Our Mission

Mission Statement:
To improve the quality of life for PLWALS (People Living with ALS) and CLWALS (Caretakers Living with ALS) today by providing accessibility to art, music, and technology that makes daily life with ALS a little bit sweeter.

The Mission and Beyond:
Art inspires, music transports, and great tech makes big dreams possible. The Scott Craig Foundation was founded on the premise that every moment of life is precious and should be lived to fullest. Through sharing experiences with art, music and technology, the Scott Craig Foundation hopes to empower all PLWALS to find their sweet life.


Through the power of artistic expression, PLWALS can not only find freedom to tell their story, but also find inspiration in the work of others. This foundation exists to help People Living With ALS and Caregivers Living With ALS remember that when they create, they inspire. When they stop to share their experience through the medium of art, they breathe life into something precious and lasting. Art transcends, lifts the soul. Art inspires.


"I think music in itself is healing,” American musician Billy Joel once said. “It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” Various studies have shown that listening to music releases dopamine which helps manage pain, relieve stress, bring back memories, and relax tension. Music is a bridge to both hope and healing.  The Scott Craig Foundation is committed to helping PLWALS and CLWALS create musical bridges for others and to celebrate the music that has brought us this far.


"Technology is the cure until something better comes along." ~ Steve Gleason

A few hundred miles in a Permobil F5VS wheelchair and the power of the Scott Craig Foundation's mission statement emphasis on technology becomes crystal clear. It is possible to live a rich life living with ALS, but the right gear is essential. Re-evaluating and reinventing the way you move, see, and interact with the world is everything, and together we want to push the boundaries of what is possible. Through the resources the Scott Craig Foundation has painstakingly collected and field tested, our mission is to provide a technological roadmap to go even further in the fight against ALS and in living the sweet life.


Let's stay in touch!

Join with us as we share life, encourage one another, and fight to make life a little sweeter. We won't ever share your info, and we won't fill up your inbox!


All proceeds from donations and art purchases go directly to fund the services and mission of the Scott Craig ALS Foundation.

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Please make checks payable to "Scott Craig ALS Foundation".

Your donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: $500.00