animals. pdf from CSE 142 at University of Washington. PSA6 - PSA 6: Critters & Recursion array traversal 100 Pages 21. Download supporting files on the Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, December 4th, 9:00 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. 4 points: Style points for your classes. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, August 14th, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Wednesday, August 15) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. and a description of the program, as in: // Fred Flinstone // 4/8/20 Assignment 8-Critters Jan 22, 2024 · CSIS 112 – Lab 1 Below are some resources for you to review. You are to write a set of classes that define the behavior of certain animals. On each round of the simulation, the simulator asks each critter object which direction it wants to move. If you get errors, make sure that it is saved in the ass9 folder. RunCritterMain. It will be your job to write a series of new classes that extend the Critter class. java CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Tuesday, 5/30/17, 11 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Friday, June 2nd, as described in handout #1. • Giant. CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Tuesday, 3/9/21, 11 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Friday, March 12th. Turn in Bear. due: Friday, 10/28/16, 11 pm. Download supporting files on the Oct 2, 2019 · View CSE142 HW#8. Each round a critter can move one square north, south, east, west, or stay at its current location (center). 8 points: Simulation that runs some new input correctly. Program Behavior: You are provided with several client Jan 9, 2017 · 1 of 5 CSE 142, Winter 2016 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 11:30 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, March 11) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Download supporting files on the Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 11:30 PM (Husky may be submitted until Thursday, December 6, 2012, 8:00 PM) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. java, and Husky. A Side Note: The Color Class The Color class allows you to specify and use colors in Java. Download supporting files on the Dec 10, 2020 · Unformatted text preview: CSE 142: Computer Programming I Autumn 2020 Take-home Assessment 8: Critters due December 8, 2020, 11:59pm This assignment will assess your mastery of the following objectives: • Write a class to define objects with specified behavior. Style points will also be awarded for expressing each critter's behavior elegantly. CSE 8b. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 11:00 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment will give you practice with classes. Husky. cpp, Cat. . CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment due: Thursday, 4/9/20, 11 pm Your first program will require the use of static methods and println statements. You will be provided with several classes that implement a graphical simulation of a 2D world with many animals moving around in it. Run CritterMain. The program will allow any number of Critters to be added to the world, which is the canvas of the applet. jav CS 103 Programming Assignment #9: Critters This assignment focuses on classes and objects. We will visit inheritance when we talk about chapter 9 but for this homework, it is not PSA6 - PSA 6: Critters & Recursion array traversal 100 Pages 21. Turn in . CSE 142, Spring 2011 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, May 31, 2011, 9:00 PM This assignment will give you practice with defining classes. Ant. M. java, Elephant. You are going to write a Java program that The "extends" clause in the header of this class establishes an inheritance relationship. You will write classes that […] CSE 142, Spring 2013 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 11:30 PM (Husky may be submitted until Thursday, June 6, 2013, 8:00 PM) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. h, Vulture. due: Tuesday, 3/12/19, 9 pm. Rmd at master · englianhu/Coursera-Data-Mining The critter zoo program Unlike previous assignments, you will not being designing a program from scratch. To search for more, start with the search term what is recursion in programming and then branch out. Download the zip of the supporting CSE 142: Computer Programming I, Spring 2020 Instructor: Stuart Reges (reges@cs. 1. The Critter to be added is selected by Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 11:30 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, March 10) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. java, Giant. This type checker will perform bi-directional type inference, allowing many type annotations to be inferred automat- Jul 18, 2023 · BE 1600 Introduction to Programming and Computation Python Assignment 06 50 points Due 07/25/2023 (11:45 A. CSE. Run Aug 14, 2018 · 1 of 5 CSE 142, Spring 2018 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, May 29th, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 1) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Different kinds of animals move and behave in different ways. Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble and Victoria Kirst This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics CS 103 Programming Assignment #9: Critters This assignment focuses on classes and objects. (40 points) "Critters" This assignment will give you practice with defining classes. java . Run Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble and Victoria Kirst This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 11:30 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, March 11) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. jav Programming Languages Assignment #8 COS 441, Princeton University 1 Introduction This assignment has 20 points total. Download supporting files on the Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, August 20, 2019, 11:59 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. • Use fields to store state necessary for a class’s operation. emily520922. The original was written in Java, and I've rewritten it from scratch in Clojure mainly for practice. h, and Cat. py, and nanook. Program Behavior: Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble and Victoria Kirst This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Everyone must complete and submit this assignment on their own. Note that it must be solving the predator/prey problem, not just hardwired to look for our sample input, and regurgitate the needed output. h, Bird. java – An implementation of the “Giant” Critter. Program Behavior: Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 8:00 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment will give you practice with classes. Jan 22, 2024 · CSIS 112 – Lab 1 Below are some resources for you to review. CSE 142: Computer Programming I Autumn 2020 Take-home Assessment 8: Critters due December 8, 2020, 11:59pm This assignment will assess your mastery of the following objectives: • Write a class to define objects with specified behavior. rrounded by four "walls", attempting to propagate their species by infecting other critters wit. The Critter to be added is selected by The assignment is worth 20 points: 8 points: Simulation that runs the sample input we've provided correctly. There are several supporting files to download on the course web Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble and Victoria Kirst This assignment focuses on classes and objects. 3/20: Java FX: JavaFX: Reading: Liang Ch 14-16 Programming Assignments. (10 points) Chapter 9: Self-check Autumn 2019 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points CSE143X—Computer Programming I & II Programming Assignment #5 due: Friday, 10/30/20, 11 pm This assignment will give you practice with defining classes. Color; ” (without the quotes). 1 of 5 CSE 142, Summer 2011 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 11:00 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Download supporting files on the Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, March 9) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Programming Assignment #8: Critter Safari (20 points) Due: Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 4:00 PM adapted from "Critters" assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment will give you practice with creating classes. java, Bird. py, bird. When a critter is infected, it is transformed into the species. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 11:59 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Download supporting files on the CSE142—Computer Programming I. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, June 3, 2014, 9:00 PM (To be in tournament, Husky must be submitted by Thursday, June 5, 2014, 8:00 PM) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. In Critters, the simulator asks each animal for a single move at a time. javaand . You are just defining the individual "critters" that wander around this world trying to infect each other. Apr 23, 2021 · CSE 142: Computer Programming I Summer 2020 Assignment 8: Critters (20 points) due August 18, 2020, 11:59pm This assignment focuses on object-oriented programming, classes, and objects Turn in the following FOUR Java files using the link on the course website: • Bear. Download supporting files on the This assignment focuses on classes and objects. This assignment will give you practice with creating classes. Page #1 handout #16 CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Tuesday, 5/30/17, 11 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Friday, June 2 nd, as described in handout #1. import javaawt for Color public class Stone extends Critter public Attack fight from CSE 142 at University of Washington This assignment is worth 10 points instead of the normal 20 points. Jul 18, 2023 · BE 1600 Introduction to Programming and Computation Python Assignment 06 50 points Due 07/25/2023 (11:45 A. While it is running, the simulation will look like the image on the right. There are several supporting files to download on the course web site. You are going to write a Java program that Question: CS145 – PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT CRITTERS OVERVIEW This assignment will give you practice with defining classes and a small introduction to polymorphism. Encapsulate the data inside your objects. due: Tuesday, 3/7/2006, 2 pm (Final late deadline: Friday, 3/10/2006, 5 pm) Introduction. Turn in Ant. For this assignment you will be given a lot of supporting code that runs the simulation. Mar 14, 2020 · 1 of 6CSE 142, Autumn 2019 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 11:59 PM This assignment focuses on classes and objects. This assignment focuses on classes and objects. java , and Raider. cpp, Hippo. Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, December 9, 2010, 11:30 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble and Victoria Kirst This assignment focuses on classes and objects. CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Wednesday, 6/3/20, 11 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Sunday, June 7th (two days later than what was described in handout #1). Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, May 31, 2011, 9:00 PM This assignment will give you practice with defining classes. You can only return one move, so your critter object must keep track of what should be returned next time. • Use fields to store state necessary for a class’s operation. This is discussed in Chapter 9 of the textbook, although you don't need a deep understanding of the concept for this assignment. This client represents a graphical sim-ulation of a 2D world of animals, known as critters. java 1. washington. java to start the simulation. java, Lion. Data Mining - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Coursera-Data-Mining/4 Pattern Discovery in Data Mining/Programming Assignment - Frequent Itemset Mining Using Apriori. java. Critters We have provided you with a program that runs a simulation of a world with many animals wandering around in it. Download supporting files on the Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due Tuesday, May 29th, 9:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 1) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. their DNA. Mar 1, 2015 · Exercise : LabTA Version 1 • In jGRASP, create the following Java class and save it in the ass9 folder: public class LabTA extends Critter { } • Compile the class. Program Behavior: Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 11:30 PM (Husky may be submitted until Thursday, May 31, 2012, 8:00 PM) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. CSE 142, Autumn 2011 Programming Assignment #9: Critters (20 points) Due: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:30 PM. Program Behavior: Programming Assignment #8: Critters (20 points) Due: Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 4:00 PM adapted from Critters assignment by Stuart Reges, with ideas from Steve Gribble This assignment will give you practice with classes. This is project adapted from UW CSE 142 Programming Assignment 8 Each of your critter classes should extend a class known as Critter. docx - CSE 142, Spring 2015 Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 11:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 5) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. Programming Assignment #8: Critters (40 points) Due: Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 11:00 PM (Husky must be submitted on time to be in tournament in class on Friday, June 5) This assignment focuses on classes and objects. 100% (1 Mar 13, 2021 · CSC 20 — Programming Assignment #1 In this programming assignment you will practice using arrays and classes. Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 11 pm on Friday, June 2 nd, as described in handout #1. In other words, if two of your critter classes A and B are very much alike, you should have B extend A rather than having both simply extend Critter. java , and Husky. CSE142—Computer Programming I9. point available for particularly good solutions (you would get 1 extra point, for a possible score of 21). rovided to you. CSE142—Computer Programming I Programming Assignment #8 due: Tuesday, 8/18/15, 9 pm Please note that solutions to this homework will not be accepted after 9 pm on Friday, August 21th. It is worth 18 points instead of the normal 20 points. iqqe mgj owltpk yvqic wslaarum mxuz dkylci ehvvw htpji grwvs