Wkwebview blank screen swift. 1 UIWebView suddenly calls about:blank as the first URL.

Wkwebview blank screen swift height )]; Similarly, loadFileURL has also become the default function to load local resources in WKWebView. For example on https://apple. path. javaScriptEnabled = true let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() configuration. I've pinpointed the issue by debugging the HTML code. If I force the web view to load another page not Nov 28, 2018 · Your code works in my playground, so something is wrong with how you are creating the web view or the constraints. height] and wrapperView. Is this a limitation on WKWebView and is there anyway around this? I have NSCameraUsageDescription already configured in my info. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet var webView: UIWebView! For previous iOS 8 betas, load a local web app (in Bundle) and it works fine for both UIWebView and WKWebView, and I even ported a web game using the new WKWebView API. 4. UIDelegate = self //must have this } Mar 17, 2020 · Thanks! For everyone else who has forgotten how to do this: Add a wrapper view with constraints, add the WKWebView as the wrapper’s subview without constraints, set the WKWebView’s frame to match the wrapper view’s bounds, then set the webView. I wrote code in ViewDidAppear to load HTML page. iOS applications normally have one main application process. How do I make it where it runs for the whole page once the page first Nov 28, 2019 · It is a little complicated. I am running the same versions but I end up with a blank white screen – Ahmed. Jun 2, 2017 · The problem here is the blank white screen which is getting displayed after launch screen. var webView : WKWebView! super. For example when a WKWebView is closed or maybe periodically. App has one button, on click of that button app is loading local html page from document directory. import WebKit // Create an instance of WKWebView. For example, https://apsny. 14, even with the `com. I tried to l Dec 30, 2021 · How to remove the blank area after change WKWebview's frame height? I want change webview's height when keyboard show up, but after the frame height changed, there are an extra space below the HTML body. This is annoying, as I'm using my technique in four other apps and they are working fine. Use JavaScript to download file, use WKScriptMessageHandler to communicate between native Swift and JavaScript. Jun 7, 2017 · I have a WKWebView and it has a randomly occuring bug when I leave the WebView ViewController to another "native" ViewController and come back, it shows nothing but a white screen. But still no clue abt what made the webview content disappeared. The dark green color is defined in html. after being backgrounded, or after returning into view after being invisible). 16. The webpage is working in safari and android but does not work camera in wkwebview. The phenomena occurs completely at random. using Apple Sample Code from the class reference for WKWebView. Setting the configuration; Providing a correctly formatted link; 1. I don't know what to look for. asyncAfter(). After making an instance of WKWebView, you can load web content by creating a URLRequest and calling the load() method. Aug 13, 2020 · Now when I just close the dropdown menu again and go to home screen and open the app again, the webview turns black. navigationDelegate = self; and implement following code in the delegate callback decidePolicyForNavigationAction Sep 16, 2014 · WKWebView's WebProcess runs out-of-process as a 64-bit process on hardware supporting 64bit. UPDATE: This is the layout and constraints of the view. apple. I have loaded iframe form into wkwebview and its working fine. However, the web view is still blank. (We can't use the JavaScriptCore module because we require WebKit apis like Window, XMLHttpRequest, localstorage, etc) May 8, 2019 · func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWith configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, for navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? { // Ideally you should create another WKWebView on the fly and provide that web view instance in return statement // WebKit automatically loads the target url in iOS : WKWebView not loading webpage - renders blank screen in Swift [ Beautify Your Computer : https://www. Anyone knows possible issues? When I pressed "open link" on the dropdown-menu safari opens with that link. The WebView never rendering at all. 2 WKWebView showing white screen, with native<->webview communication. viewDidLoad() let myURL Apr 12, 2021 · So maybe it's more about where this statement is or how you initialize your WKWebView. Making a web view fill the screen. autoresizesSubviews = true – Mar 16, 2024 · Im trying to load a specific webpage with the below code. WKWebView not loading webpage - renders blank screen in Swift. 2). zero, configuration: configuration) Update. May 18, 2017 · Thanks for watching! There's a problem that when i use WKWebView and just load a URL, but it will show blank page for seconds although it is loading, then it show whole page. The whole code is like this: // // ViewController. Dec 31, 2021 · Need to Remove Whitescreen before loading webview in iOS, tried webview opaque. However, when I use the WKWebViewController, I get the modal that you swipe down to dismiss. tech/p/recommended. In very rare cases I have encountered the problem that when background uploading is in process (app was fully closed/terminated) and when I open the application a white (blank) screen appears. My solution was to check for about:blank and ask the UIWebView to reload only the first time. Sep 5, 2015 · Basically I saw iOS 8. The configuration of the WKWebView has needs to be set while initialising. Unfortunately, links from external domains do not load, and simply highlight when pressed. Still always get blank. Here is the code snippet: Mar 18, 2022 · I am using Xcode 13. May 11, 2018 · This code is supposed to load the Apple homepage, but instead shows a blank screen. 2. May 3, 2017 · update: So for me, if I was not using any remote debugger, whether it be in chrome, or standalone, I would get what I assumed was a blank webview, BUT it looks like for some reason, it just takes an arbitrary minute or so to render the DOM and then it renders, so I would say, depending on how complex your DOM is, try it again, first use remote debugging on, and see if it renders fast, and then Now we can use -[WKWebView loadFileURL:allowingReadAccessToURL:]. But after run am getting only the blank screen. Don't know how? I've been reported that it shows white screen on iPhone X (iOS 16. – shri Apr 6, 2022 · I have a website that works in safari. It is showing white blank screen up to the point web is not loaded. Sep 7, 2017 · I'm testing an app for the upcomming release of iOS 11. Apr 25, 2018 · I am working on Hybrid Swift app. These are the other things that we have tried: 1 - Using another compiled vue project that we found working - able to make it display in our app. 3 Oct 8, 2016 · Step : 1 Import webkit in ViewController. Here is a screen shot of the HTML on the webview: And Here's a picture of the HTML on Chrome for Mac: Jan 29, 2021 · I have a very simple web-view browser in my app, that works great except some sites. Ask Question Could not find specified service". 2) keeps displaying a blank screen. It's not a blank page. Aug 7, 2023 · Apple provides the WKWebView class to show web content in Swift apps. zipResource?. After spending some time in the app, and loading a number of resources, we experience a white screen, indicating that the process has crashed (crashlog here). The same way you add them to any View in a NavigationView:. blogspot. It shows a blank screen. It doesn't change anything, when it is already fullscreen. I can scroll it and tap somewhere. @IBOutlet weak var webViewContainer: UIView! var webView: WKWebView! Aug 6, 2021 · I am working on a tabbed application that contains one WKWebView per tab in order to access multiple websites quickly from one app. 5. zero, configuration: webConfiguration) webView. Even if you reload, it moves to ‘about:blank’, so you need to implement a function to move to a specific address when entering that address inside WKWebView. Searching this site and countless others I managed to be able to access google by using var url = NSURL(string: "http Mar 2, 2019 · In my project I have splash screen and WKWebViewController. Then when the window is opened and displayed the WKWebView remains blank. Apr 6, 2018 · For some reason, the WKWebView in my app won't display any websites like "https://www. I have tried setting the height of the view to be screen size and load some large html content to the WKWebView and disable scrolling. 2) and also on iPhone 14 Pro Max as well. And fills the entire screen. Can't find anything about iframe content blocking when using WKWebView. Please let me know the solution with code. In order to avoid that I am trying to wait till web loads by having splash screen, But adding those functions are not working. The answer is not in SWIFT, but hopefully the solution logic is easily translated to your code. App Transport Security Settings > Allow Arbitrary Loads is set to YES in the info. 3) renders blank screen in Swift. swift. 結論から言うと、現状では UIViewRepresentable を継承して自作するしかなさそうです。 Oct 7, 2018 · I have a basic webview that loads a website that is fronted by an nginx reverse proxy that is just forwarding it to another site. The issue that I'm experiencing is that none of the Javascript is executed for objects that are anywhere below the screen when the page is first loaded. But when I move back to my app, the screen turns black. May 10, 2020 · With this selection of books that will teach you Swift, SwiftUI, UIKit, SpriteKit, Advanced iOS and much more by Hacking With Swift! See books If you ever worked with WKWebView in your iOS application you may have noticed, that some links just don’t work. sharedHTTPCookieStorage(). I want to hide that white screen. Below is the source code to load a web page by HTTP URL. It is used to display a series of interactive activities which are drawn in a canvas element. I have looked on here and cannot find anything to help. Feb 26, 2019 · So i figured it out, and boy, I was wrong. Screenshot is from simulator for result purpose. It does not even ask for permissions. Most apps use web views to show content from websites, but you can also show local HTML in a web view. Current behavior: - In IOS devices, and emulator it shows blank/empty screen. async() doesn't work, and it did not, then you're waiting an indeterminate amount of time -- not good. It was working fine in iOS 12 but in iOS 13 it just shows blank screen. 0 (12A365) & iPhone 5s / iOS 8. func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) Sep 7, 2014 · Add yourself as the WKNavigationDelegate. Here is my code-- ViewController. How to I get the WKWebView to appear full-screen, instead of like the modal? Aug 27, 2021 · I have use wkwebview for load camera webpage. I've tried the following (and more) from within the delegate method webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) 1. The page does render because it prints WEBVIEW MSG WORKING to console, but it does not appear whe Jan 3, 2018 · I'm new to swift and I think that is inhibiting me from being able to adapt code snippets from other answers. i used following code to May 11, 2017 · I am making a simple webview using Swift 3. With information provided, that's unclear. Dec 20, 2021 · WKWebView not loading webpage - renders blank screen in Swift. security. Code: var webView: WKWebView! override func loadView() { let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration() webView = WKWebView(frame: . Apparently the fix was worth some seconds in WWDC 2015 video 504 Introducing Safari View Controller. Oct 1, 2019 · I am trying to load a webpage with WKWebView on iOS 13 with Swift. Dec 2, 2017 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Here is the code: let link = URL( May 25, 2018 · swift; wkwebview; or ask your own question. server` entitlements enabled. viewDidLoad() // loading URL : let myBlog = "https://iosdevcenters. plist. Mar 29, 2019 · Sponsor Hacking with Swift and reach the world's largest Swift community! 1. network. import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate { var webView: WKWebView! Aug 15, 2016 · I am new to Swift / iOS and am trying to use webView to be able to view a url. loadView() self. let zipName = webSection?. au". Jun 14, 2018 · WKWebView White Screen (Objective-C) iOS app with UIWebView gives blank screen. path and . I figured out that my WKWebView covered the whole screen but didn't render the background under the home bar/notch. Setting the configuration. Loading HTML strings Loading HTML files Loading HTML Strings The easiest way to display HTML content in a web view is to create a string for the HTML and call the Sep 24, 2020 · optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWith configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, for navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? In this method, you can create a new WKWebView with the configuration obtained and present it on the screen. But on every transition on ViewController (launching ViewController through NavigationController), white blank screen appear for few seconds then HTML page gets displayed. And if I open a website with red background, it will be red and so on. It is showing a &quot;Could not create a sandbox extension for temporary file&quot; I'm currently trying to build a simple SwiftUI view, that leverages WKWebView's loadHTMLString function, to display hardcoded HTML string on the screen. frame. The same url used for both (iOS 12/iOS 13) so I am 100% sure that there is no problem in the URL. view = webView. runOperation() – Nayef Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 12:31 Jul 21, 2017 · I'm using WKWebView to load a local html file using [self. Dec 7, 2018 · To reduce rewriting and duplicating code as much as possible I'd like to run a headless WKWebView that runs my current JavaScript code and have Swift act as a bridge to/from the WKWebView JavaScript. red Text(item . uiDelegate = self view = webView} override func viewDidLoad {super. preferences = preferences let webview = WKWebView(frame: . webView. I have implemented the WKWebView in my ViewController. May 20, 2022 · Swift WKWebView crash on didFailProvisionalNavigation. Dec 27, 2021 · When the webview's height is set to 100%, all resources are loaded and rendering is confirmed in the debugger, but only a white screen is shown on the screen when you reach a back from a specific screen. You are probably looking for WKWebView. customUserAgent which will completely override the default user agent. Any idea? Jan 29, 2019 · I am trying to load a local html file which is downloaded to my application with wkwebview. Once I scroll to see them, the Javascript still doesn't run. When I run it, it only displays a blank page. reload() doesn't work. However, if I click several pages in the new scene and go back to the main view, the main view has a 50% chance to go blank. I can see the request from the WKWebView to the real url (my site with no iframe blocking headers and served over http or https). webView = webView} /// To let SwiftUI instantiate your views func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView {webView. It looks like the WKWebView will only render after all images downloaded. ” so XCode seems to think that the web content was loaded correctly but the WKWebView remains blank. It works fine in iOS 12. Playing a video inline requires two prerequisites:. While navigating with the in-app browser (WKWebView), I use KVO to update progress. bundleURl or resourceURL still no luck And i Have created Entitlements to Allow Outgoing connection still its not loading any page. But when I open camera in webview then black blank screen is appearing. 1. Initially we had issues with the output image being blank and having to introduce a delay to have the web content in the output image. Here is my UIViewController where I load the webpage: Oct 31, 2017 · This is why the WKWebView is nil. 4. I am able to load it using safari, chrome firefox etc on the device and emulator (as well as computer), but when I try to load it in the wkwebview it flashes a couple times then goes to a blank white screen. import WebKit. Aug 18, 2020 · Hello I have WkWebview app which load webpage here is my initialization code for wkwebview override func loadView() { let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration() let preferences = Apr 25, 2024 · I'm loading a local HTML & Javascript file into my WKWebView. So here's my question: I am using a WKWebView to view a website in my app. Sep 24, 2019 · I am using WKWebView to show a pdf file from a remote url. Next we need to extend ViewController class by promising to implement WKNavigationDelegate protocol as shown Jul 20, 2023 · We are planning to make a part of our app in Ionic using Vue and we are planning to use the native WKWebView to display Ionic screens but it only shows a blank screen. I think it does this on its own schedule. WKWebView is certainly a pain - you can't load load images/resources without jumping through hoops (at least in a sandboxed app). struct SecondNavView: View { let item: String var body: some View { ZStack { Color. I wanted to avoid it because if DispatchQueue. documentView). 3 WKWebView showing white screen, with native<->webview communication Apr 1, 2023 · struct WKWebViewRepresentable: UIViewRepresentable {typealias UIViewType = WKWebView var url: URL var webView: WKWebView init(url: URL, webView: WKWebView = WKWebView()) {self. WKwebview in swift. url = url self. 0. I want to know how to scale the content in the WKWebView so that it fits into the given view size without scrolling. The same thing is happening in iOS device. However, if I open chrome on iOS, it loads just fine. 2 - Starter vue project - blank Nov 12, 2017 · setting the constraint of the webview or the WKWebView doesn't help. May 11, 2021 · WKWebView blank after 'successful' HTTPS NSURLRequest. Following Crash occurred in WKWebView! NSException * &quot;Completion handler passed to -[WebViewController webView Jun 18, 2019 · We are trying to make a conference call with multiple users, So by using Kurento server we have achieved this and it's working on safari browser. I had some issues, some of them resolved by this post. This happens with both HTTP and HTTPS URLs. Aug 9, 2019 · With the code below it leaves a blank white ugly bar at the bottom and I am stuck. Mar 22, 2018 · I'm trying to load a WKWebView but my simulator (iPhone 6 - iOS 10. If your WKWebView is not loading a webpage and rendering a blank screen in Swift, there could be various reasons for this issue. zipName?. How can I solve it? Thanks. mediaDevices not present in your browser. The key is to make sure that you dont receive a blank snapshot. I know that . May 7, 2019 · On application launch i am loading https://www. No errors are logged. appending(z I have a project that must upload data in background and keep data going even when the app is closed/terminated. There are two common ways to show local HTML in a web view. frameView. framework in Framework, library & embed content" - that shouldn't be the case normally. I'm not trying to display the HTML but submit it in the WKWebView. But after splash screen for 2-3 sec one white screen come and then load the web page. var url = NSURL(fileURLWith Apr 16, 2020 · I add wkwebview to load login page : override func loadView() { super. cam Jul 21, 2018 · WKwebview in swift. Apr 7, 2020 · I have a WKWebView as UIViewRepresentable in my SwiftUI application and it works initially. How To Fix WKWebView Load Request Return Blank Page Error. 3 Aug 24, 2017 · For now ive somehow managed to workaround the issue by refreshing the views upon screen rotation with viewWillTransition. When I use the SFSafariViewController, I get the full-screen browser. Page loads on the browser on my mac and iphone, Also it works on SFSafariViewController in my app. After spending some time in the app, and loading a number of resources, we experience a white screen, indicating that the process has crashed (crashlog here) . XCode logs: “WebContent process (0x150001200) took 1. May 27, 2023 · In addition, apple. I can see my web site on those simulators (iPhone 5 / iOS 8. But WKWebView only shows a white screen. After setup the project and run the code, i'm getting a blank page on the ios simulator. The problem is the WKWebView shows a white screen on iOS 13. When the screen is scrolled, the screen appears normally. When selecting Photo Library and going in and out of folders, at some point the screen just shows white blank space, with just the navigation bar on top and it's reproducable. import UIKit import WebKit class HomeViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate { var webView: WKWebView! Jun 22, 2020 · I was testing it until I came across the problem that the wkwebview doesn't support full screen on videos. When swiping, the game should work, but only the scrollbar (gray, on the right) reacts , while everything works well in safari May 19, 2022 · WKWebView not loading webpage - renders blank screen in Swift 1 WKWebView load request in device not working, but simulator is working Nov 22, 2018 · I recently started working on WKWebView and have minimum knowledge about it. I've tried using this code (below), but the webview does not load. Here's my code (works The problem is that the video will not show up at all within the webview, there is just a blank gap in the page where the video would be. verified on app setting. e. submit() to submit your HTML in a browser. UPDATE: So I removed all the unnecessary constraints and the layout seems to be fixed. com/" let url = NSURL(string: myBlog) 1. The console says it's loading and didFinish, but I can't see anything. loadView() let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration() webView = WKWebView(frame: . 3841 seconds to launch. plist but that didn't resolve the issue. " We have a native app that embeds WKWebView to display content. The docs suggest not overriding loadView at all when using a storyboard/xib If you use Interface Builder to create your views and initialize the view controller, you must not override this method. Even after adding Splash Screen & launch screen, I'm still getting the white splash before LOADING Webview URL. Oct 20, 2014 · For iOS 8 devices, I use a WKWebView. Jan 9, 2017 · But the official doc recommends using WKWebView instead. May 4, 2016 · I am trying to show a WKWebView over another view using the presentViewController method but only shows a white screen. Along with this html file i am downloading two js files, they are referenced inside the html file. The problem is that the WKWebView does not write back the cookies immediately. I implemented WKNavigationDelegate and found that it stops at func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void and it won't call func webView(_ webView Mar 31, 2019 · As content of WebView is bigger than the screen size so first we will get height and width of the content after that we will take a screenshot. The Apr 14, 2018 · And when I run it on an iPhone simulator, it looks nice. Jan 28, 2024 · I tried updating baseURL to Bundle. After splash screen redirect in WkWebViewController and open one url. import UIKit import WebKit class AboutViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate { var webView: WKWebView! Oct 26, 2022 · I have updated my device to iOS 16. navigationDelegate = self self. main. . class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandler { var webView: WKWebView! Apr 23, 2020 · Blank web views occur on iOS when a WKWebView fails or the OS kills the web view's content process. This what I got so far following the docs and XCode's autocomplete: This does not seem to be fixed on 10. Clicking advertisement would open another WKWebView in a new scene presented modally. hows. When I click on a link that opens a new tab nothing happens. size. with blank white screen showing up then I need to forcefully cancel to finish it. WKWebView not displaying website (Swift 4, iOS 11, Xcode 9. If I add a line view = webView at the end of May 13, 2020 · I'd like to open a browser that navigates to the url that is selected, but with some custom functionality. And you can set javaScriptEnabled to configuration: let preferences = WKPreferences() preferences. width, . It is the usual setup, if it is a small screen the menu is three horizontal lines, and if it is a large screen, is a navigationbar. May 13, 2018 · Interesting. I already added the Jan 6, 2015 · I am building a simple iOS app using SWIFT. Jun 21, 2018 · However, when I run my app in the simulator, the WKWebView does not appear: How can I fix this problem? Thanks. So I can do something like this: Apr 8, 2024 · Inference 1: When the WebView page address moves to ‘about:blank’ and stops. EDIT: This is the initialization of WKWebView Sep 9, 2022 · Videos are playing well in full screen and autoplay. market doesn't load a page because &quot;browser is not supported&quot;. Dec 23, 2020 · In Javascript you can build HTML and use $(formElement). Here is my code Oct 3, 2021 · 想定通りに動いてくれて良かった(認証が2回通ってるけど) SwiftUIでWKWebViewを使う. I want to remove this white screen or change the color of that screen. This is inefficient, and also far harder than it needs to be. Getting Blank Screen in WebView using Swift. var webView: WKWebView! webView = WKWebView() // Create a URL object with provided url. Right now the view of the AboutViewController consists of a background imageview and a button to dismiss the view. path historically being the default-chosen method; however, it seems that the latest versions of Swift have broken most, if not all, . com I see the background and the grey line on the top (navigation)). If you’re using SwiftUI, you’ll need to wrap the WKWebView in a SwiftUI view using the UIViewRepresentable protocol. Nov 26, 2021 · WKWebView not loading webpage - renders blank screen in Swift. but it doesn't work in webview. -> It is necessary to add a function that checks at certain times within the WebView you are using. Are there any solutions here? Perhaps there's a better solution to capture a WKWebView's content as an image than takeSnapshot, as it seems to have several strange edge cases where it fails. The webpage is loaded and I can navigate to other pages. zero, configuration: Oct 20, 2015 · you need to clear the old webpage and load the new one right, i have tried the below approach mentioned an the link and it has helped me Try setting the URL to about:blank and reload the page. uiDelegate = self. coordinator Jan 22, 2020 · With reference to This question for how to load links with blank target in WebView, I tried the given solution : func webView(_ webView: WKWebView!, createWebViewWith configuration: Jun 22, 2015 · But in the WKWebView running in simulator or device content of the iframe is not shown. Also I find it weird that you need to add "webkit. When I open a video, I get this message I thought I had to make the wkwebview a subview of the view, using this code. May 26, 2023 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. webView loadFileURL:tmpUrl allowingReadAccessToURL:directoryUrl]; Currently the webView will keep white screen for a long time, and once it shows content, all images were already downloaded. I can only see horizontal and vertical scrollers as if the webview was quite wide but empty. 24 WKWebView not loading webpage - renders blank screen in Swift. client`, and `com. It works, but I see only the background (and maybe an elements. I hit same domain with an image url and that worked fine but it has some issues with pdf files only. I have tried changing the "Allow Arbitrary Loads" to "YES" in info. Oct 1, 2020 · The view controller was implemented programmatically since its only hold WKWebView we switched it to storyboards; creating two instance one as WKWebView and one as WebView and use the WebView instance for iOS 11, 12 and WKWebView for iOS 13; changing the way we set the delegates from DidLoad into separated functions. mainFrame. Adding ´viewport-fit=cover´ works, but as stated above, I am looking for a solution in swift without chaning the webpage – Oct 17, 2017 · In new Swift no more (mainFrame) property in WKWebView, so how I can convert this to new Swift: NSPrintOperation(view: webView. I have added permission in plist file. com was working great until they added that video for the new Apple TV+ show, because it seems to scale to the height of your screen. Sometimes you’ll see folks add code to viewDidLoad() to create a web view then make it fill all available space. I want that new tab to open in safari or at least in a new wkwebview. May 3, 2020 · I have seen many many q/a on this topic including here, here and here. I believe I have tried every answer given. Oct 31, 2017 · Working with WKWebView is better to create it from code. WKWebView has associated functions to ensure full (rather than a blank screen until website page fully loads). Here is my code for wkweb view: Dec 3, 2020 · I'm trying to load a local web, but is not working, only a white screen is being displayed. 1. But when I run it on the Ipad simulator, the responsive design does not think it is a large screen. But when it comes to implementation in WebView / WKWebView. For this, I am using WKWebView. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. In general, I found that there were two ways that WKWebView could fail, manifesting as a blank white screen: The WebView rendering successfully, but iOS kills its WebContent process at some later point in time (i. autoresizingMask = [. WKWebView load request in device not working, but In ()override func loadView() { super. google. uiDelegate = context. And the height of this extra blank area is about the height of keyboard. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. My code for webpage is : Apr 29, 2021 · Swift uses WebKit & WKWebView to load an external website page into your app. 1 UIWebView suddenly calls about:blank as the first URL. Feb 20, 2023 · Hi all, I am getting an issue in calling a web view through use of WKWebView in my app. Aug 2, 2017 · My question: How do I check if a page in WKWebView has fully loaded in Xcode using Swift 3? This is my problem: Webpage 1: From this page I load Webpage 2 Webpage 2: I need to get html data from Mar 29, 2021 · First of all applicationNameForUserAgent probably isn't what you want since that gets appended to the end of the default user agent string. swift import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate {var webView: WKWebView! override func loadView {let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration webView = WKWebView (frame: . There is a 32bit/64bit marshalling IPC bug for 32 bit apps using the WKWebView client on such hardware. Sep 25, 2015 · Make sure your WKWebView frame is set to a positive height in viewDidLoad, because otherwise the webview has no height and does not seem to resize itself after loading: _webView =[[WKWebView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self. import WebKit Step : 2 Declare variable of webView. The bug causes the WebProcess to exit, leaving a blank screen. Sep 25, 2022 · I have swift 4 mobile app with WKWebView that renders html page (quite simple angular app). 0), but I can't see it on my iPod Touch (5th gen, running iOS 8. When the tap scanner button inside an iframe and it opens the camera to scan the document, after document uploaded to the server it will return to wkweb view but here wkweb view is not refreshed and showing a blank white screen. swift // import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController { var webView: WKWebView! So I'm updating my app to iOS 12 standards and I've come to the realisation that the function I use for webView's (webView [deprecated]). Also fetching data from local DB to display on the screen. I tried to implement the WKNavigationDelegate methods but I am failing as noth Cookies used (created) by the WKWebView are actually correctly stored in the NSHTTPCookieStorage. com. I found that all webviews will be completely blank after sometime and reload doesn't work. 3. renders blank screen in Swift. view. I'm developing a ios app to embed my website inside a webview. I have tried: WKWebView does not allow camera access in application Oct 20, 2020 · I have a wkWebView included in Table View Cell, that is self resizing and is filled via a pageable controller. print`, `com. _webView. view. lowercased() { let zipPath = ProjectPath. Stacktrace/Logcat "FlutterWebViewController - dealloc" "WebViewChannelDelegate - dealloc" "FindInteractionControl - dealloc" "PullToRefreshControl - dealloc" "InAppWebView Posted by u/crismercadog - 1 vote and no comments Jan 20, 2019 · Same approach as Glenn's answer - it still manually adjusts a height constraint on the WKWebView - but this approach avoids the DispatchQueue. please help Oct 14, 2016 · We have a native app that embeds WKWebView to display content. Can you please assist me on supporting full screen. But it is running completely fine most of the devices, including my iPhone 11. Dec 30, 2018 · Here are the functions and props inside my ViewController Class, webViewContainer is a just a View. 0 Why does web view crashes. We’ve made a number of Feb 7, 2024 · Expected behavior: - When I navigate to this screen, it should load the url and show the screen. com in WKWebView. It loads a single page app in WKWebView in the main view full screen. url are entirely different and have both worked in the past – . m as follows: - (void) May 16, 2023 · To open a WebView in iOS, you typically use the WKWebView class from the WebKit framework. html ] iOS : WKWebView no Mar 7, 2021 · I'm currently working on an authentication flow in Playground and loading the confirmation page using WKWebView. In the WKWebViews, links with the same domain that the WKWebView is currently on open successfully and show in the WKWebView. path solutions. It is not responding at all. But loadHTMLString works. width, self. It is not opening the link which I put in url request. Mar 31, 2015 · I am working on the following code and trying to show an activity indicator in the view whilst the page is loading. Jun 17, 2020 · So Apple has deprecated WebView in favor of WKWebView, but I'm not seeing a working solution for being able to export (or print) a PDF from the new view type. plist file. Jul 9, 2018 · I get a blank screen when I load the web page :( wkwebview; xcode9; Share. AFAIK webkit does not support SwiftUI as of the moment, so I need to embed AppKit UI in my SwiftUI app using NSViewRepresentable. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jun 5, 2020 · Import WebKit framework by adding below line to ViewController. I debugged with Safari and find that the WKWebView shows a page "about:blank" with an empty head and body tag as content. See example: import UIKit import PlaygroundSupport Jun 6, 2019 · I'm trying to build a MacOS app that can load websites and extract data from them using webviews, but I can't get webviews to load at all, either with remote content or with local content. Sometimes when I switch to another apps - camera, youtube etc and then I come back to my app - it has only background and nothing happens in it - it looks like it was crashed. But what ever i do, they are not loading in wkwebview @IBOutlet var webView: WKWebView! @IBOutlet var act: UIActivityIndicatorView! Feb 15, 2016 · Here is an iOS 11+ example for snapshotting the WKWebView without the need of any delays to render the content. Turns out it wasn't an issue with the constraints but how WKWebView render pages in safe areas. For iOS8 ~ iOS10 (Swift 3) As Dan Fabulish's answer states this is a bug of WKWebView which apparently is not being solved any time soon and as he said there is a work-around :) Nov 16, 2017 · It shows only white screen. ️ NEW EVENT Feb 11: "In love with OTel and observability. It just shows a blank ima May 13, 2020 · However, with the WKWebview it just shows as a blank screen with the alert WebRTC issue-! navigator. Now my live application is not responding to webview. It can be enabled and disabled depending on html string that is delivered or not. // WKWebView exist in WebKit package. var webView : WKWebView! Step : 3 Adding Delegate of WKNavigationDelegate Nov 3, 2017 · I use WKWebview to open a page with some <input type="file" /> in there. Unfortunately, it never reaches 100%. I'm trying to do the same in Swift but get a blank screen. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem: Jan 6, 2015 · When the main view goes blank, it disappears from the Safari inspector and webView. I have used WKWebView and tried to load URLS. What happened? I test this using iOS 11. WKWebView does not appear in a custom UIView. addSubview(webView) I tried it and it still show the image above. nqydizo xflr qryh jqnuu sgtv ozjvep lcec ckoxd ovj opgem