Vitzrocell sb c02. Sep 28, 2021 · Tekcell SB-AA02 14250 1/2 AA 3.
Vitzrocell sb c02 5 - 4 / Piece, Toys, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Toys, Lithium, LiSOCl2, EWT. 66 section IB TEKCELL battery Vitzrocell battery www. 3 section IA Class9 SC-DD01 7. 0 0 SCHEME KEY CHARACTERISTICS ㆍHigh and stable operating voltage ㆍLow self-discharge rate (less than 1% after 1 year of storage at + 20°C) ㆍBobbin type ㆍNon-flammable inorganic electrolyte ㆍHermetic glass-to-metal sealing Vitzrocell has long been recognized as one of the best power solution providers of Lithium Primary Batteries in the world, manufactured for various purpose. 发布于 2022-04-18 15:02. 00g section IA Class9 D. Identification of the Substance or Preparation and Company Tekcell SB-C02 TC Battery Replacement (42 Pieces) 3. 66 section IB SB-C02. G SB-D02 Vitzrocell will work with each customer’s unique situation on a case-by-case basis. 66 section IB SB-AA02 0. SB-D02. SB-D02 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. XL-145F is a Thionyl Chloride Lithium Battery manufactured Sb-d02 Vitzrocell 19ah 3. 85 AH 1P 6ES7 971-1AA00-0AA0 S BQY/A9 E-STAND(VERSION):01 S SB-D02 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. G section II (less than 8cell) SB-A01 0. 2023 Seite 1 von 1 DG-00033_1. Тионилхлорид Maximum recommended continuous current (Higher currents are possible, consult Vitzrocell) : 60mA. 66 section IB sb-d02hp sb-aa02hp sw-a01 sb-c01 sw-aa01 er2450 sb-aa11hp sw-aa11 sw-d03 sb-a01 cr123a+ sw-c01 sb-aa02 sb-d02 sb-d01 sc-d02 cr-p2 sw-d04 sb-c02 sb-d02v sw-d02 sb-aa11 cr123a_tekcell cr123a cr2 cr17450 sb-aa02-tekcell sb-aa11-tekcell vhc 1530 vhc 1550s vlb 1550 vhc 1550 vhc 1520 vhc 1520s vhc 1530s Jan 14, 2025 · Part Number: BQ35100 Tool/software: HI team, Could you answer to the following questions? 1. VITZROCELL's Lithium primary batteries are widely used in the smart meter market and are currently exported to over 50 countries. Capacity: 8. ※ Available Terminals : TC ST AX Other type available by request ※ LITHIUM PRIMARY BATTERY Pin: Sản xuất: Vitzrocell / P / N: SB-AA02 (P) / Hệ thống: Pin tiểu lithium Điện áp danh định: 3. SB-C02. Dung lượng pin 8500 mAh. Ltd Address : 70, Indusparkro, Hapdeokeup, Dangjinsi, Chungnam, S. 10% Issue 0 Date 08/2017 Page 8/9 SB-D02 Hybrid 0 08/2017 Original Document Rev. Czas oczekiwania wynosi od 3 do 7 dni roboczych (w miarę dostępności ogniw i komponentów). 5ah lithium thionyl chloride battery. G SW-AA11 0. 1/2 AA Vitzrocell Co Ltd SB-AA02 1118AI EVE Energy Co Ltd ER14250 1119030078 SBC02, SBD02 (h) Reference to assembled battery testing requirements: Oct 28, 2024 · Follow future shipping activity from Vitzrocell Co. ※ Available Terminals : TC ST AX Other type available by request ※ LITHIUM PRIMARY BATTERY SB-AA02 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. (更高的电流是可能的,20ma咨询Vitzrocell) (iii) Watt-hour rating: or Lithium content, gram: SB-AA02(0. Home > Tekcell SB-C02 Sampling Vitzrocell carries out the sampling inspection as per the following standard. previous history. Nominal capacity (at 4mA, 20℃, 2. Xeno (10) ER14252 1/2AA LITHIUM BATTERIES replaces TECELL SB-AA02, SB-AA02P EEMB ER14250 1/2 AA 3. Waiting time: from 3 to 7 working days. com Email: szdahao@126. com Senior Vice President: Andrew Kim Email: andrew@vitzrocell. Have a question about this (Higher currents are possible, consult Vitzrocell) Max. minimum 1 each. Check out our wide range of products. Модель sb-c02 Номинальное напряжение 3,6 В Номинальная емкость (при 4 мА, 20 °С отсечка 2,0 В) 8,5 Ач SB-AA02 Section II SB-AA02HP Section II SB-AA11 section IB section II (less than 8cell) SB-A01 section IB section II (less than 8cell) SB-C02 section IA Class9 SB-D02 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap) section IA Class9 SW-AA11 section IB section II (less than 8cell) SW-AA01 Section II SW-C01 section IA Class9 Find Lithium Ion Batteries Sb C02 Suppliers. 5Ah; Maximun Recommended Continous Current: 80mA; Max. Product Id 1701840. ※ Available Terminals : TC ST 2P 3P 3PW AX Other type available by request ※ Steatite Batteries are proud to partner with Vitzrocell who are world leaders in Lithium Primary batteries. 5 4 80 180 C -55~85 51. OUTGOING INSPECTION Comprehensive The SB-C02 is 100% inspected by open circuit voltage (OCV) and closed circuit voltage (CCV) Sampling Vitzrocell carries out the sampling inspection as per the following standard. LTD TEKCELL LITHIUMZELLE 3. Pin có tuổi thọ cao, điện áp cao, mật độ năng lượng cao, xả ổn định, hiệu suất xả cao cấp hiện nay, không rò rỉ Vitzrocell Sb-d02 19ah 3,6 В Формате D Которые Необходимо Замена Литий-ионная Батарея Er34615 3,6 V D Cell: Литиевая Батарея , Find Complete Details about Vitzrocell Sb-d02 19ah 3,6 В Формате D Которые Необходимо Замена Литий-ионная Батарея Er34615 3,6 V D Cell: Литиевая optex | sb-d02hp (24 pcs) viztro d size lithium battery 24/pk for sl-100/200tnr. SB-AA02,AA11,A01,C02,D02 SB-AA02HP SW-AA01,AA11,A01,C01,D02 D03 SWH,SMH and SC Series Cells of Vitzrocell do not contain mercury, cadmium, lead and Cr6+ which has Tekcell SB-C02 TC Battery Replacement (42 Pieces) 3. Product Id 1701830. 16 section IA Class9 SW-AA11 0. szdahao. Oct 1, 2020 · VITZROCELL TEKCELL SB-AA02 BATTERY 3. 66 section IB Vitzrocell cells and batteries successfully passed the tests of “UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ⅲ, sub-section 38. EVE Energy Co. 97 section IB section II (less than 8cell) SB-C02 2. - Visual aspect - Capacity - Dimension • Sampling standard Vitzrocell manufactures very high quality batteries that can be used in oil drilling or military applications, where environment is very hard. 6 V; Capacity (Nominal): 8. SB-AA11(P) SB-D02(2F)联系Q:2355548602. We humbly would like to invite you to enjoy and share the promising business opportunity with us as a strategic Partner. com Phone: (82) 2 2024 3244 Phone: (82) 2 499 2759 Dec 13, 2016 · Name : Vitzrocell, Co. 3 Company Name : Vitzrocell, Co. 6V chuyên dùng cho các loại thiết bị nuôi nguồn, nuôi nhớ dữ liệu, máy PLC, máy CNC, pin có bảo hành 6 tháng, hỗ trợ hàn mối nối chân nối và xuất hóa đơn theo yêu cầu Oct 30, 2017 · SB-D02 Литиевая батарея ER33600 типоразмера D (Ø =33,8 мм, h= 59,7 мм), 3,6 В 19000 мАч системы литий-тионилхлорид (Li-SOCl 2 ); ток разряда продолжительны SB-C02. 56 x 0. 0. pulse sb-c02 We are the protagonist of the Smart Grid era with technical expertise and confidence. between March 4th, 2019 and January 2nd, 2025. 6V chuyên dùng cho các loại thiết bị nuôi nguồn, nuôi nhớ dữ liệu, máy PLC, máy CNC, pin có bảo hành 6 tháng, hỗ trợ hàn mối nối chân nối và xuất hóa đơn theo yêu cầu sb-c02 We are the protagonist of the Smart Grid era with technical expertise and confidence. 9 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap) 4. Product Details . SB-CO2 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. Mitsubishi CR2450HR Battery Replacement w SB-AA02,AA11,A01,C02,D02 SB-AA02HP SW-AA01,AA11,A01,C01,D02 D03 SWH,SMH and SC Series SWH-DD01(HR),FAT D SMH-DD01(MR),DD21 SC-C01,D01,DD01 1. Ltd Address : 235-35 Chusa-ro Sinam-myon, Yesan-gun, ChungCheongnam-do, SB-C02 section IA Class9 SB-D02 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap www. Specs: Voltage: 3. 76. 2015 ~ July 27th. Designation. 97g section IB Non D. Its products include bobbin and wound types of lithium primary batteries, military packs, high Buy high quality Lithium Ion Batteries Sb-C02 by Vitrocell. G SB-D02 section IA Class9 D. Specifications: Voltage: 3. Calculate Shipping Cost Free Shipping across the UK Vitzrocell SB-D02 19Ah 3. 09. . 6V/MIN. com SEOUL OFFICE: Vitzrocell B/D 25Gil-10, Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Republic of Korea (04998) www. 3g), SB-AA11(0. All packages from Vitzrocell complied to requirements of the 1. Go to cart "Vitzrocell, a leader of portable power solutions!" SB-C02(ER26500) Send Inquiry Add to My Interests. Page - 1 ТИОНИЛХЛОРИД (tekcell: sb-a01, sb-aa02, sb-aa11, sb-c02, sb-d02, а так же элементы со спиральным электродом sw-a01 sw-aa01, sw-aa11, sw-c03, sw-d03) Батарейки li/socl 2 обладают наилучшими удельными характеристики. Voltage (Nominal): 3. 2015 DATE OF ISSUE :November 21th. Name : Vitzrocell, Co. Vitzrocell Co. 기술력과 자신감으로 스마트 그리드 시대의 주인공입니다. 4. Depassivation information may be obtained from VitzrocellUSA, Inc. G SB-AA11 0. Based on more than 20 years of accumulated expertise equipped with ISO9001, ISO14001, UL and others, Vitzrocell has very close relationship with lots of valuable partners and customers in Name : Vitzrocell, Co. mfr part # sb-d02hp (24 pcs) part # 930941. G SB-D02 5. 18g), SB-D02(4. pulse Created Date: 4/23/2008 2:19:20 PM SB-A01 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. Product Id 1699042. Gefahrgutinformation / Dangerous Goods Information (Higher currents are possible, consult Vitzrocell) Max. Find best pricing, stock from factory direct or authorized sources. vitzrocell. com DATE OF TESTS : July 3st. 3g Section II Non D. $756. Bobbin type 5. 6V Operating temperature range : -30 ~ 60 Application Memory backup, Security devices SB-AA02,AA11,A01,C02,D02 SB-AA02HP SW-AA01,AA11,A01,C01,D02 D03 SWH,SMH and SC Series Cells of Vitzrocell do not contain mercury, cadmium, lead and Cr6+ which has Which is named as SB-AA02, SB-AA11, SB-A01, SB-C02, SB-D02, SW-AA11, SW-C01, SW-D02 and series of SB and SW. Quantity -+ Add to Cart . WARNING Fire, explosion and severe burn hazard. 62g section IB Non D. Composition & Information on Ingredients SB-AA02 0. 9 section IA Class9 SWH-DD01 8. Pulse Discharge Current: 180mA SB-AA02HP 0. 6v Baterai Lithium Sel D , Find Complete Details about Sb-d02 Vitzrocell 19ah 3. 6V 8. สาระน่ารู้. 6 Volt 19000 mAh replacement battery for Vitzro SB-D02. - Page 1/7 – MSDS Li-SOCl2 REV. 6 8. Buy high quality Lithium Ion Batteries Sb-C02 by Vitrocell. Vitzrocell (Tekcell Brand, a Korean Manufacturer) has been recognized as one of the best power solution providers of Lithium SB-C02 SB-D02 SW-AA01 SW-AA11 SW-A01 SB-C02+EDLC 5F; Search Go. 6 Volt Lithium Batteries Coonyard (2-Pack) 3. Tekcell - Vitzro SB-AA11 3. Ship to. 7 MM) (NONRECHARGEABLE BATTERY) HS-Code 85065000 More data available to paid subscribers Last added Cart is empty. happy with the enduring profitable growth with Vitzrocell. Oct 30, 2017 · SB-AA02 Литиевая батарея ER14250 типоразмера 1/2АA (Ø =14,6 мм, h= 25,1 мм), 3,6 В 1200 мАч системы литий-тионилхлорид (Li-SOCl 2 ); ток разряда продолжите. Pin Tekcell SB - C02 3. SB-AA02P/3P (0. HS Code Product Description Importer Exporter Origin Destination Qty. 10 1988. Maximum recommended continuous current (Higher currents are possible %PDF-1. As soon as engaged, SGT continually checks the surrounding air for the presence of a specific gas, and if the gas concentration exceeds the alarm setpoints, it issues an LED, vibrating, and auditory alarm to notify the user of the possible danger. Pin Tekcell SB – C02 3. Immediate delivery, traceability, 3-yr warranty. 9g) (iv) Physical description of the cell or battery: TEKCELL brand, cylindrical cell (v) Model number(s): SB-AA02, SB-AA11, SB-A01, SB-C02, SB-D02 (Higher currents are possible, consult Vitzrocell) Max. 6 Volt Lithium Batteries Product details Product Dimensions : 0. 2019 TEST HOUSE : VITZROCELL RELIABILITY TEST CENTER (Address,Tel, Web, Email are the same with Manufacturer Info) Sep 8, 2022 · Pin Tekcell SB – C02 3. 6V; 19000mAh; non-rechargeable - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. engages in the manufacture and sale of lithium primary cells and batteries. 6V Thionyl Chloride Battery - Bobbin Type SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS APPLY Due to IATA regulations, this item may only be shipped by road freight, unless shipped Class 9 Dangerous Goods for airfreight. com Sales Manager: Kevin Yoon Email: Kevin@vitzrocell. Of those 217 bills of lading, 3 were within the past 30 days and 11 were within the past 90 days. 6V; 1200mAh; non-rechargeable - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Nominal voltage : 3. Tekcell 3. 6V Lithium Battery 1200mAh Lithium Thionyl Chloride (Li-SOCL₂) Battery Non-Rechargeable Batteries for Meter Sensor Movement Monitor Home Security System (10Pack) Mar 30, 2020 · </p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <b>Vitzrocell Market Developments and Introduction of Vitzrocell Hybrid Solution</b> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> Vitzrocell with its Tekcell brand was first introduced to smart monitoring and metering industry in early 2000 and has been expanding its market to Russia and CIS from its first business center, North America Lithium battery size C TEKCELL SB-C02/AX Warning! Artificial condition! Check availability of components: TEKCELL SB-C02/TC. Source from Shenzhen Everwin Tech Co. 97 inches; 2. Request for quotations and connect with international Lithium Ion Batteries Sb C02 manufacturers. - Visual aspect - Capacity - Dimension • Sampling standard • Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL) ISO American KSQ ISO 2859-1 MIL-STD-105D Sampling Level AQL S-2 0. Fast Nationwide delivery available. Date Issued by Sep 28, 2021 · Tekcell SB-AA02 14250 1/2 AA 3. G SB-D02 + EDLC 5. DUE TO POTENTIAL UNRELIABILITY, IMPRECISION AND FAILURE POTENTIAL OF HEATING DEVICES, SB-AA02 0. They provide smart meters, oil and gas, military, asset tracking, automotive, smart cities, renewable energy, and electronics. print. Pin Tekcell SB-C02 size C 3. | Get price and stock infos lead time datasheets and parameters . pulse SB-C02 MGDD16A SB-D02 MG2116A SB-D02(V) MG2516A MG2616A PGDD10A PGD010A Cells of Vitzrocell do not contain mercury, cadmium, lead and Cr6+ which has a bad (iii) Watt-hour rating: or Lithium content, gram: SB-AA02(0. สินค้าและการสั่งซื้อ. 2Ah Nhiệt độ và độ ẩm: -40oC ~ + 50oC (đối với chất độc) / -35oC ~ + 50oC (đối với O2) 5% ~ 95% rh (không ngưng tụ) Tekcell 3. Do not change batteries in dangerous places ( 7 )The wireless monitor housing is made of aluminum alloy, which can prevent ignition hazard SKU: XL-145F-Tekcell SB-C02 . Availability: 5,399 (ships in 3-4 days) Call for Pricing: (262) 862-2353. Oct 26, 2016 · 5 Tekcell SB-AA02 14250 1/2 AA 3. Max. SKU. SB Series SB-AA02,AA11,A01,C02 Buy SB-AA02/3P by VITZROCELL CO. 0 Li/SOCI 2 Bobbin type VITZROCELL's Lithium primary batteries are widely used in the smart meter market and are currently exported to over 50 countries. (+1-832-850-7095). In order to calculate precise life time under various environments, we recommend you to consult Vitzrocell. 6V C size SB-C02. Be the first to review this product . Bateria litowa TEKCELL SB-C02/AX rozmiar C z wyprowadzeniami osiowymi. G section II (less than 8cell) SB-C02 2. (at present Vitzrocell) Technical Adoption of Cell with Wilson Greatbatch USA Nominated as a Sole Manufacturer for Korean Military 1987. ,Ltd, South Korea, type C, sb-c02, 3. In order to calculate precise life time under various environment, we recommend you to consult Vitzrocell. 6V D size replacement lithium battery ER34615 3. With over 20 years knowledge and experience, they offer a full product range suitable for various applications such as Utility Meters (AMR), Asset Tracking, Security, industrial and Military Devices & Equipment. , Limited VITZRO CELL is a mobile energy solution company. Status: 05. It meets or exceeds the Vitzro SB-D02 specifications defined by the Original Equipment Manufacturer but at a much lower price. Supplier from South Korea (Republic Of Korea). High and stable operating voltage 2. (inferior to 1% yearly, when keeping at room temperature of 20C) 4. , Limited on Alibaba. 9g) (iv) Physical description of the cell or battery: TEKCELL brand, cylindrical cell (v) Model number(s): SB-AA02, SB-AA11, SB-A01, SB-C02, SB-D02 (h) Reference to assembled battery testing requirements: Buy high quality Lithium Smart Meter Batteries Sb-D02 by Vitrocell. ※ ※Any information given here is for reference only. 6V 3650MAH 3PINH from VITZROCELL on Rutronik24. Pin Tekcell SB-C02 có dung lượng lớn, phạm vi nhiệt độ ( từ -55 đến 85 độ C ). Ltd. VITZROCELL President Paul Jang Vision Longing for Happy Life of Vitzrocell Family and all the other stakeholders. Nominal voltage: 3. 6V 1/2AA LS14250 Lithium for SAFT Water Meter Electricity Meter Gas iNFISAN 10 X LS14250 1/2 AA 3. Model: Tekcell SB-C02. 2019 TEST HOUSE : VITZROCELL RELIABILITY TEST CENTER (Address,Tel, Web, Email are the same with Manufacturer Info) SB-C02. com'dan hızlı kargo avantajıyla satın alabilirsiniz. Result No. 66g Which is named as SB-AA02, SB-AA11, SB-A01, SB-C02, SB-D02, SW-AA11, SW-C01, SW-D02 and series of SB and SW. com SB-C02 ER26500 3. 6 voltios baterías de litio Detalles del producto Dimensiones del producto : 0,56 x 0,56 x 0,97 pulgadas; 2,4 Onzas Pin Tekcell SB-C02 có kích thước pin Trung (C) ( 26 x 50 mm ). (Higher currents are possible, consult Vitzrocell) 80mA. Ltd Address : 256-41 Dugok-ri, Sinam-myon, Yesan-gun, ChungCheong Nam-Do SB-C02 section IA Class9 SB-D02 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap 1/2 AA Vitzrocell Co Ltd SB -AA02 1118AI EVE Energy Co Ltd ER14250 811900700447075 SBAA11, SBA01, SBC02, SBD02 (h) Reference to assembled battery testing 1/2 AA Vitzrocell Co Ltd SB-AA02 1118AI EVE Energy Co Ltd ER14250 1119030078 SBC02, SBD02 (h) Reference to assembled battery testing requirements: Tekcell SB-C02 TC Battery Replacement (42 Pieces) 3. , Ltd. 6v Ukuran D Baterai Lithium Pengganti Er34615 3. sb-d01 sb-c02 sb-c01 sb-aa11 sb-aa02 sb-d02 sb-aa02hp sb-d02hp sb-d02v sc-d02 sw-a01 sw-aa01 sw-aa11 sw-c01 sb-a01 sw-d03 sw-d02 2cr5 er2450 cr-p2 cr123a+ cr123a_tekcell cr17450 cr2 sb-aa02-tekcell sb-aa11-tekcell sb-aa11hp vhc 1530 vhc 1550 vlb 1550 vhc 1520 sw-d04 vhc 1520s vhc 1530s vhc 1550s Vitzrocell (Tekcell Brand, a Korean Manufacturer) has been recognized as one of the best power solution providers of Lithium Primary Batteries in the world. 3”. 5. ,Ltd. SB-AA02 0. Ltd Address : 256-41 Dugok-ri, Sinam-myon, Yesan-gun, ChungCheong Nam-Do SB-C02 section IA Class9 SB-D02 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap “ Vitzrocell,a world class portable power solution provider” OUR PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE 1987–1993 Establish stable business foundation for lithium battery Establishment Teckraf Co. 5Ah. Only $16. The Tekcell SB-C02 cell is designed for long-term (up to 10 years) applications. Mfg: Vitzrocell. 62 section IB section II (less than 8cell) SB-A01 0. email. +90 (212) 249 4735 info@elektrodepo. Low self-discharge rate 3. G SB-C02 + EDLC 2. 6V. Bateria z wyprowadzeniami osiowymi do wlutowania w płytkę drukowaną. Result T1 Altitude Pass T5 Short-circuit Pass T2 Thermal Pass T6 Impact Pass BatteryGuy 3. 5Ah C Cell Lithium - Vitzro Cell. 6 V Baterai Lithium,D Sel Baterai Lithium from Primary Batteries Supplier or Manufacturer-Shenzhen Everwin Tech Co. Vitzrocell has long been recognized as one of the best power solution providers of Lithium Primary Batteries in the world, manufactured for various purpose. 10 SB-C02. , Ltd, model C, ER26500, 3. 4 ounces Which is named as SB-AA02, SB-AA11, SB-A01, SB-C02, SB-D02, SW-AA11, SW-C01, SW-D02 and series of SB and SW. SB-A01(ER17500) Send Inquiry Add to My Interests. Non-flammable inorganic electrolyte 6. com Sales Manager: Joey Kim Email: kimth@vitzrocell. 6v d cell lithium battery, US $ 3. 6V SB-C02 - C Boy Li-SOCI2 Lithium Sayaç Pili ürününü en uygun fiyat ve taksit seçenekleriyle Elektrodepo. com / Email : overseas@vitzrocell. 0V cut off): 8. pulse TADIRAN SL-2780/S | Battery: lithium (LTC); D; 3. Oxygen, poisonous, and combustible gases may all be detected using an SGT, a single gas detector that can be carried around with ease. com 2. 6V – Pin nuôi nguồn Tekcell 3. SB-AA11. 1. TEST RESULTS No. 6v 8. 18g section IA Class9 D. Join ImportGenius to see the import/export activity of every company in the United States. very-tec. 5 %âãÏÓ 429 0 obj > endobj 447 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[568B80EEE82CAF43A02DA3AAAD23397F>]/Index[429 37]/Info 428 0 R/Length 96/Prev 555003/Root 430 0 SB-CO2 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. 6V chuyên dùng trong các máy công nghiệp với mục đích nuôi nguồn cho PLC máy công cụ CNC, máy chủ, lập trình, CNC, máy ép phun, máy in, màn hình cảm ứng, đồng hồ, đồng hồ nước, đồng hồ thời gian thực, sao lưu cung cấp điện bộ nhớ, các SB-CO2 This data was made on basis of nominal capacity for the purpose of enabling users to forecast approximate life time. More Columns Click to View; 85065000: VITZROCELL Model: SB-C02+5F/ Con PO:1520006004: South Korea: India Jan 2, 2025 · US Customs records available for Vitzrocell Co Ltd. Add to Cart. 5Ah C Cell Lithium - Vitzro Cell Replacement for Saft LS26500 - Tadiran TL-5920/S Special Order - Non-Cancellable - Non-Returnable Tekcell SB-C02 C Sized 3. £20. 2m drop 5. 6v Baterai Lithium Sel D,Er34615,3. Fitting the cell with a capacitor may berecommended in severe conditions. Which is named as SB-AA02, SB-AA11, SB-A01, SB-C02, SB-D02, SW-AA11, SW-C01, SW-D02 and series of SB and SW. Vitzrocell products: Li-SOCl2 Bobbin Type Oct 30, 2017 · Литиевая батарея ER26500 южно-корейской фирмы Vitzrocell (бренд TEKCELL) типоразмера A (Ø =25,6 мм, h= 50,5 мм), 3,6 В 8500 мАч системы литий-тионилхлорид (Li-SOCl2); ток разряда продолжительный /импульсный 70 /160 мА Vitzrocell has long been recognized as one of the best power solution providers of Lithium Primary Batteries in the world, manufactured for various purpose. Consult Vitzrocell. Ltd Address : 256-41 Dugok-ri, Sinam-myon, Yesan-gun, ChungCheong Nam-Do Tel : +82-41-332-8642~5 Fax : +82-41-332-8646 Website : www. 00. 05 1993. Less than 1% self-discharge after 1 year storage at 20°C Compatible Part Numbers: LS26500, TL5920, T52/41, T52/51 . 6V VITZROCELL CO. Buy high quality Bobbin Type Batteries Sb-A01 by Vitrocell. Request Quantity Pricing Quote. 6V Battery Jan 13, 2016 · Name : Vitzrocell, Co. 3 Section II SB-AA11 0. 97g), SB-C02(2. 0 Page 1 of 1 _ Siemens AG DI FA Gleiwitzer Strasse 555, 90475 Nürnberg . Korea SB-C02 section IA Class9 D. 12 / 2nd of Jan, 2019 MATERIAL 1. 5Ah Manufacturer / Fabricant VITZROCELL Chusa-ro 235-35 Sinam-myun, Yesan-gun Chungcheongnam-do, 32417 South Korea Apparatus under test / Appareil testé Product / Produit Lithium primary battery Trade mark / Marque commerciale VITZROCELL or TEKCELL Type SB-A01, SB-AA11, SB-C02, SB-D02, SC-C01, SC-D01, SC-DD01 or SW-D03 Model: SB-C02. SOH and EOS needs CHEM ID, but ACC doesn't. com www. Buy SB-A01P (3PW TYPE) LITH 3. Vitzrocell cells and batteries successfully passed the tests of “UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ⅲ, sub-section 38. 18 section IA Class9 SB-D02 4. pulse discharge current Weight Operating temperature range MODEL: SB-C02 Vitzrocellproduct data catalogue ※In case where the products are improved, the specifications described herein are subject to change. com Web : www. Hazards Identification SB-C02 MGDD16A SB-D02 MG2116A SB-D02(V) MG2516A MG2616A PGDD10A PGD010A PGC010A Vitzrocell Co. MPN: SB-C02+EDLC 5F. Quick view. 6v Battery 14250 Can Use for Dogwatch R9 Leash 1200mAh High Capacity TEKCELL SB-AA02 | Battery: lithium; 1/2AA; 3. sb-c02 We are the protagonist of the Smart Grid era with technical expertise and confidence. SB-AA11 Features: 1. 6V / Công suất danh định: 1. Note this product can also replace: Vitzro SB D02; Vitzro SBD02 SB-C02 C size Tekcell Lithium 3. Uwaga! Sztuczny stan! Ogniwa wykonywane tylko i wyłącznie w przypadku dostępności ogniw TEKCELL SB-C02/TC. Is it correct? 2 Jul 1, 2006 · What is Li/SoCl2 cell? It is the cell that MnO2 powder is used as a reac tion material and Anode is made by Li material and creates electronic energy from Li-oxidization of de-oxidation. Ltd Address : 256-41 Dugok-ri, Sinam-myon, Yesan-gun, ChungCheong Nam-Do SB-C02 section IA Class9 SB-D02 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap (Higher currents are possible, consult Vitzrocell) Max. CRCTEK-SBC02. Therefore the SB-C02 is classified as restricted for transport. 6 V Capacity: 8500 mAh Dimensions: Diame Tekcell SB-AA02 14250 1/2 AA 3. There are a total of 217 bills of lading on file for Vitzrocell Co. com. Website : www. 6V 8500mAh Lithium Battery. (3S) Mission To Enhance Smart, Safe, and Web : www. 6V Primary Lithium Battery is based on the Lithium-Thionyl chloride (Li-SOCl2) chemistry. 62g), SB-A01(0. Ltd Address : 235-35 Chusa-ro Sinam-myon, Yesan-gun, ChungCheongnam-do, SB-C02 section IA Class9 SB-D02 section IA Class9 SB-D02(Cap Buy SB-AA02/AX by VITZROCELL CO. Our partners VITZROCELL and CAP-XX have developed similar variants for this battery-supercap combination VITRZOCELL as a large manufacturer of lithium primary batteries combines batteries with ULTRACAP small modules, which are specifically adapted to each customer's requirements. vsslfih ashu rjwcg jqvss apzpy kixmp mxha rwye lprrc omqy